Catch me if you can

Nine men gathered at Gold Hill Elementary, weather was clear and lower 70’s.

Warm up
Mosey Run to small parking lot near entrance
Circle up and do:
SSH (IC 12x)
Windmill (IC 12x)
Imperial Walker (IC 12x)
Moroccan Nightclub (IC 12x)
Low Slow Squats (IC12x)
Peter Parker (IC 12x)
Plank stretches
Downward dog
Burpees (OYO 5X)

Run back down

Thang 1: Elevens
start w/ 1 Merkin at intersection #1
run to intersection #2 (distance = 300′) and do 10 LBC’s
Run back and do 2 Merkins
run to other side do 9 LBC’s
procced until 10 merkins and 1 LBC

Thang 2: Catch you if you can/Tug of War
Need three light posts, equidistant apart
Partner up, size kinda matters
Start in center of area, where:
P1 does 5 Burpees
P2 crab walks towards their goal post/end
When P1 done w/ exercise, he runs and tags P2.
At that spot, P1 crab walks towards his goal, P2 stops and does six burpees
When P2 done w/ exercise, runs and tags P1.  back/forth continues until a pax reaches a goal.
Each iteration the pax adds two burpees (P1 = odd #’s = 5, 7, 9 etc, P2 = even #’s = 6, 8, 10 etc)
Alternate play: Bobby Hurleys/ Lunge walk or Burpee/broad jumps,

Thang 3: Global Warming
PAX in circle. Hold Al Gore while shuffling in a circle. Q shouts out exercise and amount (10 merkins, 20 Bobby Hurleys, 10 burpees, etc.).  Recover from exercise and shuffle in opposite direction. Rinse, repeat.

Short run to seven mins of Mary.

Be careful and aware on the roads.  For most of us, it’s the most dangerous part of our day.

TClap |

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