Last Man Standing

Some KB swings, rows, cleans, overhead presses, RDLs then a 3 mile run (I think that’s record distance for a gear AO).


Not the way I expected to end my run as site Q, but it is what it is. Learned a lot of lessons over the 1.25 years as a site Q. Lessons that transfer very well to life. I’ve learned a lot about myself, and by extension, those around me. I’ve learned that at times (and quite often) leadership can be lonely. Learned that there are a lot of well meaning people. Also learned that (too much) change can act as a repellent.

It’s also unfortunate that the sun has to set on a KB AO, but anyone is free to lead and pick it up from where it ended.

Keep accelerating, keep fostering male community leadership, keep being High Impact Men in (y)our communities.

-Beaker out ✌🏾

TClap |

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