WARMUP: SSH, Cherry pickers, IW, HW

THE THANG: In light of the Q Source topic of DRP, the weinke reflected the Spurs.
1. “A man needs help to get right.”
The first portion of the workout was a team effort. Teams of 2 had to complete 50 merkins, 50 big boys, and 50 squats total reps.

During the next portion of the workout we discussed the second spur
2. “A man must turn pro to get right.”
Second workout 25 minutes of 100yd sprints EMOM.
Turning pro means that you’re making the decision every day to work towards your goals, being a true HIM. Often times with the help of a Disrupter.

Third spur is “Discretion is a cage with velvet bars”
This means that when you give yourself too many options, giving up is easy. Before every workout the disclaimer is made “modify if necessary” and too often we modify our goals to make it easier to quit.

Wrapped up the workout with 50 merkins, 50 big boys, and 50 squats. If you finished before someone else, take a portion of their reps to help them finish up as well. A man needs help to get right.
Final buy out was a 200yd sprint.


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