Finding what’s pleasing to Christ

  • QIC: Chicken Hawk
  • When: 2/13/17
  • Pax: Cotton Eye, TPS, Assassin, Change Order, Straight Up, Librarian, Spitz, Tesh
  • Posted In: The Armory

9 men posted this morning to encourage and make each other better!  The wind was whipping but the temperatures were warm so the chatter was ‘a plenty.  Spitz joined us and took the chatter below the belt which will give us reminders that some may want to forget.


  • This month we are talking about being intentional.  A verse that comes to mind is Ephesians 5:10, “Figure out what will please Christ, and then do it.”  Do you know what is pleasing to Christ? Vs those things that don’t please him?
  • What is pleasing to Christ?  How about being in prayer, life group doing life with a group, being in his word?  Why does he need you doing these things?  He needs us to be a model for other non-believers to look at and he will do the rest in changing their heart and/or encouraging them through you.

Slow warm up mosey around the parking lot then back to the starting position.

COP – SSH, Hillbilly walkers, merkins, stretches

Four square (starfish) with pass throughs and 10 overhead squats at center, pass throughs to next corner

 – 20 kb arm merkins

 – 20 high pulls

 – 20 plank rows

 – 20 curls

Take  a break with some suicides x 2 rounds

Round two with duck walk with weights overhead with 5 burpee in middle

 – 20 arm extensions

 – 20 1 arm shoulder press

 – 20 big Os

 – 20 verticals chest press

Mosey to Knee wall – partner up – while partner runs lap around wall x 2

 – kb derkins 

 – skull crushers

End with 2 minutes with Mary.

Honored to serve and humbled to serve.


TClap |

Déjà Vu

  • QIC: Gridlock
  • When: 1/30/2017
  • Pax: Assassin, McGruff, Tesh, Spitz, Lugnut, The Librarian, TPS, Handy Manny, Change Order, Decibel, Car Bomb, Trucker
  • Posted In: The Armory, The Fort

We had 13 out at Armory this chilly AM. 3 of which rucked a few miles beforehand.

The first thing the PAX may have noticed; this workout seems a little familiar. YHC admits theft from Trucker and Deacon.  Thanks guys. Very little creativity this morning.

Warm Up:
SSHs (16x), Imperial Walkers (16x), Slow Sumo Squats (16x), Wind Mills (16x).

Real slow mosey/walk to the middle parking lot.

The Thang:
YHC had the PAX pair up (better to be in pain with another).
In 8 different parking spots two exercises were written in chalk.
Each PAX started at various parking spots.

The goal: Complete the two exercises, run a lap around church parking lot, then move onto the next exercise. As you can see, 16 was the magic number.

  1. 16 Squats w/ kettlebell over head  /  8 Curls each arm
  2. 8 Figure 8’s both directions  /  16 Kettlebell Swings
  3. 16 Skull Crushers  /  8 Kettlebell Merkins each arm
  4. 16 Upright Rows  /  8 each direction Around the World
  5. 16 LBC with kettlebell  /  8 Travolta’s each arm
  6. 8 Shoulder Presses each arm  /  8 Lawn Mowers each arm
  7. 16 Triceps Extensions  /   8 Halos both directions
  8. 8 Lawn Mowers both arms  /  8 Bent Rows each arm (what the heck is this????)

Rinse and repeat as many times as needed! We all got around 1.5 times through the parking spots.

Circle of Trust
Announcements:  Check the weekly newsletter

Prayers & Praises
Welcome to Car Bombs new little girl!

I think it safe to say, many of us are so caught up in our own fast moving selfish lives, we don’t leave much room to “join-in-life” with others. Here are a few questions to ponder:

  1. How often do we step out of our comfort zones to build new relationships?
  2. Better yet, how “deep” do we allow those relationships to go?
  3. Do we share in the lives of others enough to care about what they are going through?

You see, it is pretty easy to lack empathy for others if you don’t know them. Over the last month I’ve realized this is an area of my life that needs a lot of work. I am guessing I am not the only one.

Challenge:  As we end this month of focus on “empathy”, think about a new relationship you can form. It may bring you out of your comfort zone. Heck, you might even be turned down.

But, you never know, this new relationship may be with an individual you can empathize with when they go through one of life’s trials.

God has designed us so that we must have relationships to grow into all that
He desires us to be.

Last questions:  Who will come beside you when your world falls apart? Will anyone know you well enough to empathize with your situation and encourage you despite the outcome. These times will come. Don’t go through them alone. 1 Samuel 23:16-18

It was a pleasure leading this chilly morning! Aye.

TClap |


  • QIC: Deacon
  • When: 1/23/17
  • Pax: Assassin, McGruff, Tesh, Grid Lock, Spitz, Fire Marshall Bill, The Librarian, Deacon, Cotton Eye, Handy Manny, Change Order, Decibel, Chircken Hawk
  • Posted In: The Armory, The Fort

13 Pax posted and didn’t care about the rainy forecast. We got our kettle bells and put in work. Slow counts on everything helped with better form and chatter. Excellent job by the #HIMs.


