Red Barchetta – test drive

In recognition of Tesh accepting the EPRI Technology Transfer Award, YHC wanted to call 45 min of hand stands…..but YHC is still working on 15 seconds of headstanding so…… we go.

Warm Up:

Windmill x10
SSH x25
Hold Plank
Mountain Climber x20
Shoulder Tap x20
Hooneymooner–>Downdog combination (not enough)

IW x20
HW x20


Mosey towards the bus route hill

Elevens – Burpees – Gorilla Squats

Electric Power
Bear Crawl up the dirty hill. Backdraft was wearing new shoes, sorry. People’s Chair for a word of the year sharing time.

Electric Power Research
Red Barchetta – Designed to get the heart rate up, much like the song by Rush of the same name.
100 Yard Dash–>100 SSHs, run back to start point to plank/wait for six;
75 yard dash–>75 mountain climbers, run back to start point to plank/wait for six;
50 yard dash–>50 LBCs, run back to start point to plank/wait for six;
25 yard dash–>25 Merkins, run back to start point to plank/wait for six;
10 yard dash–>10 burpees, run back to start point and plank/wait for six.

Electric Power Research Institute
Imperial Squat Walker – Cruel cousin of the Imperial Walker. This 4-count exercise starts with hands clasp on head. Count 1 = a squat. Count 2 = stand up and bring one knee up to the opposite elbow. Count 3 = a squat. Count 4 = stand up, other knee to other elbow. We did these till 0600. Backdraft was a fan.


The honor that Tesh is getting is from the EPRI folks a BFD. But Tesh isn’t one to “toot his own horn.” (No pun intended. I realize that’s what I do for a living.) Personally, I am not always comfortable sharing my accomplishments. Partly because I want to do even better and more; so I feel like my “accomplishments” are inadequate compared to my goals. Partly because I don’t like to feel like I’m bragging. And in part because I’ve seen folks work as hard as me and not have the same success; it feel dishonest to claim sole responsibility. So I want to draw attention to this accomplishment because Tesh deserves it, and I know he won’t draw attention to himself.

Where in your life can you draw attention to someone (2.0, M, blade, etc.) that deserves recognition but doesn’t toot their own horn? Where are you overlooking someone because they’re not shouting their merits in your face? (If you need help, consider all the unnoticed work your M does at their gig or at home….. Or perhaps the amount of times your 2.0 hasn’t brought home a poor report card…..)


Rooster 2/29
Yeti 3/7
Doty Run 3/14


Cash – surgery today
Chicken Wing – hip replacement

An honor to lead, thanks Hardwood for the call.

-Band Camp dismissed


TClap |

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