231 Merkins, 231 LBCs, 176 Burpess, 176 Jumps, and 4 miles

  • QIC: Italian Job, Padre
  • Pax: Peach, Walker, Bandit, Winchester, Popeye, AquaLung, Utah, Lock Pick, Twister, Geppetto, Padre, Italian Job
  • Posted In: Alcatraz, The Fort, The Reservation

This morning would have been a good morning to fartsack. But those 11 men that joined YHC and Padre got stronger, faster, and better. It was worth the beating.

The Thang

  • SSH
  • Morroccan Night Clubs
  • Windmills
  • Low Slow Squat

Mosey to the wall for

  • People’s Chair (all Pax took turns counting to 10 – no rest, no break)

Mosey to the courtyard

  • 25 step ups each leg
  • 25 dips

Mosey to the football field

  • Blackjack – this one is new for the Patriot. It’s similar to 11s, but longer and more difficult:
  • 20 Merkins, run to the other sideline for 1 LBC
  • 19 Merkins, run to the other sideline for 2 LBCs
  • All the way down to 1 Merkin and 20 LBCs
  • 231 of each

Prior to handoff, YHC encouraged each man to continue posting. Your presence at these workouts keeps me coming back. We are accountable to our brothers and it’s our responsibility to show up even when it gets tough.

Hand off to Padre

  • After a quick 10 count, Padre introduced us to a new Burpee ladder exercise:
  • 10 knee tuck jumps—10 side Burpees
  • 9 same—9 double thrust burped
  • 8 same—8 1 armed burpees 4 right 4 left
  • 7 same— 7 4 right leg only/ 3 left leg burpees
  • 6 same— 6 burpee
  • 5 same —- same 5
  • Until 1
  • 136 of each

Padre shared some words found in Proverbs 12 about discipline. We are to love discipline. F3 is about pushing ourselves to be better. The only way to get better is be disciplined in our workouts, work, family, and relationships.

Mosey to picnic table

  • 2-3 rounds of 10 10/ 5 5
  • 10 burpee jumps on to bench or table followed by a 10 sec rest
  • 5 burpee jumps and 5 sec rest

All You Got Mosey to COT

Naked Moleskin

This workout took the feel of a Monday Old Town beating. Each man pushed past the humidity, sweat, heat, and pain to finish as a unit. These men are disciplined in their approach to their workouts. Twister said it best, “I may not always finish first, but I always finish.” Any one of the Pax could have mailed it in and quit when the sweat starting pouring in our eyes. None of us would have known if you skipped the 147th merkin or 90th burpee. But you didn’t. You continued for you and for your F3 brother struggling right next to you. Good work men. I’m proud, as always, to sweat right beside you.

Big shout out to Geppetto for putting in 4 miles prior to our 4 mile workout today. The man is a BEAST! Great job Walker finishing first in Black Jack. Awesome work Utah, Bandit, and Winchester for being right there on his heels. Twister and Peach, you guys have no quit in you and it encourages the rest of the Pax. Thanks for the work you continue to put in. Lock Pick continues to show up and get faster and stronger. He’s the quiet guy that one day runs behind you and 3 weeks later leaves you in the dust. Aqua Lung and Popeye, your endurance has greatly improved. Good work pushing yourselves each week. And finally, you guys may not have noticed, but Padre went for an extra round of Burpee jumps when everyone finished. Not only that, but he went from jumping on the benches to jumping on the table. Mad hops from the man of the Lord. Great job!


2nd F – Tuesday 6PM McHales

CSAUP – 2nd Annual Hog and Coyote – Check the weekly email for details. Start time is 0600 at Hardee’s on Gold Hill next Saturday

Winchester is selling coffee as a fundraiser for his brother’s mission trip to Uganda with Samaritan’s Feet. Catch up with him if you’re interested in supporting this cause.

Prayer Requests

Winchester’s brother’s mission trip to Uganda

Colombia mission trip – continued prayers and financial donations are appreciated

Burgundy’s mother-in-law passed away unexpectedly. Let’s continue to life up his wife and his family in their time of loss.

