Cinder Fella workout

THE THANG: Part 1: Partner cinder block work 2 reps each – alternating run and work. Curls, Shoulder press, bench press, Upright rows Part 2: elevens at the pullup bars and V-ups at the bottom of the hill, maybe 2 miles and lots of shoulder work.
MARY: no Time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Rooster, Jaeger and more
COT: Prayers, for Drop Thrill health, friends with Cancer and recovery .

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Baseball to Support Odd Kidneys 4/29

Attention Charlotte baseball fans! Support a great cause and catch a thrilling game at the same time! Get your tickets now for the upcoming Charlotte Knights game, where a portion of the proceeds will go towards Odd Kidneys, an organization supporting people through the kidney transplant process. Not only will you be cheering on your favorite team, but you’ll also make a difference in the lives of countless individuals and families affected by this serious condition. Don’t miss this opportunity to have fun and give back at the same time! Order your tickets through today and help us strike out kidney disease!

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Asphalt Football Field

Warmed up with mosey, toy soldiers, karaoke, shuffles and high knees.

Went to the asphalt parking lot: every 10 yards we bear crawled to next exercise in cadence. Count of said exercises was ascending from 5 CT to 50ct increasing by 5 every 10 yds.

1/4 mosey followed by 10 burps.

Back to asphalt field and go in reverse.

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Honoring Battan Death March Survivors

WARMUP: The usual
THE THANG: Honoring Col Ben Skardon. Clemson University Class of 1938. Col. Skardon, U.S. Army (Ret.), passed away on Monday, Nov. 15, 2021, at the age of 104, days after being informed of the approval of his honorary promotion to the rank of Brigadier General.
Following his graduation from Clemson in 1938, he served in World War II as the commander of Company A of the 92nd Infantry Regiment PA (Philippine Army), a battalion of Filipino Army recruits on the Bataan Peninsula in the Philippines. He led his troops through some of the fiercest fighting of the conflict, earning the Combat Infantryman Badge, two Silver Stars, a Bronze Star with “V” device, and a Purple Heart during the first four months of the war.

On April 9, 1942, he became a prisoner of war when American troops were forced to surrender to the Japanese. He then endured one of the most notorious war crimes in history: The Bataan Death March.

Skardon survived the march and more than three years as a POW, despite becoming deathly ill. Two fellow Clemson alumni, Henry Leitner and Otis Morgan, kept him alive by spoon-feeding him and eventually trading his gold Clemson ring — which he had managed to keep hidden — for food. Leitner and Morgan did not survive the war. Their story is now told at every Clemson Ring Ceremony.

As WWII came to an end, Skardon also survived the sinking of two unmarked Japanese transport ships carrying him and other POWs to mainland Japan. Russian units finally freed him in August 1945. He went on to serve in Korea from 1951-52 and retired from the Army at the rank of colonel in 1962.

In 1964 he returned to his alma mater, joining the Clemson faculty in the Department of English, where he taught for more than 20 years until his retirement in 1985.

In 2006, at the age of 88, Skardon became the only survivor to walk in the annual Bataan Memorial Death March at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico. He walked more than eight miles and returned to walk 12 more times, the last when he was 101. He came to consider it a pilgrimage, and his duty to walk in honor of his brothers-in-arms who did not return from the war. When the COVID pandemic forced the cancelation of the New Mexico event in 2020, a team of students, veterans, alumni and friends created the Clemson 8 Challenge to honor eight Clemson alumni who survived the Bataan Death March and carry on Skardon’s mission of honoring those who gave the ultimate sacrifice. Skardon, then 103, walked more than three miles for the event, which raises money for ROTC scholarships.
Among his numerous accolades, Skardon received the Clemson Medallion, the Alumni Distinguished Service Award, the Alumni Master Teacher Award, the Order of the Palmetto, and a Congressional Gold Medal.

In 2006 the Col. Beverly N. Skardon ’38 Clemson Corps Endowment was established to benefit ROTC cadets, and in 2013 the Col. Beverly N. “Ben” Skardon Clemson Ring Endowment was established to fund the Clemson Ring Ceremony. The flagpole in Memorial Stadium was dedicated to him in 2016.

The workout to Honor Col. Skardon was as follows:
104 Hand-release Merkins
800mm Run
104 Squats with Block
400mm Block Carry
104 LBCs
800mm Run
104 Curls
400mm Block Carry
104 Flutters with Block Overhead
800mm Run
104 Shoulder Taps
400mm Block Carry
MARY: Take the block back to it’s home behind the ROTC buidling.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Sign up for the Clemosn 8 Challenge to honor those that survived the Batan Death March.
Great work D2D teams. Jaeger coming up.
COT: What’s said in COT stays in COT, but this is where you need to talk about what’s happening in your life that you need others to listen to. Be open and be there to listen to your brothers.

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Well, this workout was anything other than
C.A.L.M. for the first 20 minutes. Comments were flying all over the place for my early incoherent 5:15 a.m. speech and demonstrations patterns. Rough start. It never let up after @Fishstix chided me with my beautiful description of Moroccan Night Clubs.
WARMUP: So we warmed up with a few of those and two other exercises.
3 sections:
1. 15 minute workout with a partner; timer is the one person in the larger group doing 12 manmakers with a 30 lb sandbag
Partner rotate exercises based on timer listed above:
Dips/Reverse Lunges
One arm Shoulder Presses with KB/Squat high jumps
We rotated through about twice.

2. Ab practice time. I will admit there was a lot of chatter in the first 15 minutes, less in the next 6.5 minutes of abs and quite a bit more of groaning and complaining.
1 minutes each:
Figure 8’s
Parker Peters
X-man Crunch
Rest for 30 secs
Starfish Crunch
21 Crunch
Twisted T-planks

3. Broga: 25 minutes with a focus on shoulders

ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D is tomorrow.
COT: Lots of praises but also some serious prayer requests. Thank you men for sharing!
Thank you for the opportunity @headspin and @bodywash!

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Bring da toyz!

WARMUP: We did a full body warm-up with a focus on the shoulders.
Timer: 60 lb ball lift over shoulder – 22X; We each did 2 rounds. We rotate exercise stations after the timer/PAX is finished.
55 lb RAM Burpees
25 lb ball with Big Boy sit-ups
Incline pull-ups
HIgh Incline Merkins
High Decline Merkins
Merkin power push
Wide-arm merkins
Ab role out
Sandbag carry to Back pulls (need red band)
Run with 40 lb sandbag around cones
KB swings
One arm power squat presses
Band curls
Band shoulder presses
Shoulder raises with 10 lb KB-AMAP
KBs: Sumo squats

MARY: American Hammers
I gave my testimony mid-way through the workout.
COT: We went around focusing on praises. Main standout prayer request: pray for the families, survivors, and everyone involved in the Turkey/Syria earthquake.

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Bring da toyz!

WARMUP: short full body warm-up with a focus on the upper body and shoulders
Timer: 60 lb ball lift over shoulder – 22X; once this workout warrior was done we switched stations; everyone got through 2 lift over shoulder sessions
RAM Burpees
25 lb ball with Big Boy sit-ups
Incline pull-ups
HIgh Incline Merkins
High Decline Merkins
Merkin power push
Wide-arm merkins
Ab role out
Sandbag carry to Back pulls (need red band)
Run with 30 lb sandbag around cones
KB swings
One arm power squat presses
Band curls
Band shoulder presses
Shoulder raises with 10 lb KB-AMAP
KBs: Sumo squats
MARY: American Hammers to finish
My testimony was given.
COT: Lots of prayer requests for Turkey/Syria and the earthquake victims and families
Praises focus around the COT. Good stuff.

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Are we heading back?!?

WARMUP: just needed to get running, it was colder than the app said
THE THANG: 5.3ish miles at a 10ish pace
MARY: not today
ANNOUNCEMENTS: check your newsletter, there’s a relay race coming up soon, bethel men’s shelter in a bit, splinters got a baseball game option to support his kidney foundation coming up a little further out, and we think there may be a Christmas party way out later in the year
COT: we met up with Shield and Ruby Slippers – they were apparently skipping around the track for an hour.

