Too Sexy for the Kettlebell

  • QIC: Decibel
  • When: June 30, 2014
  • Pax: Senator Tressel, Trucker, Cake Boss, Boy Band, Chicken Hawk, El Presidente (FNG), Tatanka, Flacco, Gridlock
  • Posted In: The Armory

Ten Men arrived for a Kettle bell beat down and got some great tunes from Cake Boss’ play list.

14 Men came for a Kettle Bell Beat Down.

Warm up Lap

One Minute on 20 Seconds Off


Chest to Back Pullover

Two Handed Curl/Preacher Curl

Goblet Squat


Mosey to Station 1

KB Merkin

Figure 8

Back Lunge with pass through

Toe Taps


Mosey to Station 2


Upright Row

Dead Lift

KB Burpees


Mosey to Wall

Squat Curls

Shoulder Press

Stairway Wheel barrow



Mosey to Station 4

Chest Press

Curtsy Squat

Skull Crushers

Reverse Bridge Leg up and Thrust


Mosey to Origination point

Russian Twist

LBC with KB

Get Halfway Up

Plank Row


Big thanks to Cake Boss for providing the tunes.  Too sexy was a big hit.

Prayer for Gridlocks family on the loss of his father

Prayer for CSPANs daughters surgery




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The Armory – Breath In…..Breath Out….cough, cough, cough…Ahhh!

  • When: 06/23/14
  • Pax: CSPAN, Deacon, Backdraft, Ghost Rider, Chicken Hawk, Boy Band, Cake Boss
  • Posted In: The Armory

7 men showed up at The Armory to a newly sealed asphalt parking lot. 30 mins into the workout us 7 geniuses realized, “Hey, maybe we should move and get off this toxic stuff we are breathing in???”

So we were still able to get a beat down in, regardless of the toxins, audible on Q’s and men MIA due to vacations and other. Fearless leader CSPAN got us started and we all contributed to a solid pain arama!

The Thang:

SSH, IW, Mtn Climber, Merkins, Peter Parkers, Parker Peters, 6 Inches (10 count)

Lunge walk, bunny hops, backward bunny hops, jog, side shuffle, karaoke, sprint, backward run

Round the Horn with KB exercises, 10-15-20 reps mixed in:

Curls, Tri Extensions, High Pull Row, Plank Row, Russian Twist, mosey to wall, Step Up, Derkins, Dips, One Legged Squats, One arm pushups, Box jumps, LBC’s, Lap around lot back to KB’s, LKB Swing, LBC’s, KB press, KB Skull Crusher, Leg lifts, KB Push up, KB Suicide run

Round the horn ab lab, 10 reps each:

Hello Dolly, Rosalita, Hi/Lo Flutter, Freddys, ankle touches, flutter kicks, Heals to heaven, Russian twists.

Probably had some other excurses in there, but I’m getting old and losing my monkey!

Great morning and great group. Had fun out there but still good workout to start the week.

Prayers for Greenwave and family, Deacon’s cousin, Boy Band’s family recovering from accident, all PAX and prayers lifted up.


This Friday – Slow Burn workout at Chick filet parking lot (meet in back) 5:15 Hard Drive QIC

7/17 – The Ranch (Colts and Mustangs) at Springfield middle school Qs needed! Contact Cake Boss

7/26 – Rock Hill Convergence – All workouts from The Fort encouraged to attend Rock Hill that Saturday.

Peace to all and may God bless your week, family and all you do.

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Pebbles takes The Q @ #TheArmory

  • QIC: Pebbles
  • When: 06/16/14
  • Pax: Greenwave, Gridlock, Thriller, Boyband, Chickenhawk, CSPAN, Cake Boss, Tatanka, McGruff, Highlife, & Decibel.
  • Posted In: The Armory

Pebbles is a man of few words, and is known for his fast paced workouts. He did not disappoint a lively crowd on a humid Monday morning at FHC high quality pavement.

Summary posted for Pebbles:

Warm Up



Side Straddle Hops

KB Push ups


The Gloom

2 Rounds of Tabata – Work 20 sec, Rest 10 sec 8 periods of work per round

Curls for the Girls

Partner Complex One:

Step ups



Partner Stair Carry

KB Relay

Kettle Bell Suicides

Ab Lab

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The Armory – Don’t bend your knees!!