Utah’s co-worker’s (TC) wife was just diagnosed with cancer. Let’s pray for healing and strength during the treatment process.


TClap |

Cookie Cake at the Colosseum

  • QIC: Maximus
  • When: 06/09/15
  • Pax: Anchorman, McGruff, Package, Spitz, Hasselhoff, Boeheim, Cerrano, Zima, Seacrest, Axle, Decible, Private Ryan, Green Wave, Dos Leches, Jeter
  • Posted In: The Colosseum, The Fort

16 PAX met in the very dark parking lot of GHMS for another installment of the Colosseum. I hope to get on the ball and get a Q list out so that ya’ll get stop seeing the same ‘ol routine week after week. T-claps to Cerrano for not only running with Zima to the AO this AM but for also doubling back to go find Axle. I think he logged an additional 2mi or so, never a man left behind.

Half way through the disclaimer, I was getting a few, “yeah, yeah, yeah, we know the drill”, so with that, I shut up and we took off to the back lot.

Warm Up:
10 Burpees
Butt Kickers

Play Ground:
Group 1 = 10 Pull Ups
Group 2 = 15 Swing Crunches
Group 3 = 20 Dips
Cycle through and REPEAT

Football Field, nice and soupy but at least it was starting to lighten up a little:
20yd/30yd/75yd suicides with 15 Flying Squirrels upon completion
Everybody’s favorite – TUNNEL OF LOVE. The imaginary trophy definitely goes to Spitz for speed in the tunnel. Man moves like a snake chasing a mouse.
Duck Walk 20yds / Bear Crawl 15yds / Duck Walk 15yds / Bear Crawl 20yds
Burpee Broad Jump x 10 then sprint to the other end zone

Circle Up:
Mak Tar Ninjas x 20
10 Wide Arm Merkins

On the steps:
25 Calf Raises each leg and 25 fast step ups each leg. REPEAT

Mosey to the Bus Lot:
Slow Freddie
X’s & O’s (This is when I said I had to include the AB work to work off the cookie cake. Which was met with a few side comments better left to experience in person.)
10 CDD into 10 Dips

Strong showing this morning and it is awesome to see some regular faces. As we all know, there are a lot of good options on a Tuesday so I appreciate the support of this new AO. I keep taking us to the same locations for slight modifications each time but eventually, we’ll take advantage of all the pavement and very long walls out front. Does anyone really read these anymore? I’ll find out soon enough.

Announcements: F3 Dads Saturday 0930 at WEP, Hog & Coyote 6/20 0600 Ballroom, New AO TCES 0515 Wednesday

Prayers: Friends mom had a successful cancer surgery last night (with some complications), Flat Tire’s M, Private Ryan and pregnant wife are moving to CT.


TClap |

School’s Out! Time for F3 Dads!

  • QIC: Cake Boss and Senator Tressel
  • When: 06/06/15
  • Pax: Many dads and many kids - about 75 total. Sorry - had technical difficulties and couldn't get everyone's name out today.
  • Posted In: Alcatraz, The Fort, The Reservation

The first edition of F3 Dads for 2015 was held at Walter Elisha Park on Saturday.    Approximately 75 Dads and 2.0’s  joined together for some fun in the sun to kick off the summer.  Here is what they did:

The Thang:

Cake Boss at Q

Mosey the path for drill bits warm up
First stop-10 squats
Second stop-10 Piggieback squats
Run down hill across field
Third stop- 15 SSHs
Fourth stop- 10 Piggieback merkins

Line up on tree line
2.0 sprint to 3rd tree and back
Dads sprint to 3rd tree and back
2.0s bear crawl then sprint and back
Dads bear crawl then sprint and back

10 imperial walkers
10 Piggieback squats
10 LBCs
2.0s run around COP while dads do 10 merkins

Hand off to Senator

Divide Pax into 6 groups and line up for a 2.0 carry relay race

Dad’s carry their 2.0 across the field to the stopping point and return to the start.  When all the 2.0’s have been moved to the other side, dads carry dads to the other side.  First group to get everyone across wins

What time is it Mr. Wolf?

