’88 Q – 071124 The Coach’s Box – Honoring Logan Gurley

Welcome and 5 core

FMHS Student Logan Gurley died July 8th just 3 days ago. He played basketball here at Fort Mill High School. Two numbers we will key in to tribute him are 16, his age. And 21 the jersey number shared in a photo online.

Mosey in front of the gym

L- 16 Lunges IC
O- Obama across FB field. (4 :bear: paces: 4 merkins Across parking lot about 40 yds)
(mosey next to FB stadium bleachers)
G- 16 Billy Goats IC (mosey to end zone)
A- 16 Apolo Ohnos
N- No Mercy ½ -¾ Mile
mid point of front stretch.
Jog to turn 1: bear crawl to turn 2.
Jog to mid point on back st. 16 merkins. Jog to turn 3: lunge to turn 4. Jog to starting point perform 16 squats.

Mosey to flags

21 Bobby Hurley

16 Elbow 2 Knee (E2K) IC flap Jack

Welcome to FNG Blueprint!

COT Quote from Logan’s dad:

“I want him to be remembered as a respectful young man, as a fighter.”

“Just to take him to his games again. Just to be there for him. Just to tell him, be safe out there, I love you.”

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WARMUP: mosey to pike front entrance- 50 SSH, 25 IW, 25 Moroccans, 10 cherry Pickers. Some shuffling to work out the aches.
Mosey to walls at pike
-10 step ups single counts
-10 body ups
-10 Derkins
-mosey to stage
-Merkins, Big Boys, Squats, Dips, lunges, Carolina Dry Docks,
-Partner runs 1/4 mile while other partner works.
-Mosey to hill at WEP for 11’s. Big Boys at bottom and Burpee’s at top.
MARY: none
COT: everyone was intentional here and had a prayer or praise.

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Is your Deck in Order?

All in cadence
– Moroccan nightclubs
– Cherry pickers
– Windmill
– Imperial walker
– Side straddle hop
Pick up bag and mosey to outside theatre
– Partner exercise: bags do not touch the ground for the duration
– Partner 1 takes bag up to second level and completes 20 upright rows while partner 2 side lunges until the partner gets back. Once partner 1 returns, switch
– Once completed, partner 1 takes bag up to level 4 and completes 30 curls while partner 2 does calf raises, once partner 1 returns, switch
– Mosey to back parking lot with bag on shoulders
Card game:
Run to other side, pick up a card. Nur back to start and complete the below exercises.

Numbers 1-10, do the number of reps per card:
Hearts – Squats with bag on shoulders
Clubs – Bent over rows
Diamonds – Overhead press
Spades – Over the shoulder bag toss
A – 5 Man-Makers
K – 10 Lunge squats w/bag on shoulders, single count
Q – 15 Bomb jacks
J – 20 Flutter w/press
Joker – 5 Kraken Man-Makers. Do these yourself or hand to anyone of your choice

At end, count up cards and call them out. Complete overhead presses in the amount of cards you gathered
MARY: No need
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 4th of July convergence
COT: Boomer and his family, those still sick and suffering from addictions

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