Bodies in Motion

  • QIC: Stang, Solid State
  • When: 05/25/15
  • Pax: Crash, Transplant, Dark Helmet, Change Order, Catfish, Assassin, Howitzer, Trucker, Sharpshooter, Jerry Lewis, CSPAN, Stang, YHC FNG: Pickles
  • Posted In: The Armory, The Fort

The Stang Thang:

Stang with a VQ warm up:

Winding indian run around the parking lot, (pick up CSPAN along the way).

Back to the circle

  • SSH x35
  • Slow merkins x10
  • Two-point windmills x15
  • Slow diamond merkins x10
  • 10 burpees OYO

Hand off to Solid State

Grab your kettle bell, let’s roll…

Mosey to the far corner of the parking lot, line up…

Ladder time
Run to the top of the parking lot, (don’t forget your kettlebell)
10 goblet squats at the top, back down to the bottom (don’t forget your kettlebell)
1 curl each arm, back to the top of the parking lot (don’t forget your kettlebell)
9 goblet squats… two curls each arm. you get the picture… down to 1 and 10.

Parking lot lap for recovery.

Stop at the next ladder…

Haul the KB to the top of the parking lot, 7 kettlebell burpees,
Down to the bottom of the parking lot 1 merkin,
Back up the parking lot., 6 kettlebell burpees… repeat down to one.

Fortunately, time ran out… back to the circle.

Peter Pointers (thanks Assassin), then Change Order protractors.

Great leap to Winnsboro last Saturday
Leap to Asheville next Saturday
F3 Dads throughout June – (Anyone know what time this begins? Let’s get this announcement out…)
Lots of new AOs, Colleseum tomorrow, Tega Cay Elementary this Thursday, Varsity on Friday, post at these new sites.

Memorial day, much respect to those who served and gave all.
Respect to Tatanka’s family dealing with a recent loss.
Veterans park Memorial service in FM this morning @ 10
Prayers and support for the Forest Hill mission group (10 brothers, 10 days in September)

Thank you to Sharpshooter for taking us out with remembrance of our veterans.

Sometimes we just have work to do, plain, simple, (unimaginative) work. This is how I would describe ladders today. As we dug in, there was very little mumblechatter. Further into the grind, it was humbling to hear words rise out of the pax. The words spoken were those of support, brother to brother. Aye!

On this fine day, all honors and respect to those who have gone before us.

TClap |

Get Friendly With Your Jugs…Of Water

  • QIC: Maximus & Aquaman
  • When: 05/23/15
  • Pax: Long Shanks, Lil' E, McGyver, Audit, Red Banjo, DD, Santini, Barry Manilow, Hasselhoff, Transplant, Oprah, Magnum, Crosscheck, Trucker, High Life, Rooney, Mainframe, Green Wave, Hipper, Stang, Dog Pound, Wheels, Jerry Lewis
  • Posted In: Block Party, The Fort

As part of our Fort Mill / Tega Cay Q-Swap, it was time for Aquaman and YHC to make the trek across the Highway over to WEP for the Saturday Block Party with The Fort PAX. 23 men joined us this cool morning for what would turn into some wall climbing, running, hill crawling and jug-grabbing. Wait, read the second half of the BB, I’m talking about water jugs.

After the disclaimer and Maximus on Q we jogged the long route just to end up back in the adjacent parking lot. Circle up for the warm up.

SSH x 50
CDD x 20
Mountain climbers x 15
SSH x 25

Count off into the 1’s and 2’s.
1’s do muscle ups on the wall until the 2’s return from their lap around the lot and 5 merkins
Flapjack and REPEAT

At this point I felt I owed it to the PAX to share with them a question I’ve been marinating on since Thursday night. I had the opportunity to listen to our own Santini address a group in Uptown about God in your career. He asked the question, “Do you find your value in success or significance? What are you striving for?” This had nothing to do with our workout but it has everything to do with us as men and our role in society. That said, we then mosey to the playground.

