The Hive is Alive at Five

Warm-ups : SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Wind Mills, Plank Stretches

Mosey to the big parking lot for some partner exercises. Partner 1 carried both bells while Partner 2 performed 5 perfect merkins. Flapjack and continued until we arrived at the second light post. Next, we dropped the bells for partner pushes between the light posts. We continued this pattern until we arrived at the front of the school.
Next, we grabbed some wall with the bell for a wall sit press and extension. Two rounds and then proceeded back to the stadium carrying the bell over our head. At each light pole, we stopped for an exercises. First light pole, man-makers, set of 5. Since half the group elected to modify, we did 5 more. KB Swings, Flutters, and LBCs were completed by the time we arrived at the stadium.
Back to partner exercises, Partner 1 carried bells up the hill while partner 2 ran to the top. Flapjack and continue until mumble chatter subsided.
Return to the flag for a few minutes of bells around the circle. Lots of laughter due to either having to handle Tesh’s 100# bell or the colorful deceivingly light bells.
Great job men!
Prayers for family members and friends suffering from cancer.

TClap |

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