Officer Aaron Smith Memorial WOD 2024

As promised we honored a fallen hero at the Honey Badger who was a friend of my brother in law.

Officer Aaron Smith’s life of public service began at the age of 16, when he joined the Mineral Wells Volunteer Fire Department (MWVFD) as a junior firefighter. He began serving the MWVFD “in full capacity” at the age of 18, and also went on to work as an emergency medical technician (EMT) for Roane County Emergency Medical Services, the St. Joseph Ambulance Service, Jackson County Emergency Medical Services, Camden Clark Memorial Hospital, and Med Trust of Myrtle Beach.
Officer Smith later became a South Carolina State trooper before joining the Horry County Police Department as a police officer.
His cousin Caroline Arthur wrote “Anyone who knew Aaron knew his passion for front line service. His many hours of service, lives touched, and lives saved will not go unnoticed.”
Officer Smith died on September 5, 2021 and was laid to rest September 12, 2021.
Officer Smith left behind his wife, Chelsy, as well as his parents, two sisters, and his brother.
– SSH x25
– Merkins x20
– Windmill x10
1. 1.Start on the far side of the parking lot and complete the first exercise.
2. 2.Run to the next island and complete that exercise. Run back to the start and complete the first exercise.
3. 3.Run back to the second island complete that exercise. Continue to the next marked exercise and complete. Run back stopping at each island to complete the exercise.
4. 4.Continue until you complete all stations on the 5 rep lane.
5. 5.Run one lap around the parking lot (0.40 miles). This is done after each lane is completed.
6. 6.Graduate to the next lane (10 reps) and do the same thing done on the 5 rep lane.
7. 7.After completing the 10 rep lane and running a lap, grab a block to use for all stops on the 15 and 20 rep lanes.
Lane 1 (5 Reps per exercise) & Lane 2 (10 Reps per exercise)
– Island 1 = HR Merkins
– Island 2 = LBC
– Island 3 = Bear Crawl
– Island 4 = 4ct Plank Jack
– Island 5 = Burpees
Lane 3 (15 Reps per exercise)
– Bent over Rows
– Curls
– OH Press
– Squat Thrusters
Lane 4 (20 Reps per exercise)
– Bent over Rows
– Tricep Extension
– OH Press

The counts:
– Total distance = 3.15 miles
– HR Merkins = 45
– LBC = 60
– 4ct Plank Jack = 30
– 8 Burpees = 15
– BO Rows = 105
– Curls = 60
– Tricep Ext. = 80
– OH Press = 70
– Squat Thrusters = 15

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