  • QIC: Cake Boss
  • When: 06/02/14
  • Pax: Tatonka, Maximus, C-SPAN, Decibel, Senator Tressel, McGruff, Backdraft, Gridlock, Green Wave, FNG - Ghost Rider, Chicken Hawk, Boy Band, Cake Boss
  • Posted In: The Armory


Kettle bells 06/02/14 – 13 manly men came to pump some iron, but we added a little cardio to the mix. The Armory is a mixed bag of workouts and gets interested each week. We tried this week to perform the Two hand Kettlebell swing without bending knees and keeping back straight. Well, we got it half right. Come see how we do next week for some good old fashion fun!

Jog to lot entrance

  1. Lunge walk
  2. Side straddle
  3. Swap side straddle
  4. Karaoke
  5. Sprint to front of church
  6. Partner wheel barrow upp steps X 2
  7. Mosey to wall
  8. Dips in cadence x 20
  9. Sprint to COP

Each exercise 1 min:

1. Two-Handed Kettlebell Swing

2. Two-Arm Kettlebell Row

3. Figure-8

4. Kettlebell High Pull

Jog to lot entrance

  1. Lunge walk
  2. Side straddle
  3. Swap side straddle
  4. Karaoke
  5. Sprint to front of church
  6. Partner wheel barrow upp steps X 2
  7. Mosey to wall
  8. Dips in cadence x 20
  9. Sprint to COP

Each exercise 1 min:

1. Kettlebell Front goblet Squat

2. Lunge Press

3. Sumo High-Pull

4. Russian Twist

Jog to lot entrance

  1. Lunge walk
  2. Side straddle
  3. Swap side straddle
  4. Karaoke
  5. Sprint to front of church
  6. Partner wheel barrow upp steps X 2
  7. Mosey to wall
  8. Dips in cadence x 10
  9. Sprint to COP

1. Merkins

2. Halo

3. Tris

4. Bis


LBC’s X 20

Dying Cock Roach x 15

SSH x20


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The Fort = CSAUPx2 = #TheArmoryF3 & #MemorialDayMurph

  • QIC: CSPAN & Audit
  • When: 05/26/2014
  • Pax: The Fort's Lt. Michael Murphy Tribute: 1-Niner, Audit, Back Draft, Beacon, Bounty Hunter, Cake Boss, Chicken Hawk, Convoy, CSPAN, Freebird, Iron Horse, Jeckle, Maximus, Rooney, Tatanka, Trucker, White Lightning, WWL. The Fort #TheArmoryF3: 1-Niner, Audit, Back Draft, Boy Band, Cake Boss, Chicken Hawk, CSPAN, Deacon, Freebird, Fun House, Iron Horse, Maximus, McGruff, Senator, Tatanka, Trucker, White Lightning.
  • Posted In: The Armory

The Fort 0515 Memorial Day started with Church turning the parking lot lights off as 18 strong stood at a moment of silence to remember that freedom did not come without many paying the ultimate sacrifice to defend our freedom.


This morning was a random variety of exercises, few planks, kettle bell lifts, a short run to the wall, dips, step ups, derkins, relay races, bear crawls, couple of laps, and the normal high quality mumbles that makes The Armory legendary.

COP/Mary/Dealers Choice X 10 around the circle once, and a few superstars offered up extra credits.

A quick prayer and PAX dismissed to travel to WEP.

We picked up a couple from Flight Plan and WWL was our mileage master as he trained for Asheville.

Audit on Q for Murph:

1.2 mile run

100 pullups

200 pushups

300 squats

1.2 mile run

ABLAB until everyone finished

Convoy = Lead us in The Pledge of Allegiance.

Quick prayer and a reminder that freedom is not free.

What will you be remember for? make an impact, and leave your legacy.


CSPAN over and out



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Pre-Memorial Day Warm Up (t minus 1 week)

  • QIC: Chicken Hawk
  • When: 05/19/2014
  • Pax: Cake Boss, Sea Ray, Green Wave, Decible, Pebbles, McGruff, Grid Lock, Boy Band,
  • Posted In: The Armory

 Nine men posted at the Armory on a nice cool morning where we worked our way around the grounds and had a total body work out.  Nobody was screaming other than Sea Ray when were got to the leg portion of the work out.  Nothin but laughing and tears of joy!

Warm-up in COP

  • Lap around the parking lot
  • 15 – SSH
  • 15 – Toy Soldiers
  • 15 – Imperial Walkers
  • 20 – Mountain Climbers

The Thang:  2 sets each @ following reps 20/15 – Run after each exercise routine


  • Shoulder Clean and Press (10 / 7 each arm)
  • High Pull
  • KBS


  • Thrusters
  • Lunge Pass Through
  • Squats


  • Bicep Curls (15 repeat)
  • Tricep extensions
  • Halo (10 left, 10 right)


  • One arm Merkins on KB (10/7 each arm)
  • KB Floor Press
  • KB Skull Crushers


  • Windmills
  • Russian Twist
  • Plank Rows (10/7 each arm)


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The Armory – Cinco De Mayo celebration of PAIN!

