Massey Street Massacre

It was a gloomy and rainy day without the presence of lighting. So we decided to follow core principle #3. Disclaimer was disclaimed at 0512. Pledge of Allegiance at 0513. And we were off.

Briskly paced .5 mile lap up Main to Clebourne and back to Veteran’s Park
Karaoke and Side Shuffle across gravel lot and back

Start at the base of Massey St and mosey up to the Sisk Memorial Church Parking Lot
Upon arriving at the end of the lot each PAX was to do the following:

10 Merkins
20 Squats
30 LBCs

Out of the gate we all completed round one together, then I caught Spectre and Maximus’ shirt tails and they took the lead.


At this point Maximus took the lead while YHC grabbed my phone from the truck for documentation purposes. I believe there were box cutters, more box cutters, and American Hammers.



YHC has been MIA from the gloom, and that’s not atypical these days. Personally, I’d like to be in the gloom more but my concentrica has taken priority. And that’s OK. Prioritizing and executing on those rings of your concentrica is F3 101. Finding a healthy balance that doesn’t sacrifice those closest to you is the route you should take. After all, your family is your first ministry.

Funhouse – thank you for the opportunity to Q today.

Punch List out.

TClap |

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