- QIC: Samurai
- When: 11-19-2016
- Pax: Turbine, Bogie, The Riddler, Mr. Big Stuff, Walker (Respect), Duck Hunt, Pescadore, Diopter, Honey Pot, Pad Eye, Jag(Respect), Anchor Bar(Respect), Italian Job, Captain America(2.0), Hulk(2.0), Flash, Crayola, Winchester, Blue Print, Schrute, Da Vinci(2.0), Cheeto, Popeye, Pony Tail(Respect), Incoming, Apache, Freon, Smiley Face(Respect), McEnroe, Samurai(Respect)
- Posted In: The Fort
This had to be one of my highlights of F3, leading a group (31 HIMs, 3 2.0 and 6 Respects in the group) at the Gobble Wobble today!!! The feeling was like herding cats for a few minutes but I understand it was the Pre-race hype and me being jacked up on C4.
F3 The Rock had a strong presence in the race and had the attention of many waiting for the start of the race.
Moroccan Night Clubs
Right over Left
Imperial Walkers
Hillbilly Walkers
Toy Solders
High Knees
Butt Kickers
As the race was getting ready to start we finished with Prayers and Concerns. Italian Job again reminds us that the Christmas Party is coming up soon and needs all that are planning to attend sign up and pay the troll. After the race today a Floor Installation Party will take place at Vuvuzela’s is an All Day Drop In.
The words today was to make memories and share with others what we are all about here in Rock Hill and look for ways to serve others. Make an positive impact on our city.
Finished with a Ball of Man prayer.
The actual race was a blast running and watching the Pax pickup each other and spreading the F3 love in the crowd and displaying High Impact Men actions. Apache passed out F3 stickers for us all to give out to the runners in hopes to Headlock as many as possible in Rock Hill.
Samurai out