
  • QIC: Drydock
  • When: 09/01/16
  • Pax: Drydock Q, Cutter, Nunchuck, High Pockets, Blacklung, Mr. Rogers, Stranger, and Chef.
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

September 1st, 2016

Drydock Q, Cutter, Nunchuck, High Pockets, Blacklung, Mr. Rogers, Stranger, and Chef.


Side Straddle Hops, Hillbillys, Slow merkins, Moroccan nightclubs,

Mosey:  Partners…200 Merkins, 200LBCs, and 200Squats…while partner ran to location and back.

Round Robin…Pax chose an exercise to do a different locations.

Mosey back to COT.

Prayers and Praises with announcements.

Drydock Q

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Second F Rockhill launch Sept 2

  • QIC: Apache
  • When: 09/02/16
  • Pax: All pax for fellowship
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Hello gents.

This Friday we will launch the Second F lunching in Rockhill.

I know everyone is doing that. But what makes this Second F special we are rotating the AO around the city of Rockhill to different venues. And each week a different area of topic.

So we can step up and begin to be better Leaders, fathers, and contributors to our community


This weeks Key Topic will be Cool Table Ministries and how our F3 Leaders of Leaders can help this awesome organization “Cool table” Chris Keifer will be key speaker.



Kinsh’s Kitchen

123 Elk Ave, Rock Hill, SC 29730



11:45 to beat the lunch crowd and preferred seating

Next week

Next week’s location and topic is up for discussion so if you have something dear to your heart for discussion please bring it to our attention…


Aye Apache

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Charity Softball Tournament at Guns N’ Moses 9/24/16

  • QIC: HighPockets & Redwood
  • When: 9/24/16
  • Pax: All PAX
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Come out to Tirzah ARP church softball field Sept 24th for a little friendly game of softball. F3 York is excited to coordinate their first Annual Charity Softball Tournament at Guns N’ Moses AO. Tirzah ARP has generously allowed the use of their field to help raise funds for one of the well deserved local charities listed below, and we look forward to having a lot of fun in the process. Cost is $10 per player, and 100% of proceeds and donations will go to the choice of the winning team’s charity.

Pax get with your AO or surrounding AOs and establish a team for your area.  If you are interested but do not have enough for a team, let us know and we will place individuals as best as we can. Teams will be limited due to it being a one day event, and we want each team to play at least 2 games. We encourage PAXS to please HC if they can donating bottled water and/or Gatorade to help keep everyone hydrated.

Importance of this event will NOT be competitiveness, but it will be an opportunity to come together, have some fun, and give to one of the following charities:

Children’s Attention Home

Stepping Stones

Pilgram’s Inn

Palmetto Crisis Pregnancy Center

Who: All PAX                                                                                                                                  What: F3 Softball tournament
When: Saturday, September 24th @ 1:00 PM
Where: Guns & Moses
6161 Mt Gallant Rd, York, SC 29745

Cost: $10 per player

We look forward to seeing you!

HC Here!

Redwood & HighPockets

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1st Annual Operation Sweet Tooth Charity Golf Classic Pre Blast

Please join fellow PAX at the 1st annual Operation Sweet Tooth Charity Golf Classic on October 22, 2016 to Help honor the life of Christina Latini, F3 Sweet Tooth, the 2.0 of Olive, Jager and sister to 2.1 Happy Meal.  Christina passed away unexpectedly on May 6, 2016.  Although she lives in Heaven today, we can help her memory live on for years to come with Operation Sweet Tooth, an initiative to help children who are sick or less fortunate and may need their spirits lifted and prayers answered.  Thanks for all your help!

Golf Classic details:

Location: Carolina Lakes Golf Club  23012 Kingfisher Drive, Indian Land, SC 29707

Date: October 22, 2016

Time: 11:00am (4 Person Scramble)

Please go to the following link for further details about how to register for the Golf Classic and Operation Sweet Tooth.




Big Papi



F3 Operation Sweet Tooth Shirt Pre-Order



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2 AO’S = double the HIMSHIP oldtowne & independence

  • QIC: Apache
  • When: 8/29/16
  • Pax: MAYHEM, Riverrat, POPEYE, Dr. Ruth, Dingo, Crayola, Chuckie, Kindergarten Cop, Van Wilder. Smiley, Gauge, Pawpaw, and YHC
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Always honored to lead the leaders of our nation in the gloominess. We had 13 including YHC Unpartake the fartsack on the this Monday morning at one of the best AOs in the F3 Nation

With Oldtowne right down Oakland Avenue and my old shield locking solider Italian Job on Q, why not bring the two AO’S together and sharpen Iron as one strong wolf pack


SSH 25 In cadence

Merkins 25 In-cadence

We counted off into two different columns and doubled timed with Airbourne shuffle down Oakland Ave and meet up with the Oldtowne gents and the video below puts to perspective of our struggle

Monkey Humpers until the 6 arrived.