1’s do Pull-Ups while 2’s run lap around the playground. Flapjack & REPEAT.
Last but certainly far from the least, we moseyed to the hill, yeah, you know the one.
Facing to the left, we did sideways walking merkins up the hill x 10. Then spin 90 degrees and reverse bear crawl up the hill for another 10 yards. Jog back down.
Facing the right, we did the same thing x 10 and reverse bear crawled 10yds up the hill.

Hand off to Aquaman:
Mosey to his car and grab 1 of the 6 lovely 5 gallon water jugs. PAX helping PAX jog the path to the base of the hill we’d soon conquer while carrying the jugs.

Split into 6 lines. First man of each line will run the jug to the top of the hill but be sure to utilize the required grip on the jugs; mind your hands. Drop the jug at the top, then hoof it back down to the back of your line. The rest of the line will do squats while waiting. Once #1 comes back down, #2 goes up to retrieve the jug and carry back down and repeat this until the line is finished.

Once squat sequence is complete, do it again but this time doing lunges then calf raises.
Next set was for the lead man to sprint up/down the hill while #2 does shoulder shrugs with the jugs while the rest do merkins. Finish running and go to the back of the line and everyone cycles through.

Full-PAX jog back to the launch site trading off the jugs the whole way.
With your partner, lay on your back with your heads touching and interlock your arms. Raise your legs till your feet kick each other then back down. Lost count after I blacked out.
In the same position, doing the Protractor while Aquaman calls out the angle.
Flip it around on your elbows and six facing your partner. Doing circles with your feet.

I’d Q Block Party any day, our honor.

Murph on Monday following your normal AO. CAH ongoing. Several new AO’s starting…check the email and schedule.

Weddings and the start of new relationships. Flat Tire and family. Trucker’s house closings and transition. Keep your mind on the decision to follow success or significance. Be safe this Memorial Day weekend. Be sure to honor and remember those who gave it all for us to defend this wonderful homeland of ours and for what we hold dear. Prayers for our own Jerry Lewis heading out to serve and join our forces; we all want that brother fighting for us, I promise you. Marriages. Colombia Mission team…pray for the PAX going. Link to learn more and donate can be found here


TClap |

Apache’s High Energy VQ

  • QIC: Apache, Italian Job
  • When: 5/21/15
  • Pax: Aqualung, Solid State, Tinker Toy, CSPAN, Full Count, Bogey, Gepetto, Schrute, Swamp Fox, Mailman, Padre, Popeye, Maximus, Smiley Face, Apache, Italian Job
  • Posted In: The Fort

16 strong men came to experience Apache’s VQ. He brought high energy and heavy sweating. This guy gets it!

The Thang

After a brief disclaimer, Apache jumped right in to:

  • 15 Merkins
  • 15 LBCs

Warmup, who needs a warmup?

Mosey to Manchester Theater for:

  • 15 Carolina Dry Docks

Mosey to parking lot next to TJMaxx. Partner up.

  • Bear Crawl to Crab Walk while partner Dips (100 total)
  • Flapjack

Mosey to Manchester Events Center. Partner up.

  • 100 Flutters while partner sprints
  • Flapjack
  • Toy Soldiers length of lot and return

Mosey to La Paz (Spanish for “The Paz”)

  • 25 Power Merkins (crowd pleaser)
  • Flapjack
  • 100 Prayer Squats while partner sprints length of lot
  • Flapjack

Hand off to Italian Job. We shared a brief word from Ecclesiastes 4:9-12. We work out as partners because two are better than one. If one falls down, the other is there to lift him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help them up. Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

We are here to encourage each other, to lock shields with each other. We always have our six and leave no man behind. Keep up the strong work and continue to lift each other up.

Short mosey to the Manchester Fountain for:

  • 25 Box Jumps
  • 25 Dips
  • 25 Calf Raises
  • 25 Derkins

Bogey and Apache reminded us that the only way to get better at Derkins is to do more Derkins. Regular Einsteins they are.

