Cereal Drive Challenge


The Fort PAX,

Back in the late Fall we did a Food Drive for the Ft Mill Care center. The PAX collected just over 200lbs of food to be donated to the center. Well Done!

We are now going to ask you…..no I Challenge you to step up again in this way.

It will not be a long drawn out food drive, but a precise strategic special operations maneuver just right for men to accomplish.



Beneficiary: The Children’s Attention Home (Home for abused and Neglected kids)

  • The home houses, feeds, clothes and educates 42 kids
  • Kids eat….a lot!
  • They love cereal and not the yucky kind. Seriously…they specifically asked for the Good Stuff we all loved as kids.


  •  What: Each man to bring 5 boxes of cereal with goal of 250 plus from the PAX (See Challenge)
  • Where: Bring to any workout and turn in to the “Who” pax members
  • When: Now through Saturday April 12, (4/2-4/12)
  • Why: First step in building relationship with Children’s Attention Home
  • Who: Chicken Hawk, Senator Tressel, Cake Boss will collect items

The Challenge:

  • PAX goal is 250 boxes collected (approximately 4 boxes per man)
  • For every box short of 250 the PAX will do 1 burpee
    • For math majors 200 boxes collected – 250 goal = 50 burpees
    • Better 251 plus collects – 250 goal = HAPPY KIDS AND HAPPY PAX!!
    • Peer Pressure is encouraged!


Let’s get it done!!


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How many times are we going to do curls? What are ZUBAZ?

10 PAX posted at The Armory for a muscle bound social club by CSPAN. The discussion got sideways with Cable Guy fumes and pajama workout pants from 1990 (Zubaz?). The conversation is of the highest quality at The Armory.

The Thang:               

The theme today was limited running to allow for more exercise.

We did a long walking warm-up around the high quality pavement at FHC stretching and trying to prepare minds and bodies for the week.

Divide lot into 4 corners all these exercise (15, 10, 5 each series)

Corner #2 = Burpee, merkin, Carolina Dry Dock.

Corner #3 = SSH, squat, monkey humper.

Corner #4 = LBC, Freddie Mercury, hello dolly.

Corner #1 = Kettle Bell Station = curls on every change over, two hand tri, squats, figure 8, halo, around waist, around ankles, plank rows, started out high reps and transitioned to slow sets of 5. Strange how slow counts create such soreness…we made 3 circuits.

Circle up for AB Lab Pro

Naked Man Moleskin

Stay in tune with the weekly email from THE FORT

Wednesday at NAFO

Chicken & Wisdom Friday Morning at Eternal offices (park at Zackbys)

Drink plenty of water and remember to be a better man today than you were yesterday.

CSPAN-over & out

TClap |

March Madness at The Armory

13 sporting souls showed up for some hot Kettle Ball action in the grand theme of NCAA March Madness. 64 (or 68) down to the Round of 32, Sweet 16 to the Final Four…  Needless to say our effort was notably better on the asphalt than on our paper office pool brackets.  Q had mathematical challenges… which were kept in check by the PAX.  Appreciate the “assist”.

The Thang:

Warm Up… Field of 64 (or 68)

  • 15 Imperial Walkers
  • 15 SSH
  • 15 Squats
  • 9 Merkins
  • 10 Wind Mills

Little Indian running before Survive and Advance…

  • Form two lines, one KB per line, Indian run around parking lot.
  • Pass the KB from front to back
  • Sprint on up to the front with the rock

Round of 32…

  • 10 Upward KB swings
  • 10 KB curls each arm
  • 10 KB tri extensions
  • Sprint down and back of parking lot x2

Sweet 16…

  • 16 KB figure 8’s – each direction
  • On the deck – 16 KB bench each arm
  • 16 KB LBCs
  • Lunge halfway, sprint halfway x2 – end of parking lot and back.

Elite 8…

  • 8 Merkins on the KB each arm
  • 8 KB overhead squats
  • 8 ATW high, mid and low
  • High knee sprint down and back of parking lot

COP – Final 4 Minutes of Mary…

  • An assortment of pain – Rosalitas, Merkins, Plank Ups/Plank Downs, Protractor, Flutter, Bicycle, et al.


April 5 Paintball in RH.  2:30 pm.  Crab Cakes is Q.  Contact him with your HC.

April 26 Twilight 5k Trail Run.  Sign up and enjoy the band, BBQ, and beer with F3 brothers and the family.   https://www.sportoften.com/events/eventDetails.cfm?pEventId=12414

F3 @ Rock Hill’s Cherry Park.  Starts in May.  Interested in Qing….contact CSPAN. Prelim site checks underway…. It’s ripe for punishment in The Thrill.

Big-ups for Hard Drive completing his 1st Spartan Race. Atta boys all around.

Thanks for the opportunity to Q ‘er up boys.  I will work on getting better next go around.

