2021 24 Hours of Booty Unlooped

  • QIC: Reborn/Ponytail
  • When: 07/30/2021
  • Posted In: Pre-Blast


The 24 Hours of Booty – 2.3-Mile Bike Loop we will ride for 24-Hours (with breaks).


Old Town, Rock Hill, SC.

Base Camp & Refuel Center: St. John’s United Methodist Church Parking Lot. (321 S. Oakland Ave.)

The loop begins in Old Town at Fountain Park (intersection of Elizabeth Ave. and Main St.)

Then head down Main St. towards Albright Rd.; turn rt. on Workman St. (a little before Albright); turn rt. on Black St.; turn rt. on Hampton St. back to Main St. and up to the fountain. Approximately 2.3 Miles.


July 30 at 1900 to July 31 at 1900.


Ponytail, other F3 brothers from the area, and I have been affected by loved ones battling cancer. Some have survived and some have not. But nonetheless, most people have been close to someone who has or will have some type of cancer.

The 24 Foundation is a proud local partner of the Levine Cancer Institute and Levine Children’s Hospital. Funds raised 24 Hours of Booty provide patient navigation and wellness programs including art therapy, healing touch, music therapy, massage, nurse navigators and more.

24 Foundation’s mission is to inspire and engage communities to make an immediate impact on the lives of those affected by cancer. For us, that means more than funding research and goes beyond finding a cure. To 24 Foundation, that means investing in services that untangle the maze of appointments, tests, and treatments after diagnosis, and funding programs to increase the quality of life for survivors decades into the future.

For more information on the Foundation visit their website at 24foundation.org.

Thank you for helping us support 24 Foundation by donating or joining us on the Loop.


Bring your family, friends, and others. Show up anytime during the 24-Hours and ride some with us. You can also run or ruck along with us. (All traffic laws will be adhered to during the event). The roads will be open to normal traffic as well, so please be safe.

We encourage you to register yourself at 24foundation.org and join the Rockin’ for 24 team (https://events.24foundation.org/event/24-hours-of-booty-2021/e313840/register/new/select-tickets) or donate to the Foundation through one of our donation pages. Register in the virtual Unlooped group if you plan to ride in Rock Hill.

We also want to thank some of our local partners: RoCo Rock Hill; Rock Hill Coffee Roasters (Mr. Beans); Athlete Recovery & Chiropractic Health; St. John’s UMC; Leitner Construction Company; Vinyet Architecture; Ay Papi Tacos & Tequila, Abbot’s Frozen Custard, CN2 News, WRHI, etc.

Ponytail – https://events.24foundation.org/fundraiser/3296825

Reborn – https://events.24foundation.org/fundraiser/2593201


A bike. A helmet. Hydration. Some fuel to keep riding. Canopies/Tents/Chairs/etc. Friends and family. Fellowship and Encouragement.

AGENDA (More to come)

Friday, July 24

1845 – Prayer and opening remarks.

1900 – Ride begins.

Saturday, July 25

0700ish – Breakfast (OYO)

1200ish – Lunch

1800 – Final Ride

1900 – Ride Ends

TClap |

The Barry Returns: July 1st 2021

  • QIC: Barry Manilow, BassOMatic, Twister, Boss Hogg, Cake Boss
  • When: 07/01/2021
  • Posted In: Pre-Blast, RPG, The Fort

July 9th 2020 was the inaugural running of The Barry, a 5mi run plus additional mile making a 10k around Regent Park at 7pm and 95 degrees.

So THE BARRY RETURNS  July 1st 2021 and in The Fort fashion, an event with some level of difficulty and whole lot of fellowship including Pizza, PBRs (and water) and a participation prize.

  • Last year we raised money ($360) for the 809 Foundation honoring Mike Doty. This year we are supporting Foundation for Fort Mill Schools and so PAX are encouraged to toss some cash in the bucket as Pizzas and Beers are donated and all proceeds will got to the teachers! Its about the community……and doing something crazy of course!
  • PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/f3thefort

Don’t ask me why it’s called The Barry. The list of why we do things in F3 is endless and so you can add this one on there. THE BARRY RETURNS is like Hollywood sequels where it will be just like the original but random cheesiness injected… enter The Barry Committee. Barry Manilow, BassOMatic, Twister, Boss Hogg & Cake Boss.

