Camp in the Shade

5 PAX gathered at Pantheon (added a 6th later)

After Gekko called for a sub on Slack. Shady and I both responded within a minute of each other saying we’d be willing to step in… the only thing to do was split the Q!

We even managed to convince Slash to venture West of I-77.

Squats 10
SSH 25
Windmill 10
Merkins 10
Peter Parker’s 10
Imperial Walker 10
up/down dog

– Olaf warned Shady that Zoolander may post at Pantheon. As we began to mosey a car looking suspiciously lost in the maze of Tega Cay Elementary went around to the back of the school. We chased it down and confirmed it was a discombobulated Zoolander. We moseyed back to assist in him finding a parking spot.

Down to ampitheater:
Jacob’s Ladder to 11
– Diamond Merkins at the top
– Jump Squats at the bottom

Hand off to Band Camp:

Mosey to the Pillars of Pantheon.

Bear Crawl to each marked pillar:
5 merkins
10 squats
15 lunges (each leg)
20 monkey humpers
(skipped burpees the first time)

Mosey back to start

Repeat with compounding interest:
5 merkins
bear crawl

5 merkins
10 squats
bear crawl

5 merkins
10 squats
15 lunges (each leg)
bear crawl

5 merkins
10 squats
15 lunges (each leg)
20 monkey humpers
bear crawl

5 merkins (30 total)
10 squats (50 total)
15 lunges (60 total)
20 monkey humpers (60 total)
25 burpees
mosey back to start

Plank up
Pigeon Lunge
Plank/Al Gore for Highs and Lows


Announcement: Millstone and The Yard are merging as the Milkshake. They will meet on Saturdays at WEP and share COT with The Fort.


Tried something different with the message for this one. To try and accelerate the 2nd F a bit, as we were holding Plank/Al Gore, I asked PAX to share their High (moment/event/happening) and their Low (moment/event/happening/behavior/etc) for the past week. My “high” was getting to travel as a family to a gig I played and enjoy the trip with them during my downtime. My “low” was my parenting behavior when we were all tired after the weekend and the travel back home on Sunday…not my finest hour.

The smaller workout numbers really can facilitate a growth in 2nd F, if we’re intentional.

An honor to lead.

-Band Camp dismissed

TClap |

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