Meeting Q1.12

string of pearls
5 merkins
5 lunges each leg
5 side lunges each side

Some other work throw in

7 total decided to meet with a Q who was willing to take responsibility for the outcome including calling off the workout if lightning presented itself. Zeus’s wrath was stayed and Odin’s ravens can attest to our (7+1=8)

– reminded us that idolatry takes many forms
– refused to yield
– The Brazilian martial arts motivate
– Wonder if (not present) knows about this
– layered up with 30lbs and then a rain jacket. The jacket was probably the more uncomfortable bit
– CS Lewis was mentioned by , but favors JRR Tolkien. Both complained about their lower extremities
– opened his mouth and the rain fell in. (not present) gave those instructions ages ago

You could livestream your way through a Sunday service, and still not connect on a single salient point of your belief system because you lack proximity to those whose mere presence helps hold you accountable. Might as well listen to a podcast and call it church.

So, you work to figure out your, but if you’re not meeting to accelerate your faith, then are you really accelerating much at all?

TClap |

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