Assign 6-8 dads to be wolves and the rest of the group as sheep.   Put about 20 yards between the sheep and the wolves.   The sheep ask “What time is it Mr. Wolf?”  The wolves respond with a time (1-12 o’clock), and the sheep take  the corresponding number of steps (1-12) toward the wolves. This repeats with the sheep asking, ‘What time is it Mr. Wolf?’, and the wolves responding with a time.  Finally, if the wolves respond with “Lunchtime”, the wolves turn around and try to catch the sheep.  The sheep that are caught become wolves.  Continue until all the sheep have been caught.

Mosey to the hill for Run Up and Roll Down

Run up the hill, do one merkin, and then roll down the hill.  Repeat two more times if you can (most could not).  Rolling down the hill makes you dizzy!

Count off by 10, and get with your group for Crack the Whip.  Everyone in your group hold hands. to form a whip.  The person in front starts running in a ziz-zag and pulls the group with him.  The person at the back of the line gets whipped around.  We did this and made our way back to a shady spot for COT.


Wow!  What a blast to co-lead the first F3 Dads session of the summer!    Big fun was had with a large, enthusiastic, group of 2.0’s and their dads today.   It is truly quality time spent with your children when you can use them as weight vests or ruck sacks,  and get a great workout together.   I love F3 Dads because you get to meet the 2.0’s that you hear about during workouts and at coffeteria, plus it introduces your kids to something that you hope they will want to keep doing as they get older.

A few shout outs:

To Mrs. Cake Boss for making the emergency run of freeze pops when we found out we were short.

To those Dads who carried both of their children at the same time during the 2.0 carry relay.  T-claps!

To those that rolled down the hill all three times without splashing merlot/grape juice – impressive!

To Ross Thompson, aka Bomber (2.0 of Flat Tire),  for leading the closing prayer during COT.  When I Q’d my first F3 workout, the thing I was most worried about was saying a prayer out loud at the end. To hear a young child do it in front of that large group, with such poise and confidence,  is very inspiring to me.  Well done, young man.  You made your daddy proud.

F3 Dads continues next Saturday, June 13, 9:30am,  at Walter Elisha Park.  Don’t miss it!


Support Alex’s lemonade stand in Baxter to raise money for children with Cancer.  This runs every year in Baxter.


TClap |

The Silent 6

  • QIC: Maximus
  • When: 06/02/15
  • Pax: Lil E, Greenwave, Seacrest, McGyver, Dog Pound
  • Posted In: The Colosseum, The Fort

Nobody was in the mumble chatter mood but a small PAX of 5 joined YHC at The Colosseum for this mornings gloom post. Still very sore from Saturday’s deck of cards, I had to be sure to work the soreness out. After a very brief disclaimer, we were off to the typical starting spot.

Warm Up:
SSH, 4ct Lunges, Windmills, Wide-Arm Merkins, Moroccan Night Clubs, 10 Burpees OYO

Playground: With such a small PAX there was no need to split us into groups…this also means less breaks.
12 Pull Ups / 12 LBCs
12 Diamond Merkins / 12 LBCs
10 Pull Ups / 10 LBCs
10 Diamond Merkins / 10 LBCs
8 Pull Ups / 8 LBCs
8 Diamond Merkins / 8 LBCs

Mosey to the football field
Suicides at 20yd, 40yd, 75yd then Mak Tar Jah x 20
Suicides at 20yd, 40yd, 75yd then Super Belly x 15
100yd Sprints x 3

Head to the stairs and grab a partner.
Wheel barrow up the stairs and reverse bear crawl (RBC) down the hill (RBC was the break we needed)
Flapjack then REPEAT

Plank Series:
Slow Mountain Climbers
Oblique V-Ups Left
Oblique V-Ups Right

Slow Mountain Climbers
Grave Diggers Left
Grave Diggers Right

100yd Sprints x 2

Announcements: Check the email for all the announcements to include Hog & Coyote, F3 Dads beginning this Saturday

Prayers: Crazy work week. Kids get out of school later this week so prayers for those staying home with the kids and for great summer breaks. Colombia mission trip.