Mosey to “The Wall” for Wall of Fire.

  • While PAX are doing People’s Chair, we took turns doing 10 Merkins, 10 LBCs, and 10 Burpees.

Once our legs were shot, we partnered up for:

  • 25 Picabo Streets
  • 25 Partner Merkin Hand Slaps

Wheelbarrow race to COT

2 Minutes of Mary

  • LBCs
  • Hello Dolly’s
  • Dying Cockroaches

BOM and prayers/praises and announcements.

NakedMan Moleskin

It’s always a pleasure to work with these men. I’ve very proud of the progress of the PAX. Great leadership today by Apache on is VQ. Also, thanks to CSPAN and Maximus for driving down from across the river. Solid State now is a perfect 7 for 7 on attendance at ManU (somebody get this man a certificate).

In less than a month, this AO has averaged 14 per week and has leaders stepping forward every week to lead. We’ve had 5 VQs with a 6th planned next week (Popeye). I’m proud to call you brothers and I’m encouraged by your work ethic. Thanks for letting me be a part of this great team.


5/25 Murph after your regularly scheduled Monday morning workout (check weekly email for details). Please consider a $10 donation for this cause.

5/21 Winnsboro Leap (check weekly email for details)

5/30 Asheville Leap (check weekly email for details)

5/30 Nun Run preceded by 7AM workout with Twister

6/20 Hog and Coyote (check weekly email for details)


Praise for Bogey’s 8 year anniversary with his M. She’s a trooper for putting in 8 hard years through deployments and two 2.0s.

CSPAN’s son and girlfriend serving in Peru. Let’s lift them up for safe travels and that they will make in impact for Christ.

Prayers for the F3 men going to Colombia. They could also use our financial support. Let’s make it happen. Let’s lead in generosity for this worth cause

TClap |

Taking the Hill…with Perfect Form

  • QIC: Funhouse & Maximus
  • When: 05/16/15
  • Pax: Changeorder, Badger, Lil E, Cake Boss, Spiderman, Bojangles, Cerrano, Aquaman, Trucker, Axle, Pick 6, Jiffy, Iron Horse, Craw Daddy, Tater, Sasquatch, Royale, White Lightning, Gecko, Decibel, Smuggler, Senator Tressel
  • Posted In: Alcatraz, The Fort

A few days behind schedule some it’s worth the wait. 24 at Alcatraz this past Saturday for what was guaranteed to be a great time as long as I had something left in the tank after getting lessons from Funhouse. Ya’ll know that he is bent to fix the exercise form of the PAX and for good reason. It’s not about repetitions, it’s about the quality of the work. Don’t injure yourself and don’t cheat yourself.

For those of us lucky ones who attended his Cinco de Mayo workout, he decided to reintroduce us to an abbreviated version in case we hadn’t had enough.

After the necessary disclaimer, Funhouse took us for the Run Around Runde and down the road to the traffic circle (this is where the comments started flying about this being a running workout…yeah, yeah, yeah).
Get your form right with 10 perfect Merkins. Tickle your ribs!!!
Run back to the field and circle up for the abbreviated Pinata (he calls it the Pina)
Merkins x 15
Mak Tar Jai x 25
CDD x 15
Dips x 10
Plank Punches x 25

Knee Tar Jai x 25
Squat Jacks x 25
Squats w/ Calf Raises x 25

Slow Freddies x 25…TERRIBLE
Heels to Heaven x 25…TERRIBLE’er
Roll Ups x 10 OYO

Crab Roll x 15
8 count Body Builders x 10

Hand off to Maximus
Run to the base of the hill then butt-kickers 4ct x 15
10 Burpees OYO
Run to the top of the hill then 2 Jumping Lunges and 2 Monkey Humpers
Run back down then back up for 4 of each. Repeat for 6, 8, 10 and try not to splash.
Mosey to the outfield 1st base line
1/2 the PAX does 3-Tier Suicides (25yds, 50yds, 75yds carefully measured)
1/2 the PAX does Mountain Climbers until the suicides are done
Repeat but this time do butt-kickers instead of Mountain Climbers

Seal Team sit ups

Announcements: F3 Dads in June 0930-1030 at WEP (if they can walk, bring ’em), Hog & Coyote 6/20 0600 at Ballroom, T-claps to Chicken Hawk for his testimony and lesson last Friday, 5/30 clown car to Asheville and nun run in Rock Hill. Bunch of new AOs starting. Check the email.

