The Hive 2017.39

I have a backlog of backblasts to write so here they go… backblast number 1 of 3!

This was a wonderful morning that appeared like it was going to be just me and Fire Marshall Bill, but Stones came in for this second post ever, and Vernon came in on two wheels at 5:17 cause he spaced and forgot where he was going or why he was a wake at 5:15 in the morning, apparently.

SSH, Windmill, IWs, Merkins

The Thang
52 card pickup, Aces are a 200m~ish lap, face cards are 10 doublecount russian twists, number cards give you the reps of and suit give you the exercise: spades = snatches, hearts = swings, diamonds = squats, clubs = mil press

And that’s… pretty much… it.

TClap |

Is This October?

When Assassin asked me to q a while back I thought October would be great.  Cooler temperatures and lower humidity.  That wasn’t the case!  Oh well, let’s work.

COP included the usual suspects and we warmed up and got ready for the main event.

Our KISS (keep it simple stupid) method or working out was very simple.  Perform called exercise and then run a lap.  Repeat until the list is complete.  The list went a little something like this:

25 swings
25 goblet squats
20 merkins
20 tricep extensions
25 LBC
30 curls (15 each arm)
20 skull crushers
20 calf raises
20 American hammers

We finished in time for two more exercises from the top of the list then we stretched a bit, Destiny prayed us out and we were out of there.  Barely a rain drop fell.  Thank you Sky Q!

Thanks Assassin for the privilege of leading one of the best gear workouts around.

I’ll leave you with this quote:

“If we take a step despite feeling uncomfortable, afraid, or inadequate, our comfort zones expand. We grow in strength and skill. What we consider normal for us changes, sometimes radically”.

Hopefully you moved your comfort zone a little this morning.

Thanks for the honor of leading.

DT out.


TClap |

Lead, follow or move that Kettle Bell out of the way

A beautiful morning gloom dawned on The Armory where the Pax came to pick up heavy things and put them back down again. Cars kept coming and the numbers kept growing as YHC barked out the 2 minute warning. Just as the fun was about to commence, what do our eyes spy, but an FNG! And he basically EH’ed himself after a buddy from the ATL told him about F3. Impresssive indeed. Thus, a full disclaimer (well as close as YHC could get) was offered. And away we go-mosey around the parking lot with some Butt Kickers, High Knees and Soccer Hips thrown in.

COP: (all IC): Windmills * 10, SSH*15, IW*15, MNC*20, Merkins *10, Plank-O-Rama

The Thang:

Mosey with KB to the seat wall in front of the church.

  • 20 Upright Rows & 20 Skull Crushers. Then Take a lap around the lot- Rinse & Repeat 3 times
  • 20 Figure 8’s & 20 Around The Worlds. Then Take a lap around the lot- Rinse & Repeat 2 times
  • 20 KB Swings & 20 Goblet Squats. Then Take a lap around the lot- Rinse & Repeat 2 times

Partner Up (size does NOT matter) for some modified DORA:

  • 100 step ups- P1 starts exercise while Partner 2 bear crawls to top of church stairs and runs back, flapjack
  • 100 dips- P1 starts exercise while Partner 2 bear crawls to top of church stairs and runs back, flapjack
  • Never got to 200 LBCs with this large group.
  • Had to leave time for the TESH favorite- PASS THE DUTCHIE, 1 round to the right, 1 to the left.  Note to self-if you are in the circle with Tesh, switch circles. That 40 lb KB will make you want to cry.

Mosey to COT. Prayers for marriages, our leaders and our community. BE THE LEADER YOU WERE CALLED TO BE. Event if that means you have to get out of your comfort zone. F3 can be a High Challenge proposition but will bring High Rewards.

Thanks Assassin for the opportunity. Great effort by all this morning and great “picking up” of the six. It was a pleasure.

Short Sale out.

TClap |