Now pay attention; Running is not the only option!!


  • You can
    • run it
    • ruck it
    • bike it
    • walk it….. and if you are World Wide Leader…..you can power-skip it.

This is a Thursday evening and there will be 2ndF following. Please see Sign Up Genius so we can get an idea on numbers and the plethora of prizes (not).



    • Who: All PAX that are interested….spread the word
    • What: 3 -6mi event with Pizza and drinks to follow….(bring own adult beverages if not a PBR fan)
    • When: Thursday July 1st at 7pm
    • Where: 7000 Regent Parkway (giant pyramid building….really unique place)
    • Why: Seriously ??
    • How: Just show up with gear to do what you do and have fun

Additional Information:

  • Bring chair with you for 2nd F
  • Please use Sign Up so we have idea on numbers: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080E44A5AE28A64-thebarry1
  • Event will kick off at 7pm Sharp, with cold PBRs and hot Pizza to follow.
  • Participation prize while supplies last
  • Great opportunity to EH someone and show them how nuts we really are

Let Cake Boss know of any questions.  Don’t Miss THE BARRY.…..you only live once!!!

TClap |

F3 Dads 2021 – Preblast

  • QIC: Band Camp
  • When: 06/05/2021
  • Posted In: Pre-Blast

Update!!! As of 7/4/2021

  • Time is now 8:00-8:30 (beat the heat!)
  • WEP (Calhoun St parking lot)
  • Every Saturday of summer vacation 6/5-8/14
  • The Qs are stilling bringing popsicles!

Q Roster

7/10: Jwow
7/17: Olaf
7/24: Tootie
7/31: Lutefisk
8/7: Uhaul
8/14: kickball games (specific info coming)

Old news:

Here’s the outlay for F3 Dads:

  • 9-9:30 at WEP (meet in the green space)
  • Every Saturday in June
  • 2.0 friendly workout

Disclaimer: your kids will probably still whine that their legs hurt on Sunday morning.
I mean, I will, so…

sons AND daughters welcome

Disclaimer: it’s F3 Dads not F3 Sons!

Popsicles after COT

Disclaimer: That’s an “Ice Lolly,” if you talk like Sparkplug

Q lineup:
6/5 - Band Camp
6/12 - Maximus
6/19 - Slapshot
6/26 - Peabody

Come bring your 2.0s
Give anyone inside your house moment of quiet on Saturday morning….
HC now and put it on the calendar!

From the official disclaimer:
Participants under 18 must be accompanied by a father or male legal guardian.
By participating in an F3 workout, an individual assumes the risks inherent in doing so.

Have fun and don’t hurt yourself trying to keep up with your kiddo…. #justsaying! 🙂

If you want a more detailed idea, here’s my backblast from last year.
Look for a back-to-school workout in early August as well.
Date TBD.
Rumors of August 14…

Band Camp dismissed

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June FNG Jamboree

Prepare yourself to get uncomfortable for the greater good of the community. We always brag about how tough we are and how we are not afraid to do “Hard Things” with our bodies to strengthen our 1stF; but how about we challenge ourselves to get uncomfortable by asking dudes to come out and join us in the gloom. Official rules and scoring will be presented in the near future.

In summary, we are challenged with the task of giving this thing we call F3 away in order to invigorate male community leadership. We need to get guys out and in shape, so they can help other men to better our community.

WHO: All Pax

WHAT: FNG drive!

WHEN: Month of June 2021

WHERE: We will be competing between AO’s located within the Fort region to see who can bring out the most FNG’s in the month of June.

WHY: What we have in F3 is amazing and there is a pandemic of sad clowns that need to be unshackled. We will not get to 250,000 men by 2025 if we don’t add them one at a time starting now.

Again Official rules and scoring will be presented in the near future.

YHC has gotten his matrix on and made a fancy little workbook to keep track of the points per AO and it should even give a visual plot if everything works out as planned. But as Iron Mike says the plan is probably going to change once someone punches me in the face. So the format is simple. Every AO for himself. This makes the siteQ’s in charge of their site’s performance. I know some of you know that it’s not fair that some locations have more pax than others. Well, that’s true and life ain’t fair princess so get over it. But in an effort to encourage more participation we will have two winners, the outright winner, and the normalized winner. The normalized winner will be the site that has the highest point total after being normalized for the average attendance compared to the average attendance for an AO for that day of the week. Don’t worry Trucker its just math for all of us to try and catch up to you.