  • QIC: Cake Boss
  • When: 05/05/14
  • Pax: Tatonka, Carbomb, Highlife, Green Wave, FNG-Truss, Chicken Hawk, Senator Tressel, McGruff, Cake Boss
  • Posted In: The Armory

Its Cinco De Mayo and time to do the mexican hat dance with a Kettle Bell in hand.

10 PAX showes 9 completed the dance. I sure hope that FNG comes back….me siento!!



Warm up jog

Stop at wall for dips and step ups

Continue Jog to COP



Peter Parkers

Exercises 1 minute each

Kettle bell Swing

Kettle bell row R/L

Figure 8

Squat with Upright row

Mosey to front of Church Steps

Russian Twist

Goblet Squat

Partner Little Baby Jesus Wheel Barrows up steps x2

Lunge Press

Mosey to Front of parking lot

Plank Row


Tri Extentions

Bicep Curls

Mosey to Funeral Home Wall

Peoples Chair with Kettle bell

B’s to the wall.

Peoples Chair with Kettle bell

Mosey to Island

Partner Sprints

#1 Spint with KB and leave at top Sprint Back

#2 LBC’s


3 rounds


Great crowd at The Armory today. Good work and fellowship as some of our brothers took a field trip to the Muthaship. FNG – Truss did a fantastic job and we are hoping our other FNG comes back when he is feeling better.

See you in the Gloom!

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Pre-Blast: F3 @ The Fort Introduces “SPARK” Children’s Attention Home events

firework pic

The Fort is launching our inaugural community service event where we will be locking shields with the Children’s Attention Home (CAH) of Rock Hill to help have a positive impact on children that have been rescued from abusive or homes of neglect (  The men of The Fort have an opportunity to create a SPARK in the lives of these children to help them break a cycle of abuse and neglect.  SPARK events will be organized periodically throughout the year to allow the men of F3 to give back to the community as a collective group through organized events that engage the children in fun athletic types of activities.  First, what is SPARK?

S – Serving

P – Partnering with

A – And

R – Rebuilding

K – Kids

Event details – 

When: Saturday June 14, 2014, 9:30 launch

Where: F3 The Fort (WEP) Walter Elijah Park

What is it: Organized “field day” type events to engage the children in fun and fellowship together with the children of CAH, Ms and 2.0s.

Estimated completion time: approx. 2 hrs (by 0930 – 1130)

Logistics: Pax will meet at WEP (aka The Fort) at 0900 to be briefed on the events and special considerations when working with the kids

More info: Beverages and light snacks will be organized by Cake Boss for the Pax to provide.  CAH has 42 kids ages 2 – 17 so activities will be organized based on age. The day will wrap up with a devotional for the children. WEAR your F3 shirts if you have them.  If you don’t have them then buy one!

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Kettle Bell Beat Down (with a little yoga)

14 men woke up from the Easter candy fog for a beat down.  Everyone did a great job adapting to the new exercises.

14 Men came for a Kettle Bell Beat Down.

Warm up Lap

One Minute on 20 Seconds Off


Chest to Back Pullover

Two Handed Curl/Preacher Curl

Goblet Squat


Mosey to Station 1

KB Merkin

Figure 8 with a twist

Back Lunge with pass through

Toe Taps


Mosey to Station 2


Upright Row

Figure 8

KB Burpees


Mosey to Wall

Squat Curls

Shoulder Press

Dead Lift



Mosey to Station 4

Chest Press

Curtsy Squat

Skull Crushers

Reverse Bridge Leg up and Thrust (Fan Favorite)


Mosey to Origination point

Russian Twist

LBC with KB

Get Halfway Up

Plank Rows


Partner up and do a KB Relay

A lot of unique exercises were brought out today.  None seemed to please the crowd as much as the Reverse Bridge Leg Up Thruster.  It may classify as a Yoga move as Cake Boss called it.  Maybe next time the PAX with make it the full minute.


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4 Weatherproof Fort Mill Kettlebell Warriors


The Thang:

Warm-Up 10-15min

Imperial Walkers

Side Strattle Hops





KB Deadlift –


Two Handed KB swing (2 min x 3)

One Handed KB swing (1 min x 3)


KB Merkin

KB High pulls

KB Goblet Squat

KB Over Head Press

Repeat 3x

KB Goblet Lunge/ Break Away Sprint

Repeat 3x

KB Goblet Bunny Hop/

Break Away Sprint Repeat 3x

KB Team Relay Race


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