Butt Kickers, High Knees, Karaoke, Shuffles, and Jog down Wilson Street to Village Way where we numbered off and split into two lines.

The first in each line did not race (but totally raced) to the light pole and back while the PAX did Merkins, LBCs, Seal Jacks, and Italian Night Clubs. Shampoo until everyone completed their run.

Mosey down Village Way to the lower lot for BLIMPS

  • 5 Burpees
  • 10 Lunges (per leg)
  • 15 Imperial Walkers
  • 20 Merkins
  • 25 Plank Jacks
  • 30 Squats

Mosey to the wall for

  • 10 Count People’s Chair
  • 10 Count Left Leg only People’s Chair
  • 10 Count Right Leg only People’s Chair
  • 25 Calf Raises

Mosey to COT Our most famous Airborne Shuffle lead by our stronger but under the weather Chuckie

Arrived back at COT with 5 mins to spare and Kindergarten Cop lead us with some AB Lab work and of coarse we closed out with Merkins


Today was a nice break from the staying around Campus and it was fun to merge AOs for the workout. There is still so much untapped potential in our area. In two years, I’m not sure we’ve ever used the lot where we did BLIMPS today. Love how we said our run was not a race, then proceeded to race. Iron sharpens iron.

This morning, YHC shared a thought from church yesterday. We are called to be the examples for others to look to. We are set apart because of the HIM we are. And as such, we are called to step up when there is a need. I want to encourage you to seek Jesus in the face of the downtrodden. In the parable of the sheep and goats, Jesus said we are called to provide for the poor. He went on to say when you provide food, drink, clothes, and companionship, you are doing it for Him. When you don’t provide these things, you are doing it to Him. We need to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our communities. Realize how blessed we are and return that blessing to others.

You are getting stronger every day. The desire for better health is just the start – now it’s time to better our communities. Seek those opportunities and make an impact today.





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Independence Meets OldTown

  • QIC: Italian Job
  • When: 8/29/16
  • Pax: Broteinshake, Pony Tail, Money Bags, Reborn, Mr. Big Stuff, Pistol, Anchor Bar, Incoming, Pescador, Stockyard, Samurai, Catfish, The Riddler, Schrute, Blueprint, Italian Job
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

It was a quiet morning at #OldTown as 16 groggy PAX rolled in a little slow this morning. Disclaimer was disclaimed and we were off…


  • 20 SSH (IC)
  • 10 Windmills (IC)
  • Left over Right Stretch
  • Right over Left Stretch
  • Middle Stretch
  • 15 Imperior Walkers (IC)

Mosey to the light at Oakland and White Streets.

Burpees until the light changed.

The Thang

Mosey down Oakland Avenue to meet up with the #Independence PAX.

Monkey Humpers until the 6 arrived.

Butt Kickers, High Knees, Karaoke, Shuffles, and Jog down Wilson Street to Village Way where we numbered off and split into two lines.

The first in each line did not race (but totally raced) to the light pole and back while the PAX did Merkins, LBCs, Seal Jacks, and Italian Night Clubs. Shampoo until everyone completed their run.

Mosey down Village Way to the lower lot for BLIMPS

  • 5 Burpees
  • 10 Lunges (per leg)
  • 15 Imperial Walkers
  • 20 Merkins
  • 25 Plank Jacks
  • 30 Squats

Mosey to the wall for

  • 10 Count People’s Chair
  • 10 Count Left Leg only People’s Chair
  • 10 Count Right Leg only People’s Chair
  • 25 Calf Raises

Long Mosey down White Street, across to Main, and down to the lower Hot Box (avoiding oncoming traffic).

  • 6 Post Suicides
  • Bear Crawl Up the Ramp
  • Crab Walk Down the Ramp

Mosey to COT


Today was a nice break from the Hot Box at Old Town and it was fun to merge AOs for the workout. There is still so much untapped potential in our area. In two years, I’m not sure we’ve ever used the lot where we did BLIMPS today. Love how we said our run was not a race, then proceeded to race. Iron sharpens iron.

This morning, YHC shared a thought from church yesterday. We are called to be the examples for others to look to. We are set apart because of the HIM we are. And as such, we are called to step up when there is a need. I want to encourage you to seek Jesus in the face of the downtrodden. In the parable of the sheep and goats, Jesus said we are called to provide for the poor. He went on to say when you provide food, drink, clothes, and companionship, you are doing it for Him. When you don’t provide these things, you are doing it to Him. We need to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our communities. Realize how blessed we are and return that blessing to others.