Prayer Requests: Decibel’s son Noah turned 4!!!!!!!! Flat Tire’s M, Colombia mission trip, Funhouse’s 18yr anniversary


TClap |

Lights On for the PAX at The Colosseum

  • QIC: Maximus
  • When: 05/19/2015
  • Pax: Firewall, Freebird, Bubba Gump, Santini, Pusher, Backdraft, Flat Tire, Dog Pound, MacGyver, Senator Tressel, Sir Topham Hat, Seacrest, Cake Boss, Mr. Clean, White Lightning, Zima, Anchorman, Uncle Kracker, Rooney, Weezer, Chicken Hawk
  • Posted In: The Colosseum, The Fort

For the 2nd week of The Colosseum, 21 of The Fort’s finest joined YHC at GHMS for an 0515 launch of the newest AO. One big difference this week was Rooney took care of us and ensured we didn’t roll any ankles by hitting the lights for us. I know there are a lot of guys posting here that usually post at other AO’s so make sure we EH the FNGs. There is still come confusion on where to park so here it is, PARK AT THE FRONT OF THE SCHOOL.

After a 2min delay, a short disclaimer and a couple folks gettin’ their cars on two wheels coming around the corner, we were off for a short jog to one of the back parking lots.

Circle Up
SSH / Squat Jack / Squat / Moroccan Night Club / 8ct Body Builders….great warmup

Mosey to the Playground & split into 3 groups:
1: 10 Pull Ups 2: 15 Swing Crunches 3: 20 Diamond Merkins
Everyone cycle through and….REPEAT

Mosey to the football field to relive the glory days. We were all-state athletes in our day.
Line up in the end zone. Toy Soldiers for 25yds, Sprint 50yds, Toy Soldiers 25yds.
Grab a partner for some running and stuff. Size doesn’t matter.
Partner 1 runs 100yds while partner 2 does exercise. When partner 1 reaches the other end, he continues the exercise and partner 2 runs down. Continue till the you complete the required number.
Exercise 1: 50 Turkish Get-ups (audibled from 100 since time was getting away from me)
Exercise 2: 100 Merkins (Again, audibled off the wienkie)
Exercise 3: Not enough time, I’ll keep that one in the bag for now.

Line up in the end zone again and Duck Walk 30yds. We really need to bring this exercise back ’cause a few folks were deer in headlights.
Line up shoulder to shoulder for TUNNEL OF LOVE….Crowd Pleaser
Had to finish this off with a little Gator Merkin for about 15yds or so. I had to keep reminding myself that if you can’t Q it, don’t do it. I might have modified that a little.

Mosey back to the launch site for some final Russian Twists

Announcements: So much. Memorial Day Murph 0645. CAH this Saturday for a 4pm bike ride. Hog & Coyote 0600 6/20 at the Ballroom. BRC running club 0630 Sunday’s at Starbucks. F3 Dads every Saturday in June 0930-1030 for you and your 2.0s. Santini is speaking this Thursday evening 5/21 as part of a speaking series, check the email. Run n’ Gun 1815 (6:15pm) Wednesday’s and launches from the back lot of the Baxter Y. A bunch of new AO’s starting up so keep your eyes peeled for the email.

Prayer Requests: Continue praying for Flat Tire and his M as they continue their fight. Don’t bet against these two, you want them in your corner. Prayers for the PAX heading to Colombia, South America. I know you’re hearing this more now but we NEED YOUR PRAYERS AND FINANCIAL SUPPORT. You can also donate to the trip and receive a wrist band in the colors of the Colombian flag with Joshua 24:15 I AM THIRD on it.

