Deck of fun w/insurance

Started w/some stretchy things then mosey down to MS for 20 merkins, 20 squats, and LBC. Mosey for a while, 15 of each, mosey then 10, mosey some more for 5 each.

Deck of fun w/insurance:
♡ = hard release merkins
♧ = jump squats
◇ = big boys
♤ = monkey humpers
Ace=1, cards 1 – 8, do the reps at each of the three lines, suicide run style
9 – K (13 for those that are challenged), only do the rep at the far line
Each person pulls 2 cards. Before pulling cards PAX can decide if they want insurance. 5 burpees for insurance. If you take insurance and pull 2 high cards, group only does half of reps. But if one low and one high card then group does everything.

I think we made it through about 2 rounds. PAX took insurance about 75% of the time and it paid off 0% of the time. Anyway, something different to try and blend some running in with the normal deck of Death.

Also, not sure about Slash’s new diet but he needs to cut down on the fiber. Thank goodness we were outside and there was a breeze!

TClap |

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