Threefold Cord

Thank you to the 11 total PAX who showed up to The Fort on this fall like gloom to share in some great fellowship and a little fitness. It was an awesome time and if you miss it, well, you missed out. Thank you to Grinder for allowing Johnny Utah and YHC to lead this morning.


We began the morning led by Jonny Utah with a quick mosey to the front corner of WEP where we started off with some Side Straddle Hops and Low Slow Squats. Then we quickly moved into the THANG.


From this point on Johnny Utah led us back and forth across the front of WEP stopping at each front corner for a series of exercises at each corner. I lost track of how many times we went back and forth and what exercises we did, but I learned some new exercises today.

This took us to a little after 0700 and Johnny Utah handed it off to YHC.

Since Johnny Utah had mentioned to YHC he was going heavy on running and pain stations, I figured I would add in a little upper body and . . . legs & Burpees. We took a short mosey to the amphitheater to welcome it to the men of F3 The Fort . YHC asked the PAX to circle up and we commenced to begin a combination of Jack Webbs and Dan Taylors (alternating between the two) from a ratio of 1:4 to 10:40.

Then we lined up at the back edge of the field at this hill. We then did 7’s with Burpees and Bombjacks. After that we took a short mosey to the COT for 6 Minutes of Mary to finish off the 30 minutes.

This morning was full of beautiful weather, mumblechatter, and fun. What you want to have at any F3 Workout.


Over the past few weeks, I have had many brothers struggling through many different situations. From COVID, to death in families, to dogs dying. This has me and other brothers relying on the power of prayer and support.

This is my challenge to you men today. If you are struggling, do not do it alone. Do not isolate. We as men tend to feel like we must be the strongest with can be without any help or assistance. If you are struggling reach out to a brother or all of us brothers. Be aware that you have men who will act when requested.

Post it on social media, send a text, make a phone call; whatever you do, reach out. We are all better together and not apart.


Ecclesiastes 4:12 ‘And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him-a threefold cord is not quickly broken.’


Reach out to a Site Q to Q a Workout.

9/11 Patriot Day WOD on Labor Day (9/6)-NAFO 0530-0730

The Fort Anniversary-Sept. 17-Details coming.

Goggins 4x4x48 Challenge-Sept. 17-19-See PreBlast for Details

The Sweati – Sat., Oct. 2 at 0630 – Start at Ft. Middle School

FM Care Center Lawn Care

Read your Newsletter.


The PAX shared their prayers and praises and Longshanks lifted them up.

TClap |

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