TClap |

Fort Tournament Challenge

Who is up for a March Madness tournament challenge?  For all those interested, join us on the ESPN “F3 The Fort” Group and complete a bracket.  PAX are encouraged to complete one or as many as necessary to advance their chances.  
Each bracket will be $ 10……..Winner will have the honor of picking up the 1st round of drinks at the next 2nd F and donating his proceeds to F3 Foundation or FM Charity of his choice.  
I hate to say it, but I will have to pull for Florida.  Painstaking, but better than Duke.
The ESPN group name and password are below.      

This message is from Jay Neal who is challenging you to play Tournament Challenge on ESPN.com.

Get in on the excitement of this year’s NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament. Compete against other fans as you fill out a bracket and earn points for every correct pick! Come out on top and you could win a $10,000 Best Buy gift card. Get a group together and earn plenty of bragging rights among your friends by winning it all. Best of all, it’s free to play and win.

Get in the action now:

Group:           F3 – The Fort
Password:     ilovemerkins

Here’s what else they had to say:     “We are a strong as the strongest man when we stand together, arm to arm, locking shields”……..Dredd.

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The Fort: Not one burpee…

32 Strong Posted at The Fort for a Spring morning beat down.  Compliments of Santini and Dredd.

Great to have EG leadership down to the upper upstate and land of cheap gas over the last few weeks.  We wait for the full audit to be published….until then we keep going.

We remembered our PAX who headed out for Go Ruck last night.  Thier courage to do something bigger than themselves.  (Crab Cakes, Package, Cable Guy, World Wide Leader)

We are always as strong as the strongest man when we stand together, arm to arm, locking shields. – Dredd

Santini on Q – COP

SSH warm up, Merkins, Imperial Walkers, Carolina Dry Docks.

Move to Pain Platoon.  Squad formation.  Squat on commands, lunges, walk, sprints.  Seal Team Sit ups with flip to Merkins.  Rinse Repeat.

Dredd on Q – COP

SSH, Ab lab, Merkins x 400 in varying formations.  (Chuck norris, Jackie Chan, and some other marshall arts stuff I forgot)

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Anchored in Salvation

Words of wisdom shard by Cake Boss prior to the workout. Visualizing our lives as us paddling to stay afloat in the ocean, waving rising and falling all around us. We were encouraged to keep our eyes looking up, keep our eyes on the sky. Keep our faith. Work hard. And believe we would be rescued. One must also anchor himself in salvation, so as not to be swept away by the currents of sin. Excellent pre-beatdown thoughts, Cake Boss.


The Thang : Cake Boss on Q

Sprints to curb and back between each exercise

SSH x 20

Mtn Climbers x 20

Imperial Walkers x 20

Squat x 20

Peter Parker x 20

Handoff to Beacon:

4 corners – Complete exercises as agroup and then sprint (as a group) to the next corner of the big parking lot.

Rd 1.  Taking KB with us. Goblet Squats x 10, KB Swings x 10, Curl x 10 each arm, Side Push w KB x10

Rd 2.  Peter Parker x 10, Squat x 10, Mtn Climbers x 10, Parker Peter x 10

Rd. 3  Peekaboo Street (Ode to DD) x 10, Monkey Humpers x 10, Body Builder Burpees x 5, Apolo Ohno x 10 (Again, DD)

Rd 4.  With KB again…Maktar Jai x 10, Merkins x 10, Jumping Lunges x 10, Burpees x 10

Handoff to Cake Boss

1 minute each exercise

KB Swing

Shoulder Press

R/L Arm Curls

Tri Extensions

Cake Boss – Six Minutes of Mary

LBC x 15 – Shuffle up & back (short parking lot)

Freddy Mercury x 15 – Karaoke up & back

Rosalitas x 10

Hello Dolly x 10  – Back Pedal up & sprint back

Heels to Heaven x 15 – Two sprints

Mosey to COT

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The Armory – More Running less Fartsacking!!

8 men pulled out shorts and t-shirts for the warm air and fine asphalt of Forest Hill Church parking lot.

This week we did sprints in-between each KB move. The Armory is fully stocked and loaded!!

As the Foodlion Lion says, “just my 2 cents.”

The Thang:

Warm Up-

20 SSH

20 IM

Sprint to mini wall

20 Dips

20 step ups

Sprint back to COP

Round One-

Goblet Squat – 1 Min


R/L Curls – 1 Min


KB Merkins – 1 Min


Round two-

Shoulder Press – 1 Min


Lunge Pass thru – 1Min


Tri Extension -1Min


Freddy Mercury – 20 count


Sprint to Mini wall

10 Dips

10 Steps Ups

10 Derkins

Sprint back to COP

Round three-

KB Swing – 1 Min


Curtsy Lunge – 1Min


Bent Rows -1Min


Mountain Climbers – 10 count

Round four-

Goblet Squat – 1 Min


L/R Curls – 1Min


KB Merkins -1Min


Sprint to Mini wall

10 Dips

10 Derkins

Sprint back to COP


8 PAX were beat down after a disappointing Super bowl

YHC discussed Romans 14:13 13 Therefore let us not pass judgment on one another any longer, but rather decide never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother.

We need to encourage each other and not pass judgment but let our brothers be judged only by God.

Prayers for all the PAX and especially Trucker’s work environment and that it improves as God walks along his side through it.