In closing, thanks for coming out to this new AO. Rooney has a great spot here and I’m honored to Q it. This is full of opportunity, both with exercise options and EHing. Sir Topham Hat has the Q next week, 5/26.

As You Were.

TClap |

On The Fly

  • QIC: Bounty Hunter
  • When: 05/18/2015
  • Pax: Ringer, Spitz, Pebbles, C3PO, Rebel, Cake-Boss, Barry Banilow, FNG "Lucy"
  • Posted In: The Fort, The Snake Pit

Nine faithful posted on this semi-cool muggy morning ready to sweat the week off right! Unbeknownst to YHC as is waited for the Q I asked what time it was and who was leading the show, Ringer stated it’s time to start and you’re Q. Needless to say I was prepared…. Sort of!

Warmup was a little different in which we mosey’d some ways in between each exercise.
SSH – 20
Mountain Climbers – 15
Tuck Jumps – 10 OYO
Burpees – 10 OYO
Front Lunge
Back Lunge
Side Lunge
Bear Crawl
Power Skips
Imperial squat walkers – 15

The Thang:
Nine light poles, 3 exercises, one at each light pole. Exercises as follows: 5 Burpees, 20 sit ups, 10 merkins. Total of 15 Burpees, 60 sit-ups and 30 merkins. Once complete go back and pick out the 6.

Mosey a ways.

Inch worm 20 yards (20 yards sounded easier before we started.

Mosey to the courtyard area. 20 dips, 10 box jumps (rinse and repeat 2x)

Mosey to the kettle bells.
Clean, press, squat – 10 each arm
Kettle bell swing – 10 each arm
Chest press – 15 each arm
Bent over rows – 10 each arm

Mosey to the parking lot with the kettle bells.
Next exercise is the clean and press Suicide. Kettle bell stays at start line while everyone runs suicide with the parking lines as their guide. Once you get back to the start line perform 1 clean and press with each arm. Total of 20 lines.

Get on your 6:
LBC – 10
Freddie mercury -10
Mine Sweeper

First welcome the 20 year old FNG “Lucy”, always good to see young guys post in the gloom. Plenty going on in the fort region so be sure to check twitter and the plethora of pre-blast with those events. Wanted to call out a praise to C3P0 as he’s lost 5lbs since he started with F3 3ish or so weeks ago. Only thing to add to that now is the time to keep pushing forward, never let complacency set in. Continue to grow and better yourself. If you get stuck, your F3 brothers will be there!

Bounty Hunter over and out!

TClap |

There’s always a little more…

  • QIC: Red Banjo and Dark Helmet
  • When: 05/16/15
  • Pax: MacGyver, Utah, Catfish, Solid State, Sugar Daddy, Jeter (2.0), Flat Tire, Corruption, Bubba Gump, Lad, Hasselhoff, Boeheim, Stang, Assassin, Blackjack, Barry Manilow, Mainframe, High Life, Seacrest, Anchorman, Dogpound, Red Banjo, Dark Helmet
  • Posted In: The Fort

So, this morning we had a case of what I am now fond of calling an “ImpromptQ”, meaning that the scheduled Q didn’t show (for whatever reason), and so someone had to jump in last minute. (Red Banjo called it c-spanning…) As the time ticked down, 23 men showed up, but still no Q, Red Banjo and YHC shared a couple of sideways glances and decided on the spot that we could probably handle things, so off we went… (I won’t remember everything, but I’ll give it a go)

Red Banjo took us for a quick lap around the park and then we circled up for a little warming up which included several rounds of 5 burpees OYO.
There were 20 each of SSH, Mountain Climbers, IW, and a few other things I can’t remember, all broken up by 5 burpees OYO. Then we moseyed to the playground where we partnered up and did three rounds of Partner 1 doing dips and pullups while Partner 2 ran to the path and back. (I feel like there is something else that happened here, but probable lack of oxygen then and passage of time makes me not recall)
Mosey to the soccer goals that were set up for some sprints and (shocker) burpees OYO… Then walk back. Sprint to the other side and do something else horrible, walk back. Then it was some sort of skipping/jumping exercise over and back. Then we bear crawled and did something else awful… There were some flying squirrels in there… It’s all blurring together now. Let’s just agree that it was sucking, fair?