You are getting stronger every day. The desire for better health is just the start – now it’s time to better our communities. Seek those opportunities and make an impact today.




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For the love of the gloom

  • QIC: Apache
  • When: 8/28/16
  • Pax: High Hat, Mayflower, Maximus, Wapner, Burgundy, The Flash, Chaffer, and YHC
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

The hills-of-gloom is a special place, where everyone can come together with different exercisestyles and sharpen iron with your brothers

This morning we had a Total of 8 humbled gents. Which 6 were running miles of smiles and 2 were rucking it up buttercups

The running crowd always impressing, because they know what they have in store for them. The humidity, the hills and the miles of the Suck that makes them better in so many ways… mind body and spirit.

Where as for me I have taken on to this rucking thing. You get that complete workout while being able to bond with your brothers and release the stress of being The HIM and the troubles of daily life.

Thanks Maximus, we had an awesome Brodate your words of wisdom and your listening nature goes way further than you can imagine. Sharpening the iron along with relieving the tensions of life. Wow where was this F3 nation Thang years ago??

We as High Impact Males all have the basic Daly issues in life. Jobs, marriage, kids, financial issues, and just the pressures of not being The HIM we know we can be..

But we, as a group can win this battle. We can motivate each other. We can be that shoulder to lean on. We can be just the ear for listening

So lean on your brothers of the gloom. Sharpen the iron and push the rock with the brothership and we will continue to see great things and changes in our lives

Look to the SkyQ and pray for each other and thank Him for our daily blessings.

See you in the gloomness

Aye Apache!!




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Storming the beaches of Normandy

  • QIC: Italian Job, Pusher
  • When: 8/27/16
  • Pax: Honey Pot, Roxanne, Smiley Face, Big Papi, Watson, Samurai, Dark Helmet, Bono, Cornerstone, Outlaw, Hydrant, Slow Pitch, Uga, Stockyard, Spartacus, Long Shanks, Van Wilder, Atlas, The Riddler, Hoffa, Fallout, Bubba Gump, Doc McStuffins, Posse, Apache, Gatsby, Popeye, Ponytail, HotSauce, Pistol, Burgundy, Walker, Beast, Bourne, Anchor Bar, Lock Pick, Kevorkian, Geronimo, Armadillo, Cake Boss, Limp Bizkit, Mayhem, Pusher, Italian Job, Drysdale, Cosine, Trail Mix, Dangerfield, Cujo
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

This morning 49 PAX showed up for the official launch of F3 Lancaster “Normandy Beach.” Conditions were stellar and the PAX were extra chatty. TClaps to the men from Rock Hill, Fort Mill, Indian Land, and Waxhaw who came out to give it away to our newest brothers in Lancaster. After the Disclaimer was disclaimed and a run down of the 3 Fs and Principles of F3 were explained, we jumped right in to the following…

25 SSH (IC)
20 IW (IC)
15 Windmills (IC)
25 Moroccan Night Clubs (IC)
10 Head, shoulders, knees, and toes (Core Exercises)

Mosey to Bruin Hill
Bear crawl to top while PAX does LBCs, Merkins, and American Hammers. Rotate through until all have climbed to the top and returned.
Mosey to the wall for 2 rounds of 4 count People’s Chair
Mosey to the track and partner up for Dora (100 Merkins, 200 LBCS, 300 Squats)

Handoff to Pusher

Mosey to LHS hill for Jacobs Ladder w/ Burpees and Bomb Jacks (crowd pleaser).
Mosey to parking lot 4 corners of Burpee (25 Merkins/Jump Squats/Mtn Climbers/Squats with Lunge Walk in between.
Finished with 4 rounds of AYG sprints.
Mosey home

It is always fun to be part of launching a new area. What Charlotte brought to Fort Mill, Tega Cay, and Indian Land was passed on to Rock Hill then York and Lake Wylie and now Lancaster. To be a part of something this great is a true blessing. Outlaw, Watson, Bono, Lock Pick, Drysdale, Cosine, Trail Mix, Dangerfield, Cujo, Lattamore, Power Plant, and Bucky – you men are now the redwoods of the Red Rose City. You are now charged with expanding the nation and spreading the tenants of F3.

As discussed this morning, F3 is not just a fitness group. We go much deeper than spotting you at the gym. We aren’t just a fellowship group – we can hang out at the bar with anyone we choose. We aren’t just a faith-based group – Sunday school and small groups can only offer so much. Instead, we are a fraternity – a brotherhood of men that are willing to sweat, bleed, and cry right alongside you. We cannot be hoarders of this. Someone out there is wondering what their life is missing. Someone out there is juggling a job, a marriage, car pools, mortgage payments, soccer practice, and the stress of the modern day male. What they are missing is the accountability and support of our brotherhood. Someone out there is struggling with a broken relationship, a job loss, addiction, or depression and they need us to be the HIM we are called to be. It is our responsibility to share what we’ve freely received. Get out there and give them an emotional headlock. Bring them into the fold and watch as their lives, families, and communities are changed.

