Bobby Hurley Hell

We were joined by Deadbolt from the Raleigh area. Got to talk a bit before we started, but gave disclaimer at 0515 and got started.

Downward dog/honey mooner
SSH (IC – sort of…apparently I had inflection that made Poppins think we were stopping at 10).

Moseyed over to back of school, balls to wall while each person does 3 burpees
Then did wall squats while PAX ran around the loop (another Poppins shout-out, this HIM is sneaky fast #sprinter)

Next we headed over by the band room area. We got to see the horses and YHC learned that is why it’s called the Ranch (#themoreyouknow)

@bobber asked if we’d get to do Bobby Hurleys like I called at a previous Q…he was excited when he heard what I had next..a Dora with:

100 lunges (single count leg)
200 Carolina dry docks
300 Bobby Hurleys (audibled to 250 when I recalled how awful these were and my form was getting pretty bad)
400 Freddy Mercury
Bonus round of burpees for a few of us as the last group finished.

Headed to the playground for a Pull up/merkins series (5 OYO/6 IC, 4/5, 3//4)

Sasquatch led some mountain climbers at COT while YHC grabbed my phone from the car to do video namorama!

Announcements: read your newsletter
Prayers: lots offered up.

Thanks @poppins for the opportunity to lead

TClap |