38’s truckload of pain

WARMUP: SSH, cherry pickin’, imperial walker
THE THANG: mosey over to pain town where pain stations have been prepared.
1. Electric slide with 100lb sand bag (and two 12lb black iron pipes wrapped in duct tape). Each man grabs a side and side squat to the left/right)
2. Swings
3. Brick merkins (hands on pavers. Pavers are flat, on their side, or on the end)
4. Goblet Squats
5. Calf Raises (on 2×6’s)
6. Woodcutter
7. Step ups with weight (22″, 24″ or 30″)
Backup pain stations were not necessary as 15 PAX showed up.

The tabata app was set to 50s work, 20 seconds rest, 8 cycles, 60s between rounds. PAX paired up and worked together. After 8 cycles drop your weight and do a lap around the parking lot.
MARY: Hold your bell over your head, stand on each foot for 10s
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Things to shoot, things to drink. Shower Curtain is looking for coats tomorrow.
COT: Praises and prayers offered up

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