The Honey Badger 1776 Challenge

There was alot of chitter chatter on Twitter…..and Slack……leading up to this workout on 7/1 regarding posting to Badger or some other location in the greater Fort area. I ponder if some thought my idea of a finishing this Badger workout with an earned patch was like luring kids with candy and less worthy. I guess others though 0430 wakeup was a little too early, disturbing their beauty sleep, and had to lament about that as well (even though preruns and prerucks some participate in do indeed launch around that time). I guess  some people still think Badger workouts ONLY come from a book.

Well, I like to think they were all wrong. If others chose to not post to Badger, that’s their choice. That’s part of what 7/4/1776 is all about.

But 11 HIMs did show up early. They heard my disclaimer. We had a VERY brief warmup run then the  COP right at the start

15-20 or so of the following to loosen up a little:
* Windmill
* IW
* and a few other things

Then off we went to the track/football field for the main event.

The Honey Badger 1776 Challenge

Laps of 400m runs, plus 1,776 Exercises
Not many words of inspiration. Get right into it. OYO, You vs you. Similar to the Fort’s infamous Board of Pain, but I tweaked it a little because wanted everyone to complete it in around 90 minutes, not get 1/2 way only to come back a week later to get 1/2 way again. Q Special was  – if running out of time – allow folks to team up to accumulate/add reps together. Goal is for everyone to complete it in 1.5 hrs or so. We did not need it.
  1. 50 Burpees
  2. 100 Calf Raises (50 Reg / 50 Toe out)
  3. 100 Ski Abs (DC)
  1. RUN 400m
  1. 100 Merkins
  2. 100 LSS
  3. 100 LBC
  1. RUN 400m
  1. 100 CDD
  2. 100 Jump Squat
  3. 100 AMERICAN Hammer (DC)
  1. Run 400m
  1. 100 Overhead Clap
  2. 100 Mountain Climbers (DC)
  3. 100 Hello Dolly
  1. Run 400m
  2. Q Special – Teaming can start after this run pending time remaining
  1. 100 Wide Arm Merkin
  2. 100 Jump Lunge (SC)
  3. 100 Flutter (DC)
  1. Run 400m
  1. 100 Plank Shoulder Tap (SC)
  2. 100 Hillbilly Walker AND – Badger Challenge of 100m Crab Walk
  3. 100 SSH AND – Badger Challenge of 100m Bear Crawl
  1. Run 400m
  1. 26 Burpees

Music was provided. Not the death metal Dirty wanted to satisfy his unicorn rainbow spirit animal urges, but what I provided was good enough. MAN WAS IT HOT!! We all were completely coated in those little rubber pellets in the artificial turf field. Longshanks was King for sure, but we all pushed each other through it and everyone completed it. That was the goal, and we met it.

As we were around #12 or so the sun started coming up… amazing red glow that got brighter and more vibrant as daybreak drew closer. We all took a moment now and then to admire God’s creative artistry on display. It was absolutely stunning. and seeing it as your rounded the curve halfway through a lap was quite motivating. It gave you that little boost only He can do.

Back to the COT for a little discussion on Freedom, getting patched, and A/P/P.

Those who were there earned a “Freedom Isn’t Free” patch. Yes, a patch. For one, in honor of 7/4/1779. For two, the BoP is pretty much a mini CSAUP. Completing a slightly watered down version (half the running. a few different exercises, but more exercises) IMO warranted something to remember that.

Freedoom Isn’t Free

As well drew close to Independence Day on that Monday, I wanted everyone to remember what went into achieving our independence. It is not just about the soldiers who fought and died in the Revolutionary War. They are a huge part of why we have our independence, but so are the people who essentially started the war. In the years leading up to it, the men and women behind the rebellion from British rule were forging the foundation of a new, independent country knowing that their actions could lead to their own death, or to harm of their loved ones. That took alot of courage to stand behind their convictions. They wanted this country to stand and prosper on its own ruling power, but in order to do that they collectively had to stand and fight on their own willpower. They knew that once they declared freedom from the Kingdom of Great Britain, there was no turning back. Either they would become a free country, or they would all die trying. When those 56 men of the Second Continental Congress from the Thirteen Colonies that made up the fledgling nation signed the Declaration of Independence, they knew the gravity of the situation but were more than willing to do so. Their act of signing and ratifying the Declaration of Independence was an act of treason, punishable by death. Those men were hunted down. Their properties, belongings seized. Their families were taken prisoner or sometimes executed as well. But that did not matter to them. While other men were dying on the battlefield, they were dying behind the lines. MANY made the ultimate sacrifice to forge our freedoms. To this day MANY have made the ultimate sacrifice since to ensure they remain in place. Never forget that. Never take anything you are blessed with in this country for granted, for there are MANY with MUCH less. Pay what you have forward to others less fortunate, even if it means taking risks – however they may affect you –  to do so. That’s how this country, and world, will get better. That’s how our country was born.

Happy Independence Day!! Happy Birthday USA!!

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

TClap |

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