Charons’ Boat & Schwing stuff

WARMUP: SSH, 5 Burpees, imperial squat-walkers, 4 Burpee, Moroccan nightclub-Calf raises, 3 Burpee, cherry picker, 2 Burpee‘s, hillbilly walkers, 1 Burpee

THE THANG: tried dragging Charon‘s boat 1.0 (pictures in site- Q channel) and quickly realized it was too devastating to the landscape.
Minor disassembly turned this into 2- Man heavy-ass-coupons.

Two stops were made on the way to the playground (at the swinging chairs).

First stop, 10 Lieutenant Dan’s IC,

second stop 1- legged LBC complex (LBC, pickle pointer, cross elbow/knee… Then flapjack) 15 IC each

At the playground, Dora Work using the “Schwings”:
100 knee-tuck Merkins, 200 leaning jump squats, 250 inverted Rows (all on the swings)

Meanwhile… Partner, PAX runs up a slide, slides back down, 3 Burpee’s, and lap around the playground to switch

After this, we picked up afore-mentioned heavy-ass-coupons, made 1 stop on the way back to the flag to do 10 more Lt. Dan IC

MARY: bro(Y)oga for ~10 min.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: QvQ, cleanup, Convergence, Jaegar

COT: held… Prayers for marriages, communication, and recovery from injuries.

Charon’s Boat 2.0 will return in a safer (to the landscape) form in the near future

TClap |

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