- QIC: Dark Helmet
- When: 09/11/2018
- Pax: Cheddah, Copyright, Dark Helmet, Mainframe, Punch List, Spiderman, Zima
- Posted In: Uncategorized
There were roughly 2000 steps in the towers… If you just walk that (not on stairs) it’s roughly a mile…
There were nearly 3000 souls who lost their lives as a result of the terror attacks on 9/11…
Therefore, we were going to perform 1 mile of running (with rucks) and 3000 reps (one for each person who died).
Mosey over to the hill behind the apartments by the fountain (consult Google Maps if you have no idea what I’m talking about).
Up the hill and back (1/3 mile)
10 exercises/100 reps each
- Curls
- Merkins
- Squats
- Overhead Press
- Partner Leg Press
- Flutters
- Chest Press
- Mtn Climbers
- Upright Row
Up the hill and back
- 100 count front hold
- 100 count plank hold
- 100 count squat hold
- 100 count overhead hold
- 100 count body destroyer
- 100 count lateral hold (switch arms at 50)
- 100 count close body hold (bent arms)
- 100 count tri hold
- 100 count boat hold
- 100 count body destroyer
Up the hill and back
- Curls
- Merkins
- Squats
- Overhead Press
- Partner Leg Press
- Flutters
- Chest Press
- Mtn Climbers
- Upright Row
Now… we only got to about Flutters on set 1. I thought we’d get a little further, but it was HARD. The element of not being able to finish was kind of baked in there though, since all the people that day who died very unexpectedly didn’t get to finish either… Live every day. Don’t be complacent. Take the #DRP. Get right, Live right, Lead right, Leave right.
Helmet, out.
**Also, there was one other dude with us that morning, and I’m sure he’ll be offended, but I can’t remember for the life of me who it was… If you remember, or if it was you, sound off in the comments.**