Hand off the Q to YHC, and we pulled in close to ask the question, “Why did we come here today?” Jeter (Boeheim’s 2.0) had the best answer, “Because my dad made me.” We all agreed we are here to get better. Partner up (size matters). Partner carry to the top of the hill, run down, flapjack. Wheelbarrow to the top of the hill, run down, flapjack. Partner 1 planks on hands, Partner 2 holds feet and does 15 curls, flapjack. Loved that? Do it again. Then Partner 1 planks while Partner 2 does derkins off of his back, flapjack. Loved that too? Great! Do it again. Bearcrawl up the hill, run down. Sprint up, run down. Who thinks they have a little left in the tank?
Mosey to the playground, Partner 1 does dips while Partner 2 does a lap around the playground, flapjack to 100. Partner 1 does Incline Merkins while Partner 2 runs a lap, flapjack to 100. Got any left? Great! Mosey to do a little Mary and finish where we started with 5 burpees in cadence, because there is almost always a little left in the tank…

I know I left some things out, but we were making it up on the fly and I didn’t write it down immediately… Meh… What’s a girl to do…?

Red Banjo is fast. And fit. He can’t weigh more than about 165, the dude wears a hat and sweatshirt and ski gloves in the summer, outruns most all of us, and he carried my 205 up that hill like I was barely there. Mad respect… Which brings me to a thought that lots of PAX have said lots of times. You want to get faster? Run with faster guys. Same applies across the board. You want to be a better husband? Hang out with guys who have good marriages. You want to be a better dad? Hang out with guys that are great dads. Don’t know who those guys are? Start having some 2nd F interaction. It will be obvious in no time if these are the guys to push you and help you get where you want to be.

As always, an honor to serve.

Helmet, out…

TClap |


  • QIC: Maximus, Cake Boss, DD
  • When: 05/12/15
  • Pax: Chaser, White Lightning, Cake Boss, Zima, Zoro, Funhouse, Axle, Double Check, Package, Jeckyl, Dark Helmet, Full Count, McGyver, DD, Cerrano, Spider Man, CSPAN
  • Posted In: Block Party, Golden Corral, The Fort

Several years ago, THE FORT started with only 1 workout on a Tuesday, and as of 0514 today, there were 3. These 3 have consistently entered the problematic stage which only means one thing, it is time to recon. So a recon team led by Cake Boss and DD decided to explore Gold Hill Middle School as a potential AO. And they needed a Q that lives close by. That’s where YHC comes into the conversation. When you are called to step up by the likes of these guys, one doesn’t turn it down.

So at 0515 today, May 12, 2015 the recon began and we quickly learned this AO has nothing but potential. Whether it be hills, playgrounds, walls, long straightaways, base-paths, soccer fields or curbs, they can be found. It also helps that we have an “in.” THANKS ROONEY. I did start off by breaking one of the rules, I forgot the disclaimer. Off we go with Maximus on the warm up Q:

Disjointed jog through some of the parking lots and circle up for the warm up
Wide-Arm Merkin
Slow Windmill – hopefully CSPAN did these right and realized the benefit
Low Slow Squat
Carolina Dry Docks (CDD)

Hand off to Cake Boss for a mosey to one of the several playgrounds
Split up in threes: 1’s=10 Pull Ups 2’s=10 CDDs 3’s=Swing Merkin-Crunches (Rotate through 3x’s)
Mosey to the baseball diamond and remember your number
1’s on first 2’s on second 3’s on third (Bear crawl to the next base and run to the next for two laps around)
Mosey to the hill and remember your number
1’s Run up the stairs and around the sidewalk back down to the starting location. 2’s Bear Crawl up the hill and jog down until the 1’s come in. 3’s Freddie Mercury until the 1’s come in. Everyone does this once.

