What idiot called this?

PAX showed up expecting for Shady to be on Q (which explains the large numbers). They had to settle for me, but I’m just happy to be Shady’s understudy. Hope he gets back to 100% soon

SSH, IW, HW, Shoulder Taps, Peter Parker, Parker Peter, Merkin

Extra weight. PAX had rucks, sandbags, and bells galore in honor of Gear MAYhem

3 groups
1 took a lap and did swings for the 6
2 groups carried weight the length of the parking lot, did 10 merkins, 15 squats, and came back.

Then we rotated. After everyone got to run we add weight

Between each set of 3 rounds:
(With no extra weight on)
5 manmakers
5 cleans (each side)
5 overhead presses (each side)

We got through 3 sets of 3 rounds

At one point during set 3, I causally and in a very neutral tone mentioned that my grip was shot. Vuvuzela pointed out that he’d never heard anybody gripe about their own Q so much. Maybe I mentioned something earlier too?

MARY: Uhaul Q-jacked for Mary a little early by my clock, but he doesn’t like manmakers.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: read the newsletter, lots of community impact going on!

COT: doing one thing really well is better than 5 things done halfway. Bear reminded us today that form matters. Do a good squat.

TClap |

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