- QIC: Italian Job, Padre
- Pax: Peach, Walker, Bandit, Winchester, Popeye, AquaLung, Utah, Lock Pick, Twister, Geppetto, Padre, Italian Job
- Posted In: Alcatraz, The Fort, The Reservation
This morning would have been a good morning to fartsack. But those 11 men that joined YHC and Padre got stronger, faster, and better. It was worth the beating.
The Thang
- Morroccan Night Clubs
- Windmills
- Low Slow Squat
Mosey to the wall for
- People’s Chair (all Pax took turns counting to 10 – no rest, no break)
Mosey to the courtyard
- 25 step ups each leg
- 25 dips
Mosey to the football field
- Blackjack – this one is new for the Patriot. It’s similar to 11s, but longer and more difficult:
- 20 Merkins, run to the other sideline for 1 LBC
- 19 Merkins, run to the other sideline for 2 LBCs
- All the way down to 1 Merkin and 20 LBCs
- 231 of each
Prior to handoff, YHC encouraged each man to continue posting. Your presence at these workouts keeps me coming back. We are accountable to our brothers and it’s our responsibility to show up even when it gets tough.
Hand off to Padre
- After a quick 10 count, Padre introduced us to a new Burpee ladder exercise:
- 10 knee tuck jumps—10 side Burpees
- 9 same—9 double thrust burped
- 8 same—8 1 armed burpees 4 right 4 left
- 7 same— 7 4 right leg only/ 3 left leg burpees
- 6 same— 6 burpee
- 5 same —- same 5
- Until 1
- 136 of each
Padre shared some words found in Proverbs 12 about discipline. We are to love discipline. F3 is about pushing ourselves to be better. The only way to get better is be disciplined in our workouts, work, family, and relationships.
Mosey to picnic table
- 2-3 rounds of 10 10/ 5 5
- 10 burpee jumps on to bench or table followed by a 10 sec rest
- 5 burpee jumps and 5 sec rest
All You Got Mosey to COT
Naked Moleskin
This workout took the feel of a Monday Old Town beating. Each man pushed past the humidity, sweat, heat, and pain to finish as a unit. These men are disciplined in their approach to their workouts. Twister said it best, “I may not always finish first, but I always finish.” Any one of the Pax could have mailed it in and quit when the sweat starting pouring in our eyes. None of us would have known if you skipped the 147th merkin or 90th burpee. But you didn’t. You continued for you and for your F3 brother struggling right next to you. Good work men. I’m proud, as always, to sweat right beside you.
Big shout out to Geppetto for putting in 4 miles prior to our 4 mile workout today. The man is a BEAST! Great job Walker finishing first in Black Jack. Awesome work Utah, Bandit, and Winchester for being right there on his heels. Twister and Peach, you guys have no quit in you and it encourages the rest of the Pax. Thanks for the work you continue to put in. Lock Pick continues to show up and get faster and stronger. He’s the quiet guy that one day runs behind you and 3 weeks later leaves you in the dust. Aqua Lung and Popeye, your endurance has greatly improved. Good work pushing yourselves each week. And finally, you guys may not have noticed, but Padre went for an extra round of Burpee jumps when everyone finished. Not only that, but he went from jumping on the benches to jumping on the table. Mad hops from the man of the Lord. Great job!
2nd F – Tuesday 6PM McHales
CSAUP – 2nd Annual Hog and Coyote – Check the weekly email for details. Start time is 0600 at Hardee’s on Gold Hill next Saturday
Winchester is selling coffee as a fundraiser for his brother’s mission trip to Uganda with Samaritan’s Feet. Catch up with him if you’re interested in supporting this cause.
Prayer Requests
Winchester’s brother’s mission trip to Uganda
Colombia mission trip – continued prayers and financial donations are appreciated
Burgundy’s mother-in-law passed away unexpectedly. Let’s continue to life up his wife and his family in their time of loss.
Utah’s co-worker’s (TC) wife was just diagnosed with cancer. Let’s pray for healing and strength during the treatment process.