4 Horsemen from The Hive Invade Slow Burn and Meet Jackie Brice!

  • QIC: Seacrest
  • When: 07/10/15
  • Pax: Greenwave, Dawg Pound, Cheddah, Seacrest (QIC)
  • Posted In: The Hive

4 Horsemen rode into the Hive this gloomy Friday morning and there was a lot of mumble chatter when they realized we would be riding right back out.  Kettlebells in hand…

After a quick warmup, SSH x 25, we were off.

The Thang:

Mosey down the street stopping at 10 light posts along the way.

  1. Clean Presses x 10 (5 each arm)
  2. Curls x 10 (5 each arm)
  3. Tricep Extensions x 10
  4. Figure 8’s x 10
  5. Squat Curl Presses x 10 (5 each arm)
  6. Overhead Presses x 10 (5 each arm)
  7. Squats x 10
  8. Clean Presses x 10 (5 each arm)
  9. Tricep Extensions x 10 (5 each arm)
  10. Overhead Presses x 10 (5 each arm)

Mosey to the Bi-Lo parking lot.  Oh look, Slow Burn is here.  Props to Solid State for the mini convergence idea.

Circle of Pain

3 kettlebells passed around the circle

  • 20lb KB – Clean Presses x 10 (5 each arm)
  • 25lb KB – Curls x 10 (5 each arm)
  • 30lb KB – Swings x 10

All while the rest of the PAX held the plank.


SSH x 25

Mountain Climbers x 25

Merkins x 10

Peter Parkers x 15

Squats (we really needed a break from the plank) x 20

Stang through in a couple of other good ones, but I was trying to catch my breath.

Mini Convergence over.  Time to head back. Kettlebells back in hand.

Rinse and repeat the light post excercises back down the street.  A lot of good mumble chatter after stopping at the first light post AGAIN!


Prayers for Dawg Pound’s parents keeping their three boys for a couple of weeks.


After our workout, Cheddah commented on my punctuality.  That was until we met Mr. Jackie Brice.  He kept yelling at us from a distance about the upcoming season.  “No Pain, No Gain!” He said over and over.  This is a young looking group (Especially Cheddah) and Mr. Jackie Brice thought we were FMHS football players.  After clearing that up, we invited him to workout with us and he joined us for BOM.  #Respect

Greenwave was not happy about running to Bi-Lo with his 35lb KB (For the record, I did recommend light weight and running shoes on Twitter this week), but every time he was offered to switch with someone, he kept it.  Good work! #HIM

I heard Dawg Pound with some light mumble chatter at the 1st light post on the way back.  I couldn’t make out what he was saying, but probably something like “can someone tell me who’s idea it was to run over 2 miles with kettlebells?”

Glad to have Cheddah out this morning.  The Hive is a great AO and it’s good to see some new faces coming out.  Good work by all PAX this AM.

Thanks Longshanks for the opportunity to Q.  Honored.

Until next time…

Seacrest, Out!


TClap |

Sweeper’s VQ + Record Attendance @F3TheHive

  • QIC: Sweeper & CSPAN
  • When: 07/03/15
  • Pax: 1-Niner, Back Draft, CSPAN, Dark Helmet, Howitzer, Jekyll, KC Masterpiece, Lug Nut, Ringer, Sasquatch, Spitz, Stang, Sugar Momma, & Sweeper
  • Posted In: The Hive

Today was Sweepers VQ (yes, he is 16 years old, you need to find a better excuse), he tossed up perfect cadence calling and pulled together a high aerobic “weinke”. We were all extremely proud of #HIM…Spitz you did “good” on your son, and thank you for sharing #HIM with @F3TheFort, #T-Claps to you and his #Mother.

