- QIC: Bobber
- When: 02/19/2020
- Pax: 3D, Bird Cage, JWOW, Scrum, Training wheels, Uhaul
- Posted In: The Snake Pit, Uncategorized
Was expecting a wet one this a.m. and while the rain held off a bit, as predicted, we were blessed with an abundance of water from the sky.
Got to the site early to setup shop and hide coupons from COT view. Jwoww happened to drive past the secret location on his way in and the tires were compromised.
Quick disclaimer and off we went for a mosey down to the entrance of the field, circled back around to COT for a warmup.
- Imperial Walkers
- Wind Mills
- Cherry Pickers
- M. Night Club
- Honey Mooner
- Downward Dog
- A couple additional stretches
We then moseyed to 1 of 3 pain stations for the main event and fired up the playlist.
The Thang
DMC – Duck Walk, Merkin, Crawl Bears
Had cones spread 15ish yards apart explained the exercise; Duck walk w/ KB to first cone, 5 merkins, crawl bear back to starting position. Rinse and repeat bringing your KB to the next station and increasing merkin count by 5. Uhaul in his brilliance asked whether we were going to the 4th cone, of course, why would it be there otherwise?
After the 2nd round, you start feeling the impact of merkins and crawl bear. #shoulderstrong
After we wrapped up, the first station, off to the 2nd.
Tire Carry Partner Work
Partner up P1 run with tire to 2nd light post and return serving as the timer. P2 complete exercises on board of pain. Each partner execute on exercise, rinse and repeat through exercises. Walked through exercises and asked Bird Cage to demonstrate Hay Makers as I failed miserably at The Hive last Friday. This is about when the rain decided to appear.
Exercises in order:
- KB Swings
- Hay Makers
- OH Press
- Upright Row
- Clean, Squat, Press
- Lunge
- Goblet Squat
- Curls
- Man Makerss
Sadly, running out of time, we were unable to move to the 3rd painstation, packed it up and headed back to COT for a finale.
Roxanne by The Police
Perfect song to end the workout, while in plank position:
- Roxanne = Merkin
- Put on the red light = Plank Jack
With 2 minutes to spare, suggested Burp & Squat increasing reps by 1 to 5. 1 burpee followed by 1 squat and so on. That was met with minimal enthusiasm and we made it to 4 by time.
- Yeti
- Cash – was informed surgery went well and is recovering
- Mother who’s child was killed by car
- Unspoken
- Family
Always enjoy the solid mumblechatter at this AO, makes embracing the suck that much more enjoyable. Thanks 3D for the opportunity.
Video evidence below: