Count the right only

WARMUP: mosey brogaish things, @reaper stuff, few other things
THE THANG: a little 4 corners around the track 15ish was the count for all. Mostly for those requiring right side counts only. Merkins, mtn climbers, shoulder taps. Little mosey squats calf raises and monkey humpers; mosey then SSH seal jacks and overhead claps; mosey abs stuff big boys weezy Jefferson’s and that other exercise I couldn’t remember yeah bicycle somethin. Mosey over to benches for dirkins and dips. Did a pledge of allegiance somewhere in there with some rebel merkins
MARY: not much time left for American hammers and upright flutters. Oh yeah those were Freddy mercurys we did earlier.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: finally Fogertys trash pick.
COT: marriages and health concerns for a few.

TClap |

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