So here is the point breakdown:
FNG 1st time posting: 1000 points
FNG 2nd time posting: 1500 points
Cotter : 500 points
VQ : 250 points
Downrange Post : 200 points

To start this party off I will post the spreadsheet on google drive and share the link but if we run into issues I am prepared to put the data into the sheet myself for the first week. If the site Q’s will make sure I am informed of the FNG’s that will help get you credit for your site.
Sample worksheet and chart shown below, hopefully.


*New Kids for F3 dads don’t count for the F3 FNG but its a great introduction to getting them to post kidless later on in the week. Spam the crap out of those classroom email lists before the school year ends fellas. Whats the worst that can happen….don’t answer that.

I will be challenging siteQ’s to encourage PAX to get outside that bubble of friends you normally hang with and give this gift away. Imagine where you would be if you were still a sad clown.

Stay frosty my friends,
Build those guardrails out of bricks!

TClap |

Respect the Claves Pre-blast

On May 8th, we will join Cake Boss to celebrate his 50th birthday with a beatdown at the Fort and the newly improved Walter Elisha Park. Workout will begin at 6:30 followed by coffeeteria.

Since the inception of the F3 the Fort, Cake Boss has served in many roles and has been a mainstay of the acceleration of the men of the Fort. He started by leading the 3rd F efforts and the 1st Bible study in our region. He progressed into the Weasel Shaker where he spearheaded the continued growth of the AOs across our region. Then he led our region as Nantan before handing over to Maximus.

Over the last 8 years, Cake Boss has been consistently a man of deep faith, a community leader and a HIM at home, at church, at work, at F3 and at CSAUPs.

Stuff the Truck

Cake Boss has served the community on many occasions during his time at the Fort. Over the years, his cereal drives for the Children’s Attention Home have positively impacted our community. In honor of his birthday, we are going to stuff his truck with cereal on May 8th. One day only!

Forte Legato coffee will be served after completing the workout.

Look forward to seeing you and celebrating Cake Boss for this important milestone!

TClap |

Men’s Breakfast Discussion Series (Rd 4)

Men’s Breakfast Series – Round 4

What: Men’s discussion addressing “A MAN AND HIS COMMUNITY.” 

  • PLEASE REGISTER to ensure we have enough food:

  • https://foresthill.brushfire.com/mensbreakfastaugust/51097


Where: Inside at Forest Hill Church – Ft Mill Campus (Biscuits & Coffee provided)

When: 6:30am-7:30am Friday, August 13

Why: Because we’re not made to live life alone. Other men might have some knowledge to share you could benefit from.

What to Bring: Yourselves and an open mind.

This is a new series Forest Hill-Ft Mill is hosting but let me stress that this is not intended only for men that attend Forest Hill. It is intended for all men of our community.

TClap |

2021 Detective Mike Doty Memorial Run

  • QIC: Spider-Man
  • When: 05/15/2021
  • Posted In: Pre-Blast

Many of you have participated in the Mike Doty WOD and it is now time to commit to the 2021 Detective Mike Doty Memorial Run.  F3-The Fort is our team.  The link below will link you directly to that team for sign up.

  • What: 5K or 10K to honor Detective Mike Doty
  • When:  May 15, 2021 at 0630
  • Where:  Walter Elisha Park

Detective Michael “Mike” Doty, who served the York County community for 12 years, was one of four deputies shot searching for a domestic violence suspect in York on January 16, 2018. A day later he passed away. He was an investigator with the York County Multi-Jurisdictional Drug Enforcement Unit and was the Law Enforcement Officer Narcan (LEON) Program coordinator for the sheriff’s office. He was also a member of the YCSO SWAT Entry Team, as well as an associate advisor for the York County Explorer Post 1786.

Your participation in this race will directly benefit Keystone. Keystone was established in 1969 as a private, not-for-profit organization that serves as the Act 301 (1973) substance abuse authority in York County, South Carolina. Keystone offers nationally accredited and licensed services including education, prevention, and treatment (both outpatient and inpatient) — to meet the needs of individuals, families, and groups in York County and surrounding areas experiencing alcohol and/or drug-related problems.

