Hillbillies on the Loose at The Coop

Wednesdays are great. You’re in the middle of the workout week and your body and mind are prime to push things a bit. Today was no exception at the Coop.

No FNGs. Disclaimer was disclaimed. Off we went.

Slow mosey around the parking lot and pretty much back to the COT area for the COP:

15-30 of the following, keeping folks off balance:
* WM
* IW

Then off to the track for the following:

Hillbilly 12s:

You vs you, as far as you can push it. 12 rounds of the following:

  1. 12 burping hillbillies (BH), then 1 humping hillbilly (HH), then one lap running the track (400m)
  2. 11 BH, then 2 HH, then 1 lap
  3. 10 BH, 3 HH, 1 lap
  4. 9 BH, 4 HH, 1 lap
  5. so on and so on until done.
  • burping hillbillies (BH) = a burpee but instead of a jump at the end you do a good knees to elbows hillbilly walker
  • humping hillbillies (HH) = a monkey humper transitioned to a hillbilly walker
  • Focus on getting the form right, don’t cheat yourself!!

Most completed 8-9 rounds, a few completed more. Everyone did great!! There was a lot of good mumblechatter as always with the Coop group, as well as some good ol fashioned complaining which means I did something right. If I can get Alchemy to slow down then I know I picked a good workout routine.

Kudos to those PAX who said they are not runners, that they do not like running –  they ran well the WHOLE TIME and pushed themselves. That’s how you get better at a weakness.

We do not do enough regular running / cardio in my opinion. We made up for that today. About 3 miles running plus around 80 BH and HH. Cardio health is the key to your longevity. Do not slack on it!!

Back to COT for Announcements, P&P.

Thanks Punch List for the opportunity to lead.



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