Band Camp took the hill

Very delayed in writing this but since Band Camp finally came to a ruck workout and keeps ‘reminding’ me about it, I’ll try to remember what we did.
Ruck up and grab sandbags and head over to small field for some sandbag relays. Grab everything and head over to base of heart attack hill. Partner up and split taking sandbags up the hill. Drop the sandbags at the top and head back down. This trip up no straps. Suitcase, fireman, overhead, however you want to carry your ruck up the hill. Almost lost Tinsel to hills namesake bit his BP finally came down. Link the sandbags together for team weight. Everyone rotated on and off to help carry the weight most of the way back to COT. Times almost up so break apart the sandbags and huff it back for COT. Thanks for the Q opportunity Divac! And I promise next year when Band Camp returns the back blast will be prompt.

TClap |

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