Record attendance of 14 for this new AO

Notes from this morning’s @F3TheHive:

  • 1-Niner =Really did not try hard because he had a Crowder date with WWL #stillweird
  • Back Draft=sorry for all the funeral discussion #Arlington #USMCMuseum
  • CSPAN=I did not take good notes this morning, you should have been there…I feel better about the youth of America after my dealings with Sweeper
  • Dark Helmet=Nice work on setting up this convergence #Leadership
  • Howitzer=Well played today, appreciate the call out for everyone to have a safe holiday #REDFriday
  • Jekyll=Dude you are funny #Mumblechatter…it really is about the poetic pauses of life…nice work on all the 2ndF activities this summer
  • KC Masterpiece=nice to finally workout with one of my EH…sorry for leaving you dateless…+appreciate the chat post workout
  • Lug Nut=great to see you this morning #WarDaddy…+what were you looking for post workout?
  • Ringer=Thanks for letting me win a suicide today…35 is too heavy…
  • Sasquatch=nice form with that 35 today…congrats on 3 weeks of “honeymoon”
  • Spitz=Really proud of your son today #ProudPappa
  • Stang=Thanks for the plank my friend
  • Sugar Momma=Nice second post, where you going Saturday?
  • Sweeper=My man…great work…everybody get this kid into Q rotation, obviously gets the F3 principles and did fantastic today for a VQ #MEANMEANSTRIDE #FAST + the repeated suicides were excellent, I will give you a better race next time.


Always an honor to split with a VQ, here is everything in my notes:

  • #HIM = High Impact Man…still toughest place to be one is in your own home…be a man and make a difference at home this weekend
  • Great AO Long Shanks #Elite #ExcellentChoice
  • Start your Gladiator Games Training now for 8/8/15 = Pebbles is giving up the crown
  • I forgot to mention $12 T-Shirts


Appreciate the enthusiasm, and get your twitter account going, and follow me @CSPANF3 and follow our region @F3TheFort @F3RockHill & @F3IndianLand

Be a better man today than you were yesterday,

CSPAN – over & out

TClap |

Extended Weighted Lunge Walks Make You Better

  • QIC: LugNut
  • When: 06/26/15
  • Pax: LongShanks, Wheels, SeaCrest, DogPound, GreenWave, LugNut (QIC)
  • Posted In: The Hive

5 Brave Men joined YHC in the Gloom to hoist and swing a kettle bell or weight at Fort Mill High School and get better. It is properly called the Hive.

The Thang:


20 IW IC

20 Windmills IC

20 Long Slow Squats IC

Run the entire student parking lot and meet back up at the PAD by the Aux Gym for some hoisting and swinging.

First series:

10 Curls/10 overhead tricep extensions/ 10 squat shoulder presses, lunge walk across PAD alternating bell between legs. Then 20 reps each and weight lunge walk, then 30 reps each and weighted lunge walk. Recovery with a lap in the parking lot.

Second Series:

10 figure 8’s with squats/ 10 around the world/ 10 halo’s, lunge walk across the PAD alternating bell between legs. Then 20 reps each and weight lunge walk, then 30 reps each and weighted lunge walk. Recovery with a lap in the parking lot.

Third Series:

On your 6, 10 skull crushers/ 10 bench press, lunge walk across the PAD alternating bell between legs. Then 20 reps each and weight lunge walk, then 30 reps each and weighted lunge walk. Recovery with a lap in the parking lot.


Bear Crawl across the PAD and run backwards back to the wall. 20 Moroccan Night Clubs IC assume position for People’s Chair with bell in front and above. Bear crawl across the PAD and run backwards back to the wall for BTTW. Bear crawl across the PAD and run backwards back for another round of People’s Chair.



Even though our tax $ are at work at FMHS with a lot of construction this is an excellent AO. Also every Friday morning around 5:45 the Hive is buzzing with activity as the FMHS cheerleaders come in for their conditioning. Thankfully Wheelz was not almost run over like 3 weeks ago.

There is a lot of room to explore on the campus. For any new Q’s, Kbell workouts are the best to start with. Also for the more seasoned Q’s, the site holds a lot of options. In addition, it is convenient as you can still attend Chicken and Wisdom. If you are new to kbell you need to try it (also generally there are extra bells brought by the PAX) Thanks LongShanks for the honor to Q this morning. You also have a sweet shovel flag.

Thank you Wheelz with a strong take out with prayers lifted up for his M’s job interview, SeaCrest’s move across town and LongShanks trip to Aruba.

TClap |

“Operation Independence” – Gift Card Drive #HIM


As we approach Independence Day it reminds us of the struggles and sacrifices made to have freedom. Even once that freedom is achieved, the fight is not over and we must press on to preserve what was attained.

