Snakes and Arrows

A group of 7 met at FMHS for the last Laces In workout of August 2022.  Here is what they did:

The Thang:

After a brief disclaimer around the shovel flag, we moseyed around the parking lot and ended up in the grassy field by the football stadium for COP

All in Cadence:

SSH x 25, windmill x 15, IW x 25, merkin x 10, LBC x 25, flutter x 25, hello dolly x 25, jumping lunge x 15, squat x 20, Moroccan nightclub x 40 while walking back to parking lot.

Line up at the lot next to a row of empty parking spaces.  One by one, shuffle across the parking lot space line, do one burpee at the end of the line, advance to the next line, shuffle across, do one burpee at the end of the line, etc., continue through about 10 spaces.  Rinse and repeat with bomb jacks.

Mosey back to the grassy field for modified Jack Webb.  In place of merkins/overhead claps, we did V-ups and Freddie Mercuries (1:4 ratio).  We did 5, took a short break and completed, 6, 7, an 8 before stopping.  Man that was hard!  Recover and mosey to the shed across the lot.

Assume People’s chair against the shed.  Hold, and one by one, each guy does 3 burpees.

BTTW hold, while one by one down the line, each member of the Pax does a 10 count

Rinse and repeat above.

Line up for an Indian run across the lot to the entrance of parking lot (up/down the hill) and back to the shovel flag.


I have been posting very intermittently lately due to a shoulder injury,  and had not Q’d a workout since January of this year.  I didn’t feel like I had my ‘A’ game out there today, but I felt I gave the guys their money’s worth.  After 10 years, it’s still a blast to get together in the morning, Q a workout, and lead the fine men of F3.    I’m looking forward to the next 10 years.  Snakes and Arrows is another Rush reference.   RIP Neil Peart


Read your newsletter.  Lot’s going on for The Fort 10 year anniversary

Prayers for our brother Shower Curtain, ST’s friend Joe (cancer) and co-worker Justin (Covid)

TClap |

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