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Lack of Oxygen Edition

WARMUP: The morning started out rough as my cadence count was a bit off for around the 15th SSH. Then again with Windmills and Imperial Walkers. Made it through the Hillbilly Walkers okay though. I must be really out of practice.
THE THANG: We did a modified Dora where one partner started did squats while the other partner ran the parking lot triangle and at the 2nd corner did 20 merkins. We did that x 4 rounds. The next round was calf raises and the running partner did 20 Bobby Hurleys for 2 rounds. Then we went to do 4 corners with 25 burpees (a requirement b/c @slaptshot is the Site Q, then bear crawl the to next corner and did 25 squats, then at the 3rd corner did 25 merkins and ended at the 4th corner with 25 big boys. We did LBC’s until the 6 finished.
MARY: We got into plank and did 20 shoulder taps, held low plank for about 1 minute, rotated to high plank and did left and right arm high for about another minute and then time was called just before we went back down for low plank again.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Packet pickup is tomorrow at the Print Shop for D2D Bar 10k.
COT: Prayers for mental and physical healing of those all around us. Happy 10th Birthday to Eggo tomorrow.

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Progress over Perfection

It was a nice warm morning at ROF where we had 4…yes 4 FNG’s


Since tomorrow would’ve been my grandmothers 103’rd birthday we went ahead and did 103 burpees.

12 Burpees on EMOM for 8 minutes + 7 more for 103

At ROF Cousin Eddie is asking us to bring our story/challenges to our Q’s so I incorporated my story into the workout. First was laying the groundwork with what I struggle with.


Ten years ago on paper I was “good”. Had a great job, house, finishing my MBA and my first child was born. Underneath though, I was far from good. I constantly doubted myself, truth be told I didn’t like myself. While I had family and some friends I didn’t have “friends” not like F3. In a word, even though I was surrounded by ppl in a lot of ways I was alone. When stress came, and it did, I wasn’t equipped physically, mentally, or spiritually to deal with it. I didn’t have the positive outlets I needed. So I did the wrong things. I kept it inside, I ate or drank and escaped into lazy excuses. Long story short, I was at least 50-60lbs heavier then compared to what I am now. My first 5 K I finished around 40 minutes. So one day I made the call to get help. I made the call to talk to a therapist. It wasn’t an easy thing to admit but I needed it. Making that call was one of the best decisions of my life. It was the very start of me being able to turn my physical, mental, and spiritual health around. But a lot like a rock just starting to go downhill……that journey didn’t accelerate until about 4 years ago when I joined up with F3.

The doubts still remain….I weigh myself multiple times a day. It’s sounds dumb and unnecessary but it’s just how I check myself. For work I make it a point to be the first to log on/show up on my team each day. For faith I have my SL to continue to inspire me and give me perspective. I can say I am better now than I was….but that journey continues, there’s always a hill to climb and it’ll never end.

So With that, I incorporated 5 sayings/rules that have helped me along the way with different exercises.

Progress over Perfection
4 minutes Tabata Flutters /Lbcs Each Minute increase your total rep count. Push yourselves
Any Great thing isn’t accomplished alone
Bear Crawl Web 1 merkin to 4 bear crawl steps. All the way to 10-40. This was on the Football Field.
Anything worth doing is going to be hard.
25 HR Merkins Sprint down to the opposite Goal line
15 HR Merkins Sprint down to the opposite Goal Line
15 HR Merkins Sprint down to the opposite Goal Line
15 HR Merkins Sprint down to the opposite Goal Line
Occham’s Razor – the simplest explanation/solution is usually the right one
Sprint to the 50 Do 10 Burpees
Sprint to the Goal Line and do 10 burpees
Staring at a hill….doesn’t make it smaller or easier.
Run to the top of the hill by the entrance and do 5 Merkins and 5 LBCS at the top of the hill. Run back down to the bottom and repeat running all the way to COT.

With 10 seconds left I let the Pax know how much I’m thankful for them and that I love them………then I asked them for 5 more burpees.

Honored to lead and to share!

Thank you all!

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