Hand off to DD for the cardio portion (still a little foggy from this one so the details are spotty)
Suicides with a twist: Starting on the sideline, run across the field and up the hill then back down to the light post then back up the hill and back to the upright then back up the hill and back to the starting line. Plank for the six for a mix of sloooooow and fast counts.
Run to midfield for 10 Burpees OYO
Run to one corner for 20 Bomb Jacks
Run to another corner for something…can’t remember
Run back to midfield for something else…can’t remember that either
Run to the snack stand for a nice relaxing wall sit

Hand off to Maximus for a little ab work
Chop Sticks & Flutters and one more round of 10 Bomb Jacks

I was a little uneasy about taking this on after having 12hrs to think about it. Between impending work travel and wanting to keep my nomadic lifestyle of checking out the various Fort AO’s on Tuesdays, I liked my comfortable life. On the flip side, how could anyone but me be the site Q here; I live right here. We’re not called to be comfortable, we’re called to serve and lead. With that said, there really was no option, I’m in.

Some of us forgot how quick-witted our own Funhouse can be but he showed up this morning. Usually there are a few conversations, tweets and emails when deciding on the name for a new AO. We were maybe 10 seconds in and Funhouse throws out THE COLOSSEUM for obvious reasons. There were no second guesses, the AO has been launched.

So from now on, you can add The Colosseum to the list of Tuesday AO’s at The Fort. If you’re interested in Qing, let me know.

Announcements: 3rd F Convergence on Friday at the Eternal Church offices, Cannoli Run Saturday 0900, Winnsboro launch 5/23, MURPH at COOP 5/25 following normal workout – $10 donation, 6/20 CSAUP-read the email, F3 Dads on Saturdays in June 9:30-10:30

Prayer Requests: Jeckyl will be helping to launch F3 in Wilson, NC back in his hometown, Flat Tire’s M, Chicken Hawk’s leadership, Maximus’ conversations with men of his neighborhood with the launch of this new AO.

Honored and Humbled.

TClap |

What’s the purpose of F3?

5 men answered the call for an Assassin led workout service project…(?)

No disclaimers needed here. These seasoned veterans knew the implications of their attendance at this post… The call was to show up and get to work, so we did…

The Thang:
– Partner up – Partner 1 grabs a lawn mower and mows half the back lot / Partner 2 grabs a weed eater and attacks the back fence lines and edges of the lots around the building
– Rinse and repeat with the front lot – continue for 45 minutes
– Next, 2 men grab round up and spray the parking lot weeds (excellent grip strengthening workout) while 1 man grabs the backpack blower and goes to town clearing the parking lot and driveway
– The other two men, um… supervise for this part… I won’t say whom, but it was Dark Helmet and Catfish…

End with some solid 2nd F and a sense of gratitude for men who have it in them to serve, and for the incredible abundance we all enjoy in our lives…

So, a few days ago, the twitter machine buzzed, almost unnoticed, with a call by Assassin to come and help clean up the lot around where the new Fort Mill Care Center will be re-locating.

To me, this is one of the absolutely beautiful things about F3. A guy tweets, some guys respond. Lives are made better. It’s simple. The workouts aren’t a lot different. A guy tweets, some guys respond, we workout hard, and individuals are made better. What Assassin did, in my mind, was plant the Virtual Shovel Flag where betterment was needed and we were able to respond. To me, that’s what the shovel flag is. It’s a man solidly planting his intention to make lives better for that hour for those men who answer the call.

In fact, the whole point of the workouts is to “invigorate male community leadership”. And that’s what Assassin did. He heard a need, he rallied the troops, and made lives better. The people from the Fort Mill Care Center, certainly. But even more so, me. Opportunities to look outside ourselves abound. In our marriages, our families, our workplaces, and in our communities. Answer the call… Leave your mark… Be a HIM.

