Boo Boo Bears and Other Things

The downpour 30 minutes before start time didn’t deter 9 PAX from posting for a soggy morning at Golden Corral. At 0515, four split off to do what ruckers do (see that backblast below), while five stuck with YHC for a disclaimer that they all knew the disclaimer. Once that was cleared up, we went for a mosey around to the back of Red Bowl for a quick warm-a-rama.

15X windmills, in cadence

12X hillbilly walkers, in cadence

12X merkins, in cadence

Moved over and lined up with the end of the building for side shuffles and jump squats. Three side shuffles facing the building (going left), then jump squat, half turn, jump squat, half turn, squat, then three more side shuffles, the length of the building.

At the other end, we dropped to plank for some clockwork merkins – one merkin for each hour on the clock, turning in the plank like the hour hand. On odd hours (1, 3, 5,…), we did normal merkins. On even hours (2, 4, 6,…), we did pseudo-planche merkins, because why not? Once that was done (with a fair bit of “my wrist doesn’t do that” mumble chatter), we returned from whence we came…more side shuffles and jump squat turns, this time to the right. Gather together and mosey on around Harris Teeter to the front parking lot (near an awning, in case the skies opened up).

Gave the (ever encouraging) announcement that we would do “three or four rounds, we’ll see” of what was to follow. What followed?

The Thang

At the first island, 10 burpees

Bear crawl to the next island

At the next island, 10 jump squats

Bunny hop to the next island

At the next island, 10 breakdancer merkins

Bear crawl to the last island

At the last island, 10 step back lunges

Wrap up with 25 calf raises on the curb

Mosey back to the starting point to rinse and repeat

For round 2, take out the right leg. So…

10 one-legged burpees

Boo Boo Bear Crawl (it’s a thing, check the Exicon)

10 one-legged jump squats

One-legged bunny hop (Boo Boo Bunny Hop? Unlucky Bunny? No clue here)

10 one-legged merkins, flip to one-legged crab

More Boo Boo Bear Crawl

10 Step back lunge with knee lift (lunges are already one-legged, so no change there really)

25 one-legged calf raises

Mosey back (rejoice in using both legs for the mosey) to the start to flapjack, rinse and repeat, this time with left leg up.

After round three, we had six minutes left – not enough time for another round, but enough time for some weird squat lunge walk things. We discussed name options but didn’t settle on anything. Basically, hands stay in contact with the ground, and you duck walk. Really, you fully extend a leg to the side, slide across from a deep lunge, through a squat, to a deep lunge, then swing the now straight leg around to the front and slide back across. Continue in this manner to the end point (in this case, Papa Murphy’s). It’s fun. Especially after spending 20 minutes working legs.

With 90 seconds left, we did a quick mosey around the parking lot before reconnecting with the ruckers for COT.



Nun Run. Sign up. Do it.

Invergence September 29. Convergence September 30. Be there (unless you’re on an airplane, like YHC).



Continued prayers for those affected by the recent hurricanes. Pray too for the Colombia team that is now focusing on bringing supplies and assistance to communities around Tampa.

I will be traveling to Egypt and Kenya for meetings – not a mission trip, but a trip for the mission. Prayers for my M and 2.0s while I’m around the world for two weeks.


And that’s that for my third Q in ten days. Unilateral work is fun, but I’m glad I didn’t do it the day before traveling around the world. Thanks to Decibel for the opportunity, and to Senator Tressel for voluntelling me (and then backing out of coming altogether).


TClap |

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