TClap |

Week #3 = @F3TheFort invades @F3Asheville

  • QIC: CSPAN & Chaser
  • When: 05/30/15
  • Pax: McGruff, Decibel, Italian Job, Peach, Cornhole, Repeat, Double Check, King of Beers, Rusty, Heath, Sunken Road, Guns, Fearless, Cramden, War Daddy, Bull, It, Troll, Buehner, Foot Wedge (FNG), Sound Check (FNG), Floppy Disk (FNG), Embargo (FNG)
  • Posted In: The Fort

Conditions were absolutely perfect-sort of sunny and sort of humid.

Asheville is a great town reminds me of #PeoplesRepublicofBoulder.


Disclaimer and discussion on keeping up, modify as needed, F3 is about pushing “you” and not about always needing to be out front, and also about having brotherhood.

Quick discussion on what F3 has meant to me, and how it can impact you.

F3 workouts …

  • Are free of charge
  • Are open to all men
  • Are held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold
  • Are led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion, with no training or certification necessary
  • End with a Circle of Trust

COP (circle of pain)

SSH, IW, Squats, Windmills, Moroccan Night Clubs, and a couple of others…#mychiropractoriscrazy #stretchingislame #OLD

Mosey to stadium track

Set up for 4 corners of track OYO

  1. Round of 25 SSH per corner with forward sprint
  2. Round of 25 Flutter per corner with backward sprints
  3. Round of 10 flying squirrels with sprints and bear crawls through corners

I had a couple of speeches explaining the fundamentals of F3…read the book….and before I knew it, I ran out of time…

Chaser on Q

50 yard sprint 15 burpees;

50 yard sprint 20 burpees; LBCs til the 6 finishes

Stadium run up, 10 bombjacks, down 10 bombjacks (6 times)

Backwards bearcrawl up the stadium steps, short people’s chair (CROWD PLEASER)

Mosey to hill by baseball field

Sprint up 10 burpees, back down 10 burpees

Mosey back to stadium – people’s chair til 6 comes in.

Crab walk down the stadium steps, crab walk back up.

Mosey to end zones.

50 yard sprint to meet in middle

20 Turkish get-ups

COT (circle of trust)

Prayer & Praise, BOM, and a good discussion on the #StarfishF3 model.


Always an honor to be part of a launch, here is everything in my notes:

  • 2nd F is the glue, so start building it
  • your AO is first class, we need to come back so you can show us the full campus tour
  • #HIM = High Impact Man = start being one
  • #NoFatPants = Once you make the physical change of F3, burn the ship and those fat pants as there is no going back. A man who can’t get his 1st F on track will never get his 2nd and 3rd Fs online.
  • Read “Freed to Lead” here is the link: http://www.amazon.com/Freed-To-Lead-Unshackling-Modern-day-ebook/dp/B00JJQB2Z8
  • Appreciate the Fort crew making the ride down, especially Peach for setting up 2nd F on Friday night
  • T-Claps to Chaser, Repeat, Cornhole, Italian Job, McGruff, Decibel, and Peach for #Makingtheride #givingITaway
  • Breakfast at JK’s Kitchen (6 Long Shoals Village, Asheville, NC= 4 minute drive) was great, service was outstanding

Appreciate the enthusiasm, and get your twitter account going, and follow me @CSPANF3 + you can follow Chaser @TrauMMASon and follow our region @F3TheFort

CSPAN – over & out

TClap |

F3 Dads – The Fort – Alcatraz – Rock Hill – Indian Land – Pre-Blast

F3 Dads is coming to WEP June 6th, 13th, and 27th!

What is F3 Dads?
An opportunity for fathers and their kids to spend time bonding with each other and other PAX while participating in an F3 (Lite) workout.

