Grinding through Mammon


Mosey to gym parking lot.

Across the lot:
– Bear Crawl for a segment
– 10 Jump Squats
– Lunge Walk for a segment
– 10 Merkins


Mosey to hill by the track

Grab a stone. 5 minute AMRAP on the hill the top three performers in terms of reps get a prize:
– 5 Man makers at the bottom
– 5 OH presses at the top

Winners of the AMRAP, repeat

Mosey back to band lot.

5 burpees at the start
Suicides out on 10 yard markers. Using the first digit:
For evens, 10 monkey humpers
For odds, 10 squats

Shared words on how to maintain proper perspective on work and how to ensure you have men speaking truth in your life to keep you from going off the rails.

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Golf training & conditioning

WARMUP: mosey, static stretching, cherry pickers, SSH, merkins, plank
THE THANG: Dora partner board of pain
100 each:
Man makers, OH Press, Merkins, Big Boy SU, KB Swings
MARY: n/a
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Q vs Q Finals/ Rock vs Fort, 2nd annual HIM Camp, Jaeger CSAUP

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A brick workout broke out in the midst of a Shield Lock discussion

WARMUP: Took a lap around the COT parking lot performing karaoke, buttkickers, and highknees. Circled up close to my vehicle because we needed to grab some bricks. But, before each man grabbed his source of pain we performed 10xSSHinCadence, 10xWMinCadence, 10xCPsinCadence, 10xMNCsinCadence, and 10xMerkinsinCadence. Short mosey to the vehicle, popped open the tailgate, and everybody grabbed some bricks.
THE THANG: COT parking lot is marked as a football field. Started at the goal line and lunged walk to the 50yard line. Every time PAX went down into their lunge they were asked to perform a lateral raise with the bricks. We stopped every 10 yards and executed 10 Burpees.

Next, we moseyed to a nearby grassy area. Time for a Jack Web of pain. 1 Merkin – 4 OCs w/ bricks. We definitely felt the pain by the time we made it to 10 Merkins – 40 OCs w/ bricks.

Moseyed back to the 50yard line. Ask the PAX to reverse lunge walk back to the goal line. Every time the PAX went down in to their lunge they performed a front raise with the bricks. We stopped every 10yards to perform 10 BombJacks with the bricks.

Didn’t need to travel far for the next Jack Web of pain. PAX circled up and we started with 1 Squat – 4 LowSquatPulses. While pulsing PAX were asked to hold their bricks in a front raised position. Legs & shoulders were burning by the time we made it to 10 Squats – 40 LowSquatPulses. A lot of funny commentary regarding everyone’s pulsing technique and pulsing speed ( apparently I’m a slow pulser ).

Last, but not least, asked the PAX to lie down on their bellies for some Superman Poses. We held each pose for a 10 count by YHC ( apparently, I’m also a slow counter, blame it on my Southern upbringing ). 1st pose was arms straight out with bricks in hand and legs together, 2nd pose was arms in field goal position and legs spread slightly apart, 3rd pose was arms in airplane position with legs spread shoulder width apart, and 4th pose was arms in parachute position with legs spread wide apart. Performed 2 sets of each pose.
MARY: Had time for 15xAlternating Single Leg V-Ups and 30x Touch your toes crunches, of course, all exercises performed with bricks.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Men’s Shelter serve tonight, the upcoming Jager CSAUP ( can’t wait for this one ), Rock Region’s 10 year anniversary, and a few others that I’ve failed to remember.
COT: ShowtoKnow

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Ass Kickin’ Suicides

Imperial walkers
Hillbilly walkers
Cherry picker
Moroccan nightclub

Mosey w/out bell
20 merkins on curb in cadence, mosey
Lunge walk to front of church
Count off by 4, set up for suicides

Board 1
10 man makers, run
15 goblet squats, run
20 lawn mower pulls – 10 each arm, run
25 American hammers – single count

Board 2
10 curls, run
15 low slow squats, run
20 halos, run
25 big boys, run

Board 3
10 upright rows, run
15 figure 8’s, run
20 overhead press – 10 each arm
25 lbc, run

Board 4
10 snatches, run
15 kettle bell swings, run
20 lunges – 10 each leg, run
25 box cutters, run


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AO The Fort Shovel Flag Handoff

WARMUP: Motivators, Windmills, Cherry Pickers
1. 1 round at the stage: Partner 1 bear crawl to playground and mosey back while partner 2 cycles through 10x burpees & 10x donkey kicks. Switch.
2. Crawl bear up Massey St & 10x burpees at the bottom. Al Gore for the 6.
3. Mosey to the Print Shop. 10x Pull-ups
JWOW:Dora @ Fort Mill Church of God
1. 100x Merkins
2. 200x Heels to Heaven
3. 300x Squats
4. Mosey back to COT
MARY: Included
COT: Surviving children of domestic tragedy

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Don’t take it for granted.


47 SSH (IC)
20ish merkins (IC)

Mosey around the elementary school car line.

Killer B’s:

Bearcrawl 10 yards do ten burpees
Bearcrawl 10 more yards do 20 bombjacks
Bearcrawl 10 more yards do 30 BBS

Broad jump all the way back to the start. Do this 3x

15:00 minute time limit.

After this I asked the pax if when I put the time limit on the routine it made them push harder or slack off. The point being we all have a time limit. Our time is finite, if they’d true then why not push yourself… why not try and maximize your minutes?

2nd routine Pick your poison:

Since Duquesne made the tournament for the first time in 47 years everybody got to choose how they wanted to get 47 reps in.

47 HR OR Diamond merkins
Run a lap
47 Jump Squats OR Lunges (2-cr)
Run a lap
47 (4-CT) flutters OR HD
Run 2 Laps

This took us straight to COT.

Men…Maximize the minutes given to us. Lost time is never found again.


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Don’t take it for granted.


47 SSH (IC)
20ish merkins (IC)

Mosey around the elementary school car line.

Killer B’s:

Bearcrawl 10 yards do ten burpees
Bearcrawl 10 more yards do 20 bombjacks
Bearcrawl 10 more yards do 30 BBS

Broad jump all the way back to the start. Do this 3x

15:00 minute time limit.

After this I asked the pax if when I put the time limit on the routine it made them push harder or slack off. The point being we all have a time limit. Our time is finite, if they’d true then why not push yourself… why not try and maximize your minutes?

2nd routine Pick your poison:

Since Duquesne made the tournament for the first time in 47 years everybody got to choose how they wanted to get 47 reps in.

47 HR OR Diamond merkins
Run a lap
47 Jump Squats OR Lunges (2-cr)
Run a lap
47 (4-CT) flutters OR HD
Run 2 Laps

This took us straight to COT.

Men…Maximize the minutes given to us. Lost time is never found again.


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Dora of Death

WARMUP: plank, down dog stretch claves, up dog, plank. Moroccan night club, cherry pickers
THE THANG: Partner Dora
100 4ct Imperial Walkers
200 4ct Side Straddle Hops
300 Squats
200 4ct LBC’s
100 4ct Merkins
Sasquatch kept the faster pace entertained and others helped finish
Mozy to picnic tables for dips, step ups, box jumps, incline merkins
MARY: 37 American hammers for a birthday celebration
ANNOUNCEMENTS: acceleration project, blood drive
COT: prayer and/or praise from everyone

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