SSHs (20x), IWs (20x),Mountain Climbers (20x), Slow Sumo Squats (15x), WMs (15x), Peter Parkers (15x)


Circuit 1:Upright Rows (7x), Floor presses (7x/Side), Chest Press, American Hammers, Lawn Mowers (10x/Side OYO), Crushing Halos (10x/Side OYO), Squats (10x)

Circuit 2: Overhead Squats (7x), Bent Rows (7x/Side), Curls (7x/Side), Around The World (10x/Side OYO), Squats (10x)

Circuit 3:Goblet Squats (7x), Kettlebell Holds, Travolta’s (10x/Side), Tricep Extensions (20 OYO), Figure 8’s (8x/side OYO), Squats (10x)

Circuit 4: Saxxon Press (7x), Oblique Press (7x/Side), Kettlebell Swings (10x OYO), Ribbons (10x/Side OYO), Squats (10x)


AB Lab: Hill Billy Walkers (20x), Burpees (20x), Ski Abs (20x), Parker Peters (20x)



How often do we stop and wholeheartedly listen to others’ point of view?

The act of listening helps you understand other people’s pain in their story. Godly men listen and have a “your pain is my pain” mentality so they shoulder others’ burdens.

Galatians 6:2 says “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”

Step out of the bubble. #Empathy.




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Hands froze to Kettlebell

  • QIC: Trucker
  • When: 01/09/17
  • Pax: Tesh, Alpine, Handi-manny, TPS, Javier, Peabody, Change Order, Assassin, Senator Tressel, Trucker
  • Posted In: The Armory

10 PAX braved the single digits this morning to warm themselves up with kettlebells. YHC intent was to keep everyone moving so their hands wouldn’t freeze to the kettlebells. The thang:

YHC found some chalk at home and wrote an exercise in 14 parking stalls. Each PAX started at various parking stalls, completed the exercise, then ran a lap around church parking lot, then moved onto the next exercise.

25 squats
15/15 side reaching abs
10/10 curls
10/10 shoulder presses
15 KB swings
25 skull crushers
10/10 side lunges
25 LBCs
15 upright rows
10/10 merkins
10/10 one-arm rows
20 chest press
20 standing Russian twists
15 lat pull overs with chest press

Appreciate the PAX for coming out and keeping warm.

Joe Davis is postponed till this Saturday.


TClap |

It wasn’t THAT wet and chilly

  • QIC: Assassin
  • When: 12/05/16
  • Pax: Change Order, The Librarian, Tesh, TPS, Assassin
  • Posted In: The Armory

5 posted for a wet and chilly morning, or at least that what MOST of the usual Monday Armory Pax thought who fartsacked! It turned out to be very moderately cold weather with no rain and very few “on your six’s” just to be safe, but that mean more runningggggg……

The Thang:

10-Imperial Walkers
10-Sumo Squats
Good Morning Stretch


Carolina-dry docks

Mosey over to the low wall with bells for some pain circuits.

Circuit 1 (Lap between exercises)
10 Dips with bell
10 Skull crushers
10 Lawnmower pulls each arm
Circuit 2 (Lap between exercises)
10 Curls each arm
20 K-Bell swings
10 Deadlifts
Circuit 3 (Lap between exercises)
10 Figure 8’s
10 Round the world
10 Shoulder Press

Partner Up

Partner 1 runs with Bell
Partner 2 meets him and takes bell
(This was fun)


Then back to circuits

Circuit 1 (No laps!)
10 Dips with bell
10 Skull crushers
10 Lawnmower pulls each arm
Circuit 2
10 Curls each arm
20 K-Bell swings
10 Deadlifts
Circuit 3
10 Figure 8’s
10 Round the world
10 Shoulder Press

Shoulder Presses
Step Ups – Left and right legs
10 – Figure 8’s
10 – Lunge press
10 – Kettlebell press on back
10 – Round the Worlds
10 – Deadlifts
Mosey back to COT for some wind-down:
10-Imperial Walkers
10-Sumo Squats
Good Morning Stretch

Prayers for Olaf and his bride —
Prayers for daughters going thru “stuff” and drama” to seek first the Lord’s will for their lives.
Prayers the we bring HOPE to someone in need this season.


TClap |

Simple And to the Point. Armory.

  • QIC: Backdraft
  • When: 11/28/2016
  • Pax: Ginsu, Bass a Matic, Gridlock, TPS, Tesh, Zimmern, The Librarian, Geronimo, Bounce House, Lug Nut, Change Order, Spitz, Trucker, Backdraft.
  • Posted In: The Armory

Today started better than expected. Woke up just prior to my alarm going off. Was ready and motivated to Q at the Armory. Since temps have started falling YHC was unsure of the amount of PAXs that may attend this awesome AO. The closer and closer to the go time it got the more and more exited the warmth of the cars and we got this thing started.

