Charon’s Galley 2.0 / our Role as dads

WARMUP: SSH, cherry pickers, Merkins
THE THANG: MOT #1: Charon’s Galley (4 pax)
Alt at each 50 yard increment for Pain Station
MOT #2: Other Pax…. Farmer’s Carry 2 Cindies

Stations (@ each 50 yard swap)
S.1:  Tower of Power – each pax gets in 5…. SSH while waiting turn

S.2: gorilla Rows – 10- each … Windmills while waiting turn

S.3: Goblet – thrusters Squats –  SYADS  – 10-each…. MNC w/ Calf Raise 

S.4: Step-Up-Curls – 10 each leg …. Cherry Pickers while waiting

S.5: Step-up-Thrusters – 10 each leg … HillBilly Walkers while waiting

S.6: Heel-Tuck WWIII Big Boys – Tuck heels close to butt, put toes in a coupon, then in the reclined position, do a coupon press, then sit up with coupon on chest and then do another coupon press
Imperial Walkers while waiting

MARY: not today my friend; maybe another time

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Luca 5K, read newsletter

COT: 30 minutes worth , directed by Change Order… Our role as father’s in the various stages of our 2.0 lives

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Toxicly Masculine Coaches Box

WARMUP: SSH, Merkins & stuff
THE THANG: 4 corners (merkins, squats, etc..)
50 yard sprints alternating w/ burpees

MARY: 1-leg LBC complex, other ab-ie stuff
ANNOUNCEMENTS: too long ago, probably about stuff that’s happened since…
COT: yup – 30 min. worth – mostly around defining “man” in today’s context & looking at what to emulate / discard when viewing our own dads

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Was I late? Yes. After all that hype, I freaking forgot I said to be there at 0445. So, what do you do in those situations? Well, you dial your ShieldLock and get him to warm everyone up for 5 minutes while you drive like a maniac.

WARMUP: I dunno, <@U19FA0Q8Z> did it. I caught some Dry Docks, but that was all I saw…

Head to entrance hill
– 6 burpees at top – go to bottom
– 20 flutters, 10 big boys, 5 double leg lifts

Back to Startex to pick up the 0500 crowd
– Head to pull up bars/cinderblocks – Grab a block
– 6 pullups
– 20 curls, 10 OH press, 5 triceps extensions
– Run a lap / 400m-ish

No chicks.

Read your newsletter.

The 5th Core Principle.

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Staying in the box at Coaches Box

YHC was 1st F Q for 1st 30 minutes so warmup was brief and right into it.

WARMUP: IC: Imperial Walkers, Cherry Pickers, Hillbilly Walkers.

Used the big large box already in parking lot to my advantage.
4 corners to keep us loose.
Sprint down to 1st corner, 20 Merkins
Side shuffle across to 2nd corner, 20 Diamond Merkins
Nur to 3rd corner 20 Blast Off aka Mike Tyson Merkins
Side shuffle to start/4th corner for 10 right side merkins and 10 left side merkins.

Line up on the line.
Bear crawl 10 yards, 10 burpees, burpee broad jump back.
Bear crawl 20 yards, 8 burpees, BBJ back.
BC 30 yards, 6 burpees, BBJ back.
BC 40 yards, 4 burpees, BBJ back.
BC 50 yards, 2 burpees, BBJ back.

Circle up for my closing minutes with a Circle of Hate. One pax bear crawls to the light post and back while calling and exercise for the pax to complete. Olaf called Burpees, Suplex called ABC ab work & Boomer called Box Cutters and time was called.

Then Olaf led us in a great 3rd F discussion, that’s right!

MARY: Never laid eyes on her.

– Rooster this Saturday.
– QvQ.
– Fort Convergence
– Read them newsletters

COT: Prayers & praises and Olaf closed us out.

I appreciate Suplex and the cross regional work he is inspiring. Wish more from both would hop on as we are logistically so close. I really enjoyed the time together and the opportunity to BD Bandcamp, a win win across the board!