Sign up for F3-The Fort team:   https://runsignup.com/Race/Register/RaceGroup-1?raceId=105326


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Mental Battle Workout 2021

2021 will be the third year for the Mental Battle movement to shed light on mental health concerns for men.

As in the previous two years, we have a new workout to shed light on the mental battle we all battle alongside our brothers.

March 27 is the anniversary of Miyagi’s friend passing away due to suicide and while we honor that date, please feel free to schedule your workout around whatever date works best for your region or AO.

I also encourage you to spend some time afterward either at the workout or later talking about mental health.

Perform each exercise at ten reps, then repeat at 15, and 20.  If you finish, 25.

After each set, encourage one or two Pax to share their experience of mental health issues either with themselves or someone they know.

M Merkins  OYO
E El Capitan (alternate regular lunge) OYO
N No Surrenders OYO
T Tony Hawk Burpees  OYO
A American Hammer IC
L lunges. IC

B Bobby Hurleys OYO
A Alternating side squats. OYO
T Thigh masters. (Slow, IC)
T Twinkle Toes (IC)
E Extreme flutter kicks (IC) (slow flutter kicks)

R Rosalita Wips. IC
E Everest  OYO
A Alphabet (spell with feet from flutter kick position). OYO
C Calf raises. OYO
H Hand release Merkins. OYO

O Outlaw. OYO. Draw an O. 5-10x Both ways
U Up Downs .  Pax together.
T Toy soldiers. IC

OYO = On your own
IC = In cadence

If you need a refresher on some of the exercises, check out the Exicon.


The Mental Battle Twitter account is an ongoing resource, feel free to share with the Pax. @F3Battle on Twitter.

If anyone ever needs help and is considering harming themselves, please call 800-273-8255 for immediate help.

Reach out to me with any questions at @F3Battle or @dropthrill on Twitter.

The Thrill is gone!

TClap |

Cupids’ Cup Virtual 5K at Minnow Pond

For those of you that have been in The Fort for a while, you may remember I had a heart attack on February 11, 2015. To say I was lucky compared to other victims is an understatement. My fitness is probably stronger now than it was before it happened. But the foundation that I built THROUGH F-3 no doubt helped in my episode being mild and allowed a smooth road to recovery.

Another part of my recovery was cardiac rehab through Atrium Health. Every year I run in the Cupid’s Cup 5K. Some of you have run with me. Many more were supportive through generous donations. Since the event is virtual this year, I decided to take the Q at Minnow Pond on 2/11/2021, 6 years to the day and host a mini live event to assist the virtual efforts of the cardiac rehab team.

Last July 2nd, another Pax became a “student” and then a graduate of the Cardiac Rehab program. Bonsai had his own event after a double down. Again, when you see him now, you’d have no idea. He also attributes his good fortune to F3 and his care through Atrium’s program.


(1) So come out on Thursday if you can. OR run 3.1 miles on your own between now and (through)Sunday. You can register here to send in an official time and be part of the F3 – The Fort team.

(2) You can also donate without running by using this link.

Besides being lucky that we could overcome our heart attacks, Bonsai and I could go to cardiac rehab with no financial strain. This event is a way to make sure everybody has access to the care they need.

This is a great way to get in a regular post and give back to the community.


TClap |

Fort Mill Care Center – Important Message

  • QIC: Assassin
  • When: 03/06/2021
  • Posted In: Pre-Blast


As many of you know, we have had the privilege of mowing the grass at the Fort Mill Care Center. This Spring will be our 6th season. We all stepped up after hearing of this important need for this service. Through all of our efforts we have received many messages of thanks over the years. Most recently, a few PAX took a Saturday to construct a shed to house the two mowers we have donated. The effort has not gone unnoticed.

Having said that, I’m asking you all to consider and for one or two HIM to take over the leadership of this weekly project. There has hardly been a weekend where we haven’t had one or more of you step up to serve and I’m looking for the next coordinator. I’d like to hand this off to someone (or a small group of you) who have a heart for what is happening at the Care Center.

Please give this some thought and reach out to me for more details. The essentials include the managing of the signup genius and the supervision that the job gets done each weekend. There is a sincere satisfaction of knowing we are making a difference as a small part of a vital community resource.  Thanks to all of you for your help over the past five years.

Rob Jordan

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