First off Disclaimer. I nor F3 are responsible for what may happen to you.

Second lets mosey to get warmed up. While moseying we threw in some butt kickers, karaoke facing church, karaoke away from church, high knees, shuffle right and shuffle left.

Circle up. SSH x10, windmills x 10, IW’s X 10, CDD x 10, parker peters x 10, mountain climbers x 10

Now let the fun begin… Grab your bell.

We completed the next group of sets performing the first exercise doing 25 reps than the second doing 5. than 20 and 10, than 15 and 15, 10 and 20, 5 and 25. Ab work was performed when all sets were completed before the next two exercises were started.

  1. Kettlebell Squats/ Merkins
  2. KB Swings/ Skull Crushers
  3. Left arm curl/ right arm curl
  4. military press/ lunge with right leg going forward
  5. chest press/ lunge with left leg going forward

In-between the abs were worked doing the following. LBC’s, Grave diggers right side, grave diggers left side, flutter kicks, and Freddie mercury’s.

That was all.

Quick talk about what the monthly word meant to Spitz.

announcements, praises and prayers.

Backdraft out…


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Supermoon! (We didn’t see it)

  • QIC: Assassin
  • When: 11/14/16
  • Pax: Cheddah, The Librarian, Spitz, Lugnut, Change Order, McGruff, Cotton Eye, Trucker, Handy Manny, Tesh, Assassin.
  • Posted In: The Armory

11 present in the gloom for dampness. We didn’t see the Supermoon, unfortunately, but Change Order offered his own supermoon before we left. We passed on that.

Leg stretch left

Leg stretch right


Carolina dry docks

Tunnel touches to plank and back

SS Hop

Take a lap

Bells to the small wall for:

Plank on wall for lawnmowers — left then right

Triceps while seated

Over head press — left then right

Kettlebell swings







Figure 8’s

Lunge press

Kettlebell press on back

Slingshot (hold bell out front and pass it around)



Mosey to COT area for:

Partner runs with bell to island, leave bell, partner picks it up when he gets to the island, keep going …

Repeat a few times until tired

Finished with some mary and the world famous Peter Pointers (W/ bell)


I was thankful for an opportunity to serve in the Mullins SC area with flood cleanup, and VERY appreciative of some PAX who came though with ca$h donations!

A pleasure to lead as always.

TClap |

Halloween Scream at the Armory

  • QIC: Chicken Hawk
  • When: 10/31/16
  • Pax: Deacon, Assassin, Bonsai, Package, Couples, Destiny, Lug Nut, Librarian, Spitz, Hanny Manny, Cotton Eye, Tesh
  • Posted In: The Armory

13 Men enjoyed (or not) some partner work helping to sharpen each other.  Thank you to the PAX for the opportunity to lead the pax through this unprofessional hack of a trainer.  The weather was warm but the chatter was even hotter.  AYE!


Margin:  Margin is this dimension of time that is available after the requirements of life.  The question is are you aware of how you are investing your margin?  Are you aware of Where are you squandering your Margin?

Are you spending your margin on your own pleasures?  Or Are you investing your margin to improve your marriage, to prepare for the next chapter in parenting or in your relationship with God?


 – SSH

 – Seal Claps

 – Merkins

 – Hill Billy Walkers

 – Mountain Climbers




  • Bear crawl while partner holds weight in front of them in wall sit x2
  • Bear crawl while partner is in handstand x2
  • Bear crawl while partner holds weight over head in wall sit x2


  • Thruster step ups while partner bear crawls up and down steps x2
  • Dips with weight while partner side shuffles in parking lot to edge of building and back while doing chest press with weight 
  • 20 Derkins while partner does squats with weight

Mary on the curb… 3 minutes worth… my favorite

Mosey to Parking lot for Dora 1-1-1

While partner does suicide sprints w/o weight

  • 100 high pulls
  • 100 plank rows
  • 100 Lat extensions


Enjoy your Halloween night brothers!

TClap |

Define Work

  • QIC: Tesh
  • When: 10/24/16
  • Pax: Assassin, Drop Thrill, Lug Nut, Chicken Hawk, Deacon, Geronimo, Zimmern, Barry Manilow, Cottoneye, River Rat, Handy Manny, Change Order, Anchorman, Mcgruff, Spitz, Carbomb, Tesh
  • Posted In: The Armory

I am a soft-spoken individual, so I quickly dispense with the disclaimer.


