4 Season of a Man’s Life

Run to the hill by the football stadium. Stopped at each light pole for 8 HR Merkins. Once at the top we planked for the 6. 40 merkins total.

Continued to mosey past the church and armory. Entered back into the high school by the gym where we circled up.

With an impending birthday I have been reflecting a lot on where I am during my life. One such message that resonated with me is the idea that a man’s life is divided up into seasons. As a result the theme for today was the 4 seasons of a man’s life. I tried to mirror the workout with the nature of each season.

Season 1. : Spring Age 0-20. Theme is Identity.

This stage of a man’s life a man determines who he is, what skills he has, and what are his limitations.

SSH IC x10
Seal Jacks ICx10
Plan Jacks IC x10
Mountain Climber x10.

Did 2 rounds at 10 reps IC then 1 round of 20 IC to get to 40 IC reps in total for each exercise.

Ran to the next corner of the big parking lot for Summer

Season 2 : Summer Age 20-40 Theme is Learning and Growing

This stage of mans life is perfecting your skill set, and distinguishing your expertise for the good of society. How do you prioritize the things in your life (work v life balance). How do you establish family and your role in the community.

10 HR Merkins IC
10 Squats
10 Merkins IC
10 Lunges OYO

Repeated this 4 times to get to 40 reps of each exercise.

Run to the next corner of the parking lot for Fall

Season 3 : Fall Age 40-60 Theme is Influence

Key questions for this stage Have I achieved what I wanted to, can my mistakes be redeemed, and how to avoid having a mid-life crisis. Another key thing is to think about how you can influence the next generation. Particularly your family and close friends.

For this round of exercises I did a Tabata format

40 seconds on 20 seconds off.

Catalina Wine Mixers
HR Merkins

With time running out we ran to COT for the last season.

Season 4: Winter Theme is Investment.

At this stage you should have composure maturity and insight. You don’t see others as competition but as an opportunity to mentor and invest in the next generation. The greatest danger at this stage is for a man to believe he can no longer contribute. Of course in F3 we know this to be a lie. We have HIM’s all throughout the Fort as examples of what it is to be mentors, champions and examples.

The exercises at this stage were:

40 BBS
40 LBC’s IC
40 4-ct Flutter Kicks IC
40 American Hammers IC

With 8 seconds left I ended the workout…….with 5 more burpees OYO.

Honored to spend this day and this morning with the men of F3, members of my shieldlock and at Laces IN one of my favorite AO”s.

Until next time…..

TClap |

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