TClap |

No Excuses, Good Judgement, & One Chance…..Football Style

  • QIC: Bubba Gump & Audit
  • When: 05/09/15
  • Pax: Boehiem, Longshanks, Tatanka, Tesla, FNG - Dawg Pound, Flat Tire, Mile High, Stang, Mangum, Man O War, Crab Cakes, Seacrest, Wink, Calamari, Warcraft, Juan Valdez, Barry Manilow, Blackout, FNG - Mainframe, Hasselhoff, High Life, Hibber, Pusher, Bubba Gump, Menthol, Audit, Rooney, Twister, Gigawatt, McGyver, Green Wave. (Hope I didn't miss anyone else).
  • Posted In: The Fort

YHC and Bubba Gump had the pleasure to our own Fort Mill combine at the friendly confines of Walter Elisha Park. Gump led the pack out onto the field.

The Thang:

1/2 lap around the park then COP: 20SSH, 10 Merkins, 20 Imperial Walkers, 10 Merkins, 20 squats, 10 Merkins, 20 Windmill, 10 Merkins, then off to the first set of drills

1/2 of the PAX started a set of cone drills while the other 1/2 stayed in COP, then we flip flopped.

Cone Drill 1: Bear Crawl in and out of cones, forward and backwards run in and out of cones, lateral slides in and out of cones, & sprint through cones touching the top of the cone on each turn.  Each one of these exercises were followed with 10 dips and 10 lbc’s.  Off to 2nd set of cone drills

Cone Drill 2: 3 rows of cones, at 1st cone we football chopped and then rolled to right and left, 2nd cone was football chop and then up downs, 3rd cone was mountain climber chops and then roll left and right.  We moved through each option 3 times. Off to 3rd set of cone drills.

Cone Drill 3: 4 rows of cones about 20 yards apart. Cone 1 10 Merkins, sprint to cone 2, 20 lbcs, sprint to cone 3, 30 Freddy Mercury’s, sprint to cone 4, 40 SSH.  Rinse and Repeat.

Gump then Barry Switzer’ed us for a few words of encouragement.  He mentioned that today was the 5th anniversary of his Father’s (Big Al) passing.  He told us that his father was a simple man and he always had 3 things he told each of his 5 boys, which has stuck with them for their lives.

1) No Excuses (do your best, lay it all on the line, no matter what you are doing).

2) Use Good Judgement (follow this principle and you will always stay out of trouble).

3) Once Chance (You are never guaranteed a second chance, lay it all on the line each day)

Next was a Hand off to Audit: Mosey up to the soccer fields for some more football action.

Partner up: Drill 1) partner 1 was DE and partner 2 was OT, partner 1 would push partner 2 (who was applying resistance) to mid field then partner 1 would release and sprint the rest of the field while partner 2 would chase him. FLAPJACK on the way back

Drill 2) partner 1 was WR and partner 2 was CB.  Partner 1 would try and get past partner 2 across the whole field and partner 2 would try and keep partner 1 in front of him at all times.

Im not going to lie, I intended to keep doing these type of exercises for the majority of the second half but I was partnered up with Longshanks and he had me sucking serious wind, so I had to throw an audible in to catch my breathe.

4 Corner Drill at each corner of the soccer field: (I was still lightheaded at this point, so I cant remember the exact count of these so forgive me.

Corner 1) 20 Merkins, Corner 2) 40 SSH, Corner 3) 10 Burpees, Corner 4) 30 mountain climbers.  Rinse and Repeat.

circle up for 5 minutes of ab lab – dealers choice.  We did several different exercises here.  Ok, at this point I had finally caught my breathe and was feeling good so we then lined up on mid field for some wind sprints.  Just like at the end of football practice back in the day.  We did 5 wind sprints and then on the 6th we sprinted back to COT.

As always, it was a pleasure to team up with my fellow Clemson Tiger Bubba Gump to lead the PAX and welcome in 2 FNG’s (Dawg Pound and Mainframe).


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