SSH x25
IW x25
Windmill x25
Tutorial of a sit-up jump (Start flat on back, bell over your head, heals at your 6.  Swing weight overhead and use momentum to propel you forward to a squat position. Then jump with bell held at chest.)
Sit-up jump x5
Burpee x5
Lap (~250m)

The Thang

Grab a partner to share burden of completing:
100 Tricep extension, 200 Swings, 300 Cake bosses (calf raises)

Physics lesson of why burpees (and sit-up jumps) suck:
Work is defined as Force * Distance.  The greatest force we have is Gravity acting on our Mass.   The greatest distance we can achieve is taking our center of gravity from the lowest point to the highest point possible.  Therefore, the most work you can with your body is a burpee… (Nerd tangent: what you do with your body after the jump is irrelevant, so picking your feet up wont matter.  Your center of mass relative to your body will go up, but the height of center of mass at the top of the jump will be the same.  So make sure your arms are extended before your jump.)
Burpee x5
Sit-up jump x5

Around the world x10 Opposite x10
Figure 8 x10, opposite x10

I enjoy coming to F3 even though it is hard work.  I believe you exercise a part of the mind that is determination when you do hard work.  Working hard at something you enjoy makes working hard at something you’re required to a little bit easier.
Burpee x5
Sit-up jump x5

Curls x10 each arm
Clean Jerk x10 each arm

Mumble something encouraging… not really, you know what’s coming.
Burpee x5
Sit-up jump x5


American Hammer x25

Naked Moleskin

A couple PAX with new (possible) opportunities to be HIM in the workplace.  Please bring these men clarity in the areas of growth that is needed.  Keep the Olive family in prayers as they go though an exciting but unstable time.  Prayers to all that was unspoken, because speaking openly in front of 16 gentlemen is not an easy task.  Tclaps to Anchorman for taking us out.

TClap |

Everything is bigger in Texas Style

  • QIC: Trucker
  • When: 10/17/16
  • Pax: Couples, Assassin, Tesh, Maximus, Anchorman, McGrufe, Change Order, Geronimo, Short Sale, Trucker, Bear Gryllis, Destiny, Bonsai, Bullwinkle
  • Posted In: The Armory

It’s amazing to see what F3 has not only done for me, but the Fort region. This is not only the case with the growth of the PAX and AO’s, but the type of AO’s as well. We first started with only bootcamp AO’s, then a running AO here or there, then a kettlebell AO here and there, then ruck AO’s. I never would have believed that I’d not only take the blue pill for bootcamp workouts, but for running as well. KB was right up my alley prior to finding F3, but then I hear about PAX throwing on 30lb backpacks. So as I traveled back from a weekend of brewery tours and a Longhorn football game, I kept coming back to an idea of trying to incorporate all 4 types of AO’s into one workout. Visiting Austin, TX for the first time and seeing how the city and state embrace their trademark “Everything is bigger in Texas” I had to incorporate all 4 AO types into one workout to embrace their trademark. So the weinke started to be developed on the plane ride home.
The Texas size weinke went like this:
Windmills x10
Slow low squats x10
IW x 10
Russian twists x 20
Hamstring stretches
SSH x 20
Partner up: partner 1 took both KB and started running to other end of church parking lot, while partner 2 did 5 merkins then chased down partner 1, tag partner 1 and take KB and start running while partner 2 does 5 merkings, and so forth till you reach other end of parking lot. In ruck terms this is “Catch me if you can” – and fulfilled the running….
Then as for a KB, I introduced Jack Webb’s Texas cousin, Jack Bell. 1 upright row to 4 squats – up to 10
Flutters with chest press x20
Skull crushers x20
Rinse and repeat “Catch me if you can” back to starting point at COT.
Then I introduced the other Texas cousin, Kettle Webb. 1 shoulder press to 4 two-handed curls. We only made it to 7….for now.
10 KB single right arm swings, 10 single left arm swings
LBC x20 with KB
Helo-Dolly with KB x20
Rinse and repeat with catch me if you can with Big boy situps with KB x10 at end of parking lot
Finish up with Rosealitta with KB x20
Chest press x20
The remaining Jack Bell from 8-10.
Flutters with KB
What a great group of PAX who stuck with this Texas size workout. We all pushed through it. As I continue to be blessed with the opportunities to not only travel abroad, but within this great country of ours, I continue to learn and appreciate with the Sky Q has created for us. It should not be forgotten that even in our great country, with all this internal bickering and protests, and racial tension, we need to step back and look around at what we have here. We were founded as a nation for prosperity no matter where you came from and what ethic background; the land of the FREE. I’m always amazed and joyful for the many different cultures, sights and sounds of what this country has to offer.
Prayers to Bonsai aunt for fighting through breast cancer a second time, for Change Orders upcoming job change, and for those serving this great country! Read your newsletter!!
One more thing, Austin breweries were great, especially Zilker and Jester King, but nothing beats our good ol’ greater Charlotte breweries. Ours are just as big as theirs.
Trucker, Over and Out

TClap |