Little bit of Shoulders at Colosseum

It was a dark and stormy night, but that didn’t deter 14 pax from giving the face palm to the #fartsack.  No FNGs were presesnt and a less than flawless disclaimer delivered.

The Thang:

Mosey to lot past the dumsters for COP – SSHx25, IWx15, Low Slow Squatsx15, Merkins x 10, Windmillsx10,

Divide pax into two circles:  First round – Wave Merkins 1-5 count.  Second round – Wave Squats (Crowd Pleaser) 10-8 count.

Mosey to playground and remember your group from the circles.  3 sets of 10 pullups, 3sets of 20 swing crunches.  Flap jacking between the two

Quick mosey to Brick Wall – 3 sets of 10 muscle ups, with Morrochain Night Clubsx15 in between.

Mosey to front of middle school –  10 Burpees, 10 Step Ups (each leg), 10 CDDs – run a lap of the dropoff loop.  Repeat the 3 exercises but drop a rep each round.  Several speed demons made it to 7 reps (4 rounds).  Most made it to 8 reps (3 rounds)

3MOM – LBCs, 6″, Slow Freddie Mercuries, ‘Merican Hammers

NMM: After an eventful night where thunderstorms tripped my smoke alarms, woke up my 2.1 a couple of times, and a canine with GI issues, I was worried I would sleep through my alarm.  Most pax can relate to nights like this but knowing I was the Q and had other pax needing a lift, I was ready to roll at 4:45.  I love the accountability of this group.  Everyone pushed themselves this morning.  Great work Men!

Lots of announcements so read your newsletters.

Get after it today!


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