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Game Plan – Proberbs 29 – Cooler Heads Prevail!

9 men seeking wisdom gathered at Chickfilet to see if the Cow could explain humility! The Cow had nothing to add, but Proverbs 29 had plenty to feed us.


As we circled around to discuss “The Word” this week, we found in Proverbs 29 kicked up some of the language a notch, by using works like havoc, hate, rage and ruin. Throughout Proverbs we have been told, it is not God’s plan that leads us to bad places, but our own decisions. We need to seek the Lord, surround ourselves with good councilors, and make decisions wisely….not in haste!

Some Key verses this week:

1 He who is often reproved, yet stiffens his neck,

will suddenly be broken beyond healing.

When we refuse to change our ways or repent, which means turn away from, we endanger ourselves beyond any bounds.

11 A fool gives full vent to his spirit,
but a wise man quietly holds it back.

How many time do you hear, Think before you speak? Let’s slow down and use our minds before our words get us in trouble.

20 Do you see a man who is hasty in his words?

There is more hope for a fool than for him.

More of verse 11, don’t let words fill you with regret or guilt. Be wise with the tongue.

23 One’s pride will bring him low,

but he who is lowly in spirit will obtain honor.

Pride will lead to humility eventually because our pride will bring us to our knees…. ”I can do it!” Go in with Humility first and you will be honored and respected by all.

Great group discussion today. Guys are really helping one another and sharing insights and views. The Word is coming alive at Game Plan for sure.

Prayers for the Millen Family who lost their husband and father to liver disease.

Prayers for those whose marriages are under attack and that they can get on the road to recovery.

Prayers for unemployed or underemployed that they find peace and comfort in that God will provide alongside their diligent search for work.

Next week is 3rd F convergence with Bible Study Challenge Crew. Please try to attend…this is exciting to see men sharpening men with the word!


Two Chapters of Proverbs left…..31 total in 33 weeks….Impressive PAX!


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The Armory – Do Not Grow Weary


14 Men showed up at The Armory this morning to ease into the beginning of the week.

It was a mild 46 degrees, so Cake Boos felt it was time to shake up the routine and the Kettle Bell monotony.

The Thang:

4 stations in the 4 corners of Forest Hill Church parking lot. Do 1 exercise move and spring to next station, next move and so on for 5 rounds.

1 Warm Up lap

Station #1 – Arms

  1. Merkins
  2. L/R Arm curls
  3. 2 arm Concentration Curls
  4. Overhead Tri Extension
  5. Skull Crushers

Station #2 – Legs

  1. Merkins
  2. Power Jumps on Wall
  3. Goblet Squat
  4. Steps ups with KB
  5. Lunge KB Pass-thru

Station #3- Shoulders

  1. Merkins
  2. L/R Shoulder Press
  3. Upright Row
  4. Front Raises
  5. Lateral/Side Raises

Station #4 – Abs

  1. Merkins
  2. LBC’s
  3. Hello Dolly’s
  4. Flutter kicks
  5. Russian Twist/Bent Rows

Merkins were a crowd pleaser!

We began each station with 8-10 merkins and last round with Mtn Climbers

Ended at 5:59am for COT

Half way through the pain, I read Hebrews 12:1-4

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

Do Not Grow Weary

3 Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted. 4 In your struggle against sin you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood.



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Goodbye COMFORT Zone= Hello Filthy Fifty

24 PAX posted at a cold and windy WEP Fort looking for a motivating start to their weekend, what they found was an Audit / CSPAN challenge to push beyond their normal comfort zone.

The Thang:

Audit welcomed the group to the “filthy fifty”, the first two were in cadence, and all others were OYO.

50= SSH

50= Slow and deep squats

50= Burpees

50= Bunny hops

50= Merkins

50= Walking lunges

50= Pull-ups

Lap around WEP

Seal Team sit-ups until everyone finished with a group set of 15 for fun.

Line up and sprint the long way across the park & sprint back.

Hand off to CSPAN:

Walking stretch of jog, walking imperial walker, butt kickers & high knees

Line up along tree line:

Series of bear crawl and walking lunches down and back = way too many times

Series of duck walk and bunny hops down and back = way too many times

Circle up

Dealers choice for 10 repetition around the group twice =exhausting and high level of chatter as each PAX selected the next and more painful exercise.

Audit reminded us that we are formed in God’s image, and our mind is the weakest part. Our bodies are always capable of more when our mind thinks we are finished. Today was a perfect example as many felt the “filthy fifty” was impossible but all the PAX finished strong.

Naked Man Moleskin = Check weekly email for updates and details

Doc Holliday is conducting free Oral Screenings at the Baxter Race, sounds like a great potential double down with a 0900 start time for a 5K = See Doc Holliday, Pusher or CSPAN

FNG = Welcome to Butterfly and Double Dribble

Crab Cakes & 10 Square F3 1 year anniversary

Blue Ridge Relay = See DD

Paint Ball =See Crab Cakes

2/10/14 first meeting for Bible Challenge group = See Pusher

Drink plenty of water and remember to be a better man today than you were yesterday.

CSPAN-over & out

TClap |