Where and when will this workout take place?
-June 6th, 13th, and 27th from 9:30 – 10:30
-This will allow the PAX to attend their preferred Saturday workout, enjoy post-workout fellowship, and gather their 2.0’s.

Who can attend?
This is an opportunity for The Pax and their 2.0’s, boy or girl.  There is not an age requirement.  I am guessing that the majority of the kids will be between kindergarten and 8th grade.  This is also a great opportunity to “headlock” men and introduce them to F3.

What will the format of the workouts be?
The workouts will be similar to F3 workouts, but lighter and with kid-friendly exercises / activities.  After warming up there will be more fun exercises / activities such as Relay Races, 2.0 Carries, etc.  Each F3 Dad workout will end in a COT and prayer.

What about F3 Names for the 2.0s?
In order to save time, think of a name for your 2.0 before the workout.  They can participate in the name-o-rama or you can share it for them. Jellyfish and T-Rex are the F3 names of my 2.0s.

What about Naming new FNGs (New members of the PAX)?
We will name them in the COT!  2.0s will enjoy that.  Remember Pusher’s church rule.

You can DM me on Twitter (@F3Rooney) or DM White Lighting on Twitter (@WeaThree)

TClap |

Crazy Game of Poker…Again

  • QIC: Maximus
  • When: 05/30/15
  • Pax: Tesla, Chowda, Sugar Daddy, Man-O-War, Dog Pound, Seacrest, Boeheim, Slinger, Transplant, High Life, McGyver, Audit, Red Banjo, Green Wave, Magnum, Anchorman, Jeter, Dos Leches, Black Out, Lead, Toto, Hasselhoff, Rooney, Socrates
  • Posted In: Block Party, The Fort

As I finished my travels this week, I found myself Friday afternoon wondering what in the world I would write on my Weinke for the Q this AM at WEP. I thought for a long 10 seconds then remembered one of the hardest Q’s I’ve been a part of. I’m not the most creative, so sure, get the cards ready, it’s that time again.

At 0650, there were maybe 5 of us in the parking lot so I figured this would be a light crowd being that we had several clown cars heading to other regional AO’s. However, in those next 10mins, we had another 20 men roll in and a few saw what I was holding in my hand. Once the cards were spotted, a few groans were heard by those who’ve participated in this before.

So after a brief disclaimer, we took a jog to the lot we’d call home for the next 55mins.

Popcorn AB LAB for 3 exercises. I had intended to do more but time was getting away from me. I gave the explanation of the cards which was something like this:

Each suit is a different exercise and each number/face on the card represents the repetitions we’ll complete. 2=2 through Ace=14. Here are the exercises and the total count we completed after cycling through the deck:

Diamonds=Picabo Streets (104 total)
Hearts=Butt Kickers (104 total)
Clubs=Side Straddle Hops (104 total)
Spades=High Knees (104 total)
Joker/Other=Freddie Mercuries x 12 (48 total)

This was a good cardio warmup but not nearly as much mumble chatter as I was expecting. Round 2 had a different outcome:

Diamonds=Jumping Lunge (104 total)
Hearts=Merkins (104 total)
Clubs=Carolina Dry Docks (104 total)
Spades=BURPEES (**92 total**)
Joker/Other=X&O’s (48 toal)

You’ll notice the fewer number of burpees. Why, you ask? IF YOU CAN’T Q IT, DON’T DO IT. I’m not sure if was closer to spilling merlot, blacking out, or going into heat exhaustion. 3/4 of the way through the deck this time, I got chills and realized I couldn’t honor the Queen of Spades I had just drawn, so I drew again. No shame, I had to.