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15 minutes of a good time

Walk done waiting for a delinquent Q

Band Parking Lot ladders
MOT: Lunge and Bear Crawl

Run to 50 yard line in between

None was done


Being more open and authentic to others

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Receipts/BackBlasts Matter

WARMUP: the usual
THE THANG: Cinderblock stuff from HH (who should’ve created this BB; I waited, reminded, and now doing since my guy this AM is already on top of his…)
Happy- feel free to edit this…

MARY: some w Cindy yes
COT: 30 min- executed by Bass on topic of Surrender

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For the love of Cindy

WARMUP: 20 SSH, 10 Windmills 15 IW &HW
THE THANG: AMRAP 1 minute 30 seconds “rest” (SSH) Curls, Offset Merkins, cactus squats, flutter press, man makers, rows and Halos. After first set sat on the wall and did some calf raises, rinse and repeat until it was time for Cubbie
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Rooster in RH 3/1 Convergence at the Hive 3/14, Jaeger 3/15
COT: Prayers for marriage and for being the fathers our children need us to be.

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30 Fishin Gone / 30 Gone Fishin

WARMUP: SSH, CP, IW, Merkins, All IC
Shakira (five each direction) OYO

3stations: cinderblock, fire hose, lap around the parking lot. Rotate upon completion of lap.

Round 1 and 2:
Firehouse – battle ropes,
Cinderblock-5 man-makers, 10 curls, 10 press, 10 0H tricep… Rinse repeat

Round 3 and 4:
Fire hose, renegade lat-pulls, 5 front-raise slams, 5 side -raise slams, rinse repeat
Cindy – Tower of power X5, 10 gorilla Rows, rinse/repeat

Third F conversation about making lemonade from lemons. Some good crossovers into the nature of forgiveness, grief, etc..

MARY: nope… our M’s have different names – who’s mary?

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Newsletter / Flag Football Fort/Rock??
COT: Held

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VQ in The Fort Region

I introduced some of the pax from The Fort to Anchor Bar’s Famous Chicken Wing. The Anchor Bar is a restaurant in Buffalo, NY is famous for the first place to serve chicken wings as we know them today. More on that below. In my 8+ years doing F3 this is my Q outside the Rock Region. It was a great morning meeting new pax.
The disclaimer was given and we warmed up with:
– 1 dozen Windmills IC
– 1 dozen Imperial Walkers IC
– 1 dozen Hillbilly Walkers IC
– 1 dozen Low Slow Squats IC
This 4-Corner workout was inspired by the way chicken wings were originally served at The Anchor Bar. Back in the day wings were served by the dozen mild, medium, hot or extra hot. So, each round of 4-corners consisted of a similar exercise at each corner progressively getting a bit more difficult. 1 dozen of each exercise were performed OYO.
– Round 1 – Flying Squirrels, Burpees, Diamond Burpees, Hand Release Burpees
– Round 2 – Rosalitas, Hello Dollies, Freddie Mercuries (Double Count), Flutter Kicks (DC)
– Round 3 – Carolina Drydocks, Merkins, Diamond Merkins, Hand Release Merkins
– Round 4 – Seal Jacks, Side Straddle Hops, Smurf Jacks, Bomb Jacks
– Round 5 – LBC’s, Gas Pumpers, V-Ups, Big Boy Sit-ups
With time remaining, we did my “hot wing eating contest”. In my hometown the was a restaurant the would have a hot wing eating contest where the would give each contestant a pile of their hottest wings (Volcanic). Whoever ate the most in the allotted time was the winner. My F3 version was Balls To The Walls until one pax remained in the position. Your “wings” are sure to burn when you’re down.
No time
<@UGU3XR5RP> took over from here and led a great discussion on Not Looking Back. It revolved around the passage in the Bible where Lot’s wife looked back and was turned in to a pillar of salt. Once we pick up our cross to follow Jesus, we should not turn back to our wicked ways. Instead, keep our eyes looking forward affixed upon Jesus. It is easier said than done.

I’m not doing the discussion justice, so I urge Band Camp to add more in the comments.

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Unity- that’s a unity!

F3 Tabata Workout (20 minutes)

Started off pulling up UNITY- Queen Latifah to set the tone

– Warm-up (5 min)
– Imperial Walkers and Hillbilly walkers(10x)
– Mike Tysons (10x)
– LBCs (10x)
– Flutter Kicks (10x)


Run to Cindies and Pull up bars

– Tabata Circuit (20 min)
– 4 rounds of 8 exercises (20 sec work, 10 sec rest)
– Pull-ups
– Cinder Block Thrusters
goblet squats
– Burpees with Cinder Block Jump overs
Burpee pull ups
Skull crushers

Run back to STARTEX, flipped it to my man Goose

Went inside and had a great conversation about UNITY

MARY: nope
COT: aye

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