MinuteMan’s soggy quads

I’m giving Spud the Q spot here since Minuteman isn’t in Slack, and since Spud and MinuteMan definitely collaborated on this morning’s helping of pain.
WARMUP: Quick indian run around the field followed by something like the “Spinal Fluid mover” which was some nice back stretching
THE THANG: Cones were set up about 10m apart through the middle of the field the long way. We lunge walked to the first cone, did 10 merkinss, 20 LBCs, 30 SSH and ran back to start. Then lunge walk to the second, repeat. All the way to the 9th or so.

Then the “circle of iron” where the guy in the middle did 20 arm curls (each side) with 10’s or 20s while everyone else alternated exercises
Round 1: Plank, dying cockroach
Round 2: Freddy Mercury, CDD
Round 3: Burpees
ANNOUNCEMENTS: didn’t really announce much
COT: lot’s of prayers for health. Cancer is a PITA to say the least, a few praises, too

TClap |

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