Announcements: F3 dads starts next Saturday. Hog and Coyote 6/20 at 0600 at the Ballroom. Check the email.
Prayer Requests: Healing of an aunt who broke her hip. Friend’s father who’s fighting pancreatic cancer. Continued prayers for the Eddings family dealing with the tragic loss of their 2 boys. Pray that God be glorified through this. Pray for technology certification exam(s). Continued prayers for the F3 PAX heading to Colombia. If you’d like to learn more about what you can pray for and how to contribute to the general team fund, clink on the link https://fhc.managedmissions.com/mytrip/andrewblock2


TClap |

No Vacation from Acceleration… 2 man post from the Windy City

  • QIC: Dark Helmet
  • When: 05/28/15
  • Pax: Dark Helmet, Barry Manilow
  • Posted In: The Fort

A post from The Windy City… Barry Manilow and I were in Chicago and decided to Barry Man-Up and post… You know… like men.

Here’s what happened: YHC took a brisk .7 mile run to Barry Manilow’s hotel, then we were off to the edge of the river.

Down 2 flights of long stairs and mosey to the path for a little warm-up…
A little stretching then off to the rest of the Thang:
SSH x 20 (IC)
Merkins x 20 (IC – right on the edge of the River)

Mosey then stop at park bench
Triceps dips on the bench x 20 OYO
Derkins x 20 OYO
Step-ups x 20 (10 each leg) OYO

Mosey again to a bike rack and partner up.
Partner 1 starts incline pullups while partner 2 sprints 30 yards to second dock gate. Flapjack to 60 pullups.

Mosey then stop at another bench at bottom of long hill
Incline merkins x 20 OYO
Box jumps x 20 OYO
More dips x 20 OYO

Then 2 trips up the hill and back as fast as you can.

Mosey to playground (which was amazing, BTW)
Merkin swing crunch (feet in swing, 1 merkin then crunch knees to chest) x 20 OYO
Slide down short slide (how long has it been since I slid down a slide???)
Bear crawl up steep part of hill to one of the main structures
Grab the chain “netting” overhead and do 20 knee-ups to chest OYO

At this point it was time to head back, so we moseyed the 1.4 back to where we started for a quick bit of Mary with our last couple of minutes.

LBCs x 20 (IC)
Flutters x 20 (IC)

COT and (Ping-pong) Ball of Man

All in all we covered just under 3 miles with YHC getting a little extra credit between hotels (another 1.4 or so)

So, Barry Manilow and YHC are both on the board of the Carolinas Chapter of the Business Marketing Association, and their annual International Conference was this week in Chicago, and we both went. TClaps to Barry for EHing me into bringing my running shoes before we left. The guy is turning into a real animal. I could have been perfectly content to skip today and sleep in a little, but my brother was there to hold me accountable. Here we were, miles from our normal post, miles from anyone who would have known or busted our chops for not working out, and yet we did. This is not a thing that would have happened a year ago. For either of us. There is no way I would have gotten up early, gone out alone, in a strange place, to work out. Iron Sharpens Iron, however, and so being with another Accelerating Man made all the difference. It always will… it always will…

Helmet, out…

TClap |

Popeye and Padre bring the Pain

  • QIC: Popeye, Padre
  • When: 5/28/15
  • Pax: Schrute, Geppetto, Burgundy, Swamp Fox, Tinker Toy, Catfish, Italian Job, Mailman, Aqua Lung, Apache, Cake Boss, Wheels, Duck Hunt (Respect), Popeye, Padre
  • Posted In: The Fort

Today was Popeye’s VQ. Not only did he bring the pain, but he did it like a pro. And since YHC complained that we didn’t do enough leg work in Rock Hill, he dropped the hammer on us. But being the smart man that he is, he used most of the allotted time so Padre couldn’t burpee us to death. Somehow Padre still got his 100+ burpees into his last 10 minutes.

The Thang

  • 20 SSHs
  • 15 Slow Windmills (a tribute to CSPAN)
  • 15 Imperial Walkers
  • 15 Moroccan Night Clubs (Where’s Twister when you need him?)

