The Barnabas Workout

7 Sons of Encouragement braved Tropical Storm Michael today. We mostly took refuge for safety reasons under the awning as we moseyed to the front of Springfield Elementary. A forewarning was given in the beginning at the parking lot that we would be moving the entire 45 minutes as well as the basic F3 disclosure.

We started with a warm-up run including high knees, butt-kickers, side shuffles, and toy soldiers. The paced picked up as we got closer to the awning.

Some additional warm-up highlights: everyone seemed to be breathing pretty heavily after warm-up, which included side lunges, squats, crucifix, full-body crab reach, SSHs, shoulder stretches, large arm circles, shoulder shrugs, backwards lunges, and, of course, merkins. I probably forgot a few more.

The Thang:

We broke up into 2 groups with a PAX in the middle. Each group did the same exercise from the middle of the front of the school to the end of the awning and back (at least once) while the PAX, I mean monkey, in the middle did full dips on an Equalizer set of bars until exhaustion and then KB swings until everyone was done with their exercises. As we waited on whoever was the six, we stayed in 6 inches plank. Each person rotated in as we immediately, and I mean immediately, started the next workout exercise(s). We did at least 14 rounds of exercises before we switched the monkey in the middle exercise and did almost another 14 rounds. The second go-round included an agility exercise focusing on concentration, stepping, higher knees and left-right and right-left movement followed by single arm thrusters with the 30 lb KB.

While the PAX in the middle was doing his thing, below are just a sample of the exercises we did today with several left off purposely so you will just have to experience them yourself next time! Most reps were in the 10-180 range.

  • Derkin into a opposite leg Tuck Planks
  • Single leg hops
  • Long jump hops
  • Frog walks
  • High toe touches
  • SSHs
  • X Jumps
  • Squat Jumps
  • Sprints
  • 50% sprints
  • Turkish getups
  • Lunges
  • Backwards lunges
  • The “Straight Up version of The Worst Merkin Ever” (lots of groaning on this one including from me)
  • Bear Crawls
  • Standard Derkins
  • Backwards Bear Crawls
  • Air Mountain Climbers
  • And we finished with Spiderman crawls

I will admit that the Spiderman crawls sucked the last bit of energy out of me. Big shout-out to Jedi and Cha-Ching who rocked the last exercise even in their exhausted state. One of these days I may become as flexible as Jedi and as strong as Cha-Ching . . . well, in reality, maybe not. Good goal to have.

Other highlights:

Dillweed: tough, tough workout partner. Thank you for your partnership today!

Jiffy: always love your consistency and superb attitude!

Love Handle: man, how you have improved! Keep up the progress and great work! You are starting to make things look easy!

Peabody: Always impressive, especially with the physical struggles that have kept him out from time to time. Solid, impactful example performance today.

So these were your 7 Sons of Encouragement today. Today’s theme: Encourage another today whether that is your gift or not. We had SUPERB encouragement from each other with this group. I challenge you to go out in your own little world and encourage someone today. And in your own Qs, bring the encouragement!

Lastly, I did not get to say this during the group this morning, but I was very encouraged by Drew Brees this week as I walked into the break room at work for a total of 5 seconds and heard on the tv a quote from him. I am a terrible memorizer but I was able to get this quote on one go-round. Thank you, Lord. I have always admired his efforts in the NFL but this encouragement quote really stuck out this week as I and many of you have had setbacks: “A setback is nothing more than a setup for a comeback.” Thanks for the encouragement and true words, Drew.

Go out this week and get at it in all you do. Praise to the One  who made you.

COT: Specific prayer requests: Some wives have really been struggling as of recent. Let’s support them in prayer, love them and be there for them. Prayer for all those working through Hurricane Michael issues today and yesterday and for safe travel for all.

I’m out for 2018. No more Qs. Look me up to Q at your site in Ft Mill/Rock Hill/Lake Wylie mid-Feb 2019+. Peace out!



TClap |

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