Today’s workout wasn’t easy. Heck, I’m still feeling it as I type this 30+ hours later. But we have a saying around here: it doesn’t get easier, you just get stronger.

Welcome to the family, brother. Now go and share this with the men of Lancaster. Be the beggar showing another beggar where to find bread. Be the change you want to be in the world and start right here, right now, in your own town. We are F3 and we are here to make this place a better place to live.

Italian Job

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Barely used, outgrown or donated by a neighbor bike recycling drive for CAH

  • QIC: Chicken Hawk and CoPay
  • When: 09/09/2016
  • Pax: All The Fort Region AOs
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Goal = 20 (12″ – 20″ Bikes)

For one week and one week only; leading up to the September 3rd Bike Ride @ CAH we are collecting bikes between 12″ – 20″ for the benefit of the children at the Children’s Attention Home.  They are in dire need of smaller bikes for the children to ride around campus.  How can you help:

  1. Admit it your child is now 3-4 years older than when you bought them that 14″ bike and they are never going to ride it again.  Donate it!
  2. If you have a neighbor that has children that have outgrown or don’t use their bikes ask them if you can have them.  Donate it!

Please bring your bike to one of the following AOs during the week and Chicken Hawk will be collecting:

1. Monday – Flight Plan

2. Tuesday – Golden Corral

3. Wednesday – The Coop

4. Thursday – Laces In

5. Friday – Petra / Bibles and Biscuits

Aye!  Together we can!

PS:  If we collect more bikes than CAH needs we are partnering with a great ministry that can use them to give away as well.  http://www.heraldonline.com/news/local/community/fort-mill-times/article83462782.html




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Something provocative to make you click here- The Tavern BB

  • QIC: Bill Nye
  • When: 08/25/16
  • Pax: Bogey, Bull, Flop, Honey Pot, Hot Sauce, JAG (Respect), Kelvin, Limp Biscuit, Money Bags, Mr. Big Stuff, Paris, Paw Paw, Pony Tail (Respect), Sargent York, Samurai (Respect), Slow Pitch
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

For those of you not in the know, Tavern Run has shaped up to be one of the toughest AO’s in the region. While the bar is normally high for a leader they become nearly tangible on days like today. That being said, I hope I did not disappoint. We covered a little over 2.5 miles and felt the burn.

The Thang:
Left over right
Right over left
Low slow mercans
Moroccan nightclub
Mercans IC

Bear crawl and wall sits
Wall climbs
SSH for 6
Parking lot runs with 8 prison cells- the jump at each light (7 lights, 56 prison cells)
Mosey/frogger to the Farris Wheel of Doom where we did
5 diamond mercans
Run up the hill
10 Rosalita

Run back around
Rinse and repeat
Mosey to the wall
People’s chair
Balls to the wall with a Tinker Toy ten count (read normal person 15 count)
People’s chair
Balls to the wall with a Kelvin ten count (see Tinker Toy ten count for more information)
Mosey to four corners

At each corner we did ten of an exercise
Hello Dolly
Clave raises

Repeat for a second a third time (except for a few Larry Birds- good for you guys going above and beyond with the fourth).

Superman, pull the cord, banana hammock
Freddie mercuries IC

Flutter kicks IC
Superman, pull the cord
10 hand release mercans oyo

Plank up while yhc set up a little music: AC/DC- Thunderstruck
Maintain plank for the song. Each time we hear “Thunder” or “Thunderstruck” do a mercan followed by a plank jack. For the live version of the song that is 36 times in a 4:53 time period. It’s a lot of mercans, a lot of plank jacks, and a lot of plank holds. PAX were encouraged to modify to a SSH if they needed to, but I think we were all together for the final few painful moments of the chorus at the end.

Sometimes times get tough and life feels like it is spinning uncontrollably. There is a simplicity to my 5:15 “workout group”. Push yourself, push your neighbor, and get better. The goals are clear but this does not prevent them from being profound. Or maybe the goals are simple and the men profound.

I had a legitimate fear that I would be leading a group of three this morning, yet the PAX numbered 18. Because that is how we support one another. We sweated, encouraged, and got better. I am humbled to participate and thrilled at the opportunity to lead a group of HIM like this. Thank you for your time and support this morning. Thank you for being a string in my cord
Ecclesiastes 4 10-12
10- If either of them falls down,
One can help the other up.
But pity anyone who falls
and has no one to help them up.
11- Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.
But how can one keep warm alone?
12- Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.


Bill Nye

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