Mosey to Fountain

  • 10 Merkins
  • 10 Derkins
  • 10 Incline Merkins
  • 10 Military Merkins
  • 10 Box Jumps

Mosey to the Parking Lot for 4 Corners of Pain

Normally a 4 corners exercise is fairly short. Not today. We covered 2.1 miles on this trip around the TJ Maxx parking lot. Sweat was poured and the mumble chatter was heavy.

Round 1 and 3, completed the following exercises at each corner:

  • 20 Squats
  • 15 Monkey Humpers
  • 10 Side Lunges

Round 2 and 4, completed the following exercises at each corner:

  • 20 LBCs
  • 15 Hello Dollies
  • 15 Freddies

Hand off to Padre

Padre being short on time, gave us a steep challenge – do 100 burpees in 7 minutes. 7 minutes is a LONG time for burpees. At the edge of collapse, he added in 5 Slow Count Merkins and 5 Spider Merkins for good measure. I’m fairly certain the PAX should seek forgiveness for cursing a preacher under our breaths.

Name-a-rama, COT, and BOM


Another great VQ by the men of ManU. We have had 6 VQs and they just keep getting better. I’m proud to see the guys continue to get stronger each week. Shout out to Swamp Fox for keeping up with the gazelles and beating most of the PAX in the 4 corners exercises. He just keeps getting stronger and he’ll be on the Q schedule in the coming weeks.

YHC is honored to post in the gloom with these fine men. You guys embrace the suck each day and continue to make us all better men.


Nun Run and clown car to Asheville Saturday. Check the newsletter.

Prayer Requests

So many of our PAX have friends, co-workers, and family members that are experiencing pain, illness, death, and suffering. We want to continue to lift all of our concerns to our Creator who knows our every need and provides in time of sorrow.

TClap |

Bodies in Motion

  • QIC: Stang, Solid State
  • When: 05/25/15
  • Pax: Crash, Transplant, Dark Helmet, Change Order, Catfish, Assassin, Howitzer, Trucker, Sharpshooter, Jerry Lewis, CSPAN, Stang, YHC FNG: Pickles
  • Posted In: The Armory, The Fort

The Stang Thang:

Stang with a VQ warm up:

Winding indian run around the parking lot, (pick up CSPAN along the way).

Back to the circle

  • SSH x35
  • Slow merkins x10
  • Two-point windmills x15
  • Slow diamond merkins x10
  • 10 burpees OYO

Hand off to Solid State

Grab your kettle bell, let’s roll…

Mosey to the far corner of the parking lot, line up…

Ladder time
Run to the top of the parking lot, (don’t forget your kettlebell)
10 goblet squats at the top, back down to the bottom (don’t forget your kettlebell)
1 curl each arm, back to the top of the parking lot (don’t forget your kettlebell)
9 goblet squats… two curls each arm. you get the picture… down to 1 and 10.

Parking lot lap for recovery.

Stop at the next ladder…

Haul the KB to the top of the parking lot, 7 kettlebell burpees,
Down to the bottom of the parking lot 1 merkin,
Back up the parking lot., 6 kettlebell burpees… repeat down to one.

Fortunately, time ran out… back to the circle.

Peter Pointers (thanks Assassin), then Change Order protractors.

Great leap to Winnsboro last Saturday
Leap to Asheville next Saturday
F3 Dads throughout June – (Anyone know what time this begins? Let’s get this announcement out…)
Lots of new AOs, Colleseum tomorrow, Tega Cay Elementary this Thursday, Varsity on Friday, post at these new sites.

Memorial day, much respect to those who served and gave all.
Respect to Tatanka’s family dealing with a recent loss.
Veterans park Memorial service in FM this morning @ 10
Prayers and support for the Forest Hill mission group (10 brothers, 10 days in September)

Thank you to Sharpshooter for taking us out with remembrance of our veterans.

Sometimes we just have work to do, plain, simple, (unimaginative) work. This is how I would describe ladders today. As we dug in, there was very little mumblechatter. Further into the grind, it was humbling to hear words rise out of the pax. The words spoken were those of support, brother to brother. Aye!

On this fine day, all honors and respect to those who have gone before us.

TClap |