10 men joined YHC for a BYOB Jam Session to celebrate the end of a long week at The Hive.
Mosey around the parking lot to get everyone warmed up on this brisk AM.
- 30 Side straddles
- 5 burpees
- 30 squats
- 10 4 count windmills
VQ Squeaky gets voluntold to lead a couple warmup exercises.
- 10 4 count merkins
- 10 4 count mountain climbers
- 5 burpees OYO
Grab your bell and head to The Thang…
The Thang:
YHC brought some classic rock to fire us up and smooth country to slow us down while did some interval Tabata training with a special focus on legs…and beating the tar out of the PAX.
30 seconds AMRAP, 10 seconds rest (several rounds, give or take in this order):
- Goblet squats
- Left leg lunge
- Right leg lunge
- Burpees
- Jump squats
- Bombjacks
- LBCs
- Burpees
- Side lunge left leg
- Side lunge right leg
- Protractor
- Flutter
We went round and round for a while, enjoyed Pandora’s best and the company of the sweaty PAX around us.
- Christmas Party
- Thanksgiving Convergence
- Turkey Drop tomorrow!
Prayers & Praises
- plenty of praises from all PAX
- special prayers for young friend of Socrates with cancer & family member of Whitewater involved in car accident
Last word – focus less on the stress caused by being busy and more on the opportunity that God has given you that is making you busy.