An un”fort”unate series of events


Imp walkers
Hillbilly walkers
Michael Phelps
Plank- yoga stretches
Carolina dry docks

Sandbag carry to big hill, down trail. Hill is off on left side. Mode of transport was lunges and bear crawls alternating, everyone got to do all three..

Reverse bear crawl up hill


burpees at top of hill
Sandbag toss at bottom

A few finished and most got to 9 tosses, Walker was king

Sandbag carry back and to amphitheater

Ab lab

Lazy Dora

Partner planks with sandbag on back for 60sec, after a minute I changed it to 30 seconds and then we ended up back at a minute- would do it differently next time but it was still fun
Other person or two depending on group size do the following exercises for 2 sets each…

American hammers
Big boys

Rd 2 wall planks while holding coupons,

Calf raises
Monkey humpers

TClap |

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