uncle visits Currahee

Was greatful for the opportunity to lead since I’ve been on the IR with my foot. Minimal miles were the target while still trying to improve mental toughness in the PAX.
WARMUP: BOSSmen special. Super slow windmills, Plank, honeymooner, downward dog, merkins, runners lunge, slow deep squats, hula hoop, hoop hulas.
THE THANG: moving around the front soccer field loop with various modes of rucksack carrying until someone says “Uncle”. Then we perform an exercise until someone says “Uncle” then we continue moving around the loop until someone says “uncle”.
Various exercises were performed and many modes of carry were performed. See screenshot of Weinke
MARY: hip strengthening was on the agenda so we did the airborne cycle. Also did 100 airplanes, more core than desired but necessary.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: most reps were counted to 9 to symbolize that even when you’re not 100% you can still show up and do work.

TClap |

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