The Fort F3 Dads…week 2

As my F3 Dads VQ, I had to solicit some help. This time, it was FishSticks himself and he brought his super-human 2.0, Sharkbait to make us all feel bad. We had 47 total post up at WEP for this week’s version of F3 Dads, The Fort style.

After a necessary disclaimer focusing on uneven ground, listening to your body and to please modify as the heat will sneak up on you, I dropped the bomb all the kids were waiting on…WE HAVE ICE POPS at the end. Boom, they’re all ours now.

Mosey to the center of the field for a warmup including:

SSH, Merkins, Squats, Mountain Climbers and more Squats.

FishSticks took the older kids and their dads off to do the following:

Lined up for some additional warm-ups: toy soldiers, inch worms, lunges, shuffle left, shuffle right. Break for water Dora 1-2-3. 100 Merkin, 200 squats, 300 sit-ups. One partner ran up the hill while the other performed the exercise. Break for water Back to the shady hill for abs lab. Flutters, American hammers, six inch plank hold, plank jacks, and super man. FNG 2.0 Rocky showed off his one armed merkin abilities. Back for some more water. Finish off with a Native American run around the field.

For the younger kids, we started with a bear crawl tunnel with dads in the plank followed by a over under drill with dads STILL IN THE PLANK.

We then took it to the hill without all the ant hills and as individual families, introduced a little Jacob’s Ladder. We went to 7 with Merkins at the top and Bomb Jacks at the bottom. So I could catch my breath and slow the head spin, we talked about why the dads find themselves doing this F3 thing and what we get out of it and why that’s important.

Then it got a little more interesting with 2.0 Carry races. The dads had to carry their kids from one cone to another (about 15yds) then bear crawl-carry them back. Those of us with multiple kids thoroughly enjoyed that last part.

Then the games were played: The wolf lunch time game for a very long time, sharks and minnows then the fence game.

We closed it out with COT and a great message from Bear Grylls and family about the importance of good decisions in life.

Great job 2.0’s and thanks to the dads for involving their kids in something that is so important to us.

As you were.

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