There are no Hills in Fort Mill

Pre-Warmup: A fraction of the disclaimer and the full Pledge
WARMUP: Nice mosey to MYERS STREET via 160, Sidney Johnson St and Jackson St.
THE THANG: The Ladder: 3 Burpees at the bottom of the hill, run up the hill to Sharonview and perform 10 no cheat merkins, 10 bomb jacks and return to the bottom for 3 more burpees. Mumblechatter started to slow here.. Next is 10/10 at Sharonview, proceed to McKenzie St for an additional 10 no cheat merkins, and 10 bombjacks and return to the bottom of the hill for 3 burpees. The last rep of the ladder was 10/10 at Sharonview, 10/10 at McKenzie and then 10/10 at Ardrey St. Return to the bottom of the hill and rinse and repeat until it was time to head back. Most Pax got in a little over one full cycle for about 80 no cheat merkins, and 80 bomb jacks.
MARY: There was Mary… Flutters, JLo’s V-ups, and a few others
ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D fundraising is ramping up, donate or help wherever possible. St. Jude 5K Run at Happy Hours house this Saturday – donate if you can, this is a great cause. Bethel mens shelter has an amazon list from Badlands, please help support this great cause. Tclaps to these HIM’s for organizing these events.
COT: Prayers for MacGyvers family as they lost both M’s parents in a short time. Prayers for patience and those lost in the upcoming holiday season.

TClap |

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