This life we live on earth is not easy and when you are behind the eight ball, it is even harder. Please read this message from Tinker Toy and the plan for assisting a young man, but mainly showing the example of a real man…..High Impact Man (HIM),

Hello friends!
We have a young man transitioning from foster care in York County to full time independence who is moving into his first apartment (we will protect his confidentiality by not providing his name).  We were hoping to collect some items to help him along in this journey.  This is a wonderful young man who works very hard and goes to college…he is striving to make very wise choices and seeking after the Lord.  Will you pray for our friend, for blessings, direction, and a heart sold out for the Lord.  Will you pray that God will provide abundantly for his needs and that he will know he is loved!
There are many household items that are being donated by church small groups and our orphan ministry at our church already.  Being on a tight budget, what he would need most from our F3 family is gift cards to/for:
Gift card can be brought to any workout and given to Cake Boss, Tinker Toy, Padre, or Mailman. My wife and I will distribute the gift card to this young man as he needs them so he can start to learn how to budget. We don’t want to give everything at one time to avoid the temptation of spending where he doesn’t need to. He has never been taught the basics of adulthood so we want to make sure we help him learn how to best budget his finances now that he is on his own.
Thank you for your hearts and generosity for this young man.  A life without a family entering into adulthood can be very scary and overwhelming, so we are asking that the body of Christ overwhelm him with God’s love and bless him with a little of what we have been so richly blessed with ourselves as a demonstration of His love. 
And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’ (‭Matthew‬ ‭25‬:‭40‬ ESV)

In His Hands,

Sean Baxter (Tinker Toy)
So men, starting today through July 4th we will collect these gift cards and get them to the following PAX – Cake Boss, Tinker Toy, Padre, or Mailman.
Whatever monetary value to can do, no amount is too small as this young man has nothing but his future ahead.
Any questions, please reach out to myself or Tinker Toy.
TClap |

Wheels almost run over by Cheerleaders!!

  • QIC: Longshanks
  • When: 06/05/2015
  • Pax: Spitz, Lugnut, Wheels, Seacrest, Longshanks
  • Posted In: The Hive

5 of Fort Mills biggest characters arrived for the first installment of the new AO known as The Hive.  Besides lifting some kettlebells, the Pax also had to dodge the Fort Mill High cheerleaders as they wildly drove through the parking lot to get to early morning practice (kudos to these young women for getting up early to go to practice even though school is out).  One of them almost ran Wheels over and we were on our six doing abs.  Shovel Flag planted (thanks to the art teacher at OPES, Paige), disclaimer noted, and off we go.

The Thang

Lap around the parking lot then Warmup of: SSH x 15, Windmills x15, IW x 15, MC x 15, Plank Jacks x 15

Grab your bells take to first corner of the lot – 10 curls each side, 20 over head triceps extensions, 30 upright rows, 40 squats with bell between legs.  Plank when done.  Then 10 plank rows each side, 20 squats with bell held at chest, 30 kettlebell swings, 40 kettlebell LBC’s.  Run to the next corner.  Rinse and repeat.  Run to third corner go through first set of 10-20-30-40, run to 4th corner and do second set of 10-20-30-40.  Run back to start and circle up on your six. 20 chest presses (IC), Protractor with bell held high, 20 Russian Twists, 15 flutter kicks.  Stand up and do 10 kettlebell burpees.

Announcments – 2.0 workout and CAH this Saturday

Prayers – Spitz and Wheels had request fort their families.  Mentioned in prayer our retiring principals favorite quote “we give our children two things – roots and wings”  Give your family the same.

Moleskin – YHC was honored to be selected as site Q of this wonderful new AO. A lot of construction going on at FMHS right now but it still has a lot to offer.  I had planned on doing some other Thangs today, but when I realize Spitz and Lugnut were there then I had to change it up as those two’s mumblechatter is top notch in The Fort.  Received an outstanding History lesson about the wonderful city on Fort Mill from Spitz.  Who knew the driving range at Fort Mill Golf Club used to be the football field for the high school.  Now that school is out I hope to visit some other AO’s over the summer.  Hope to see you in the Gloom.

TClap |

The Hive 6-5-15 – Parking

Just a reminder that The Hive launches tomorrow at 5:15 at Fort Mill High School.  It is a kettlebell workout.  Please use the Parking lot by the Gymnasium/Baseball Field that is located off Munn Road.

TClap |