Is your Deck in Order?

All in cadence
– Moroccan nightclubs
– Cherry pickers
– Windmill
– Imperial walker
– Side straddle hop
Pick up bag and mosey to outside theatre
– Partner exercise: bags do not touch the ground for the duration
– Partner 1 takes bag up to second level and completes 20 upright rows while partner 2 side lunges until the partner gets back. Once partner 1 returns, switch
– Once completed, partner 1 takes bag up to level 4 and completes 30 curls while partner 2 does calf raises, once partner 1 returns, switch
– Mosey to back parking lot with bag on shoulders
Card game:
Run to other side, pick up a card. Nur back to start and complete the below exercises.

Numbers 1-10, do the number of reps per card:
Hearts – Squats with bag on shoulders
Clubs – Bent over rows
Diamonds – Overhead press
Spades – Over the shoulder bag toss
A – 5 Man-Makers
K – 10 Lunge squats w/bag on shoulders, single count
Q – 15 Bomb jacks
J – 20 Flutter w/press
Joker – 5 Kraken Man-Makers. Do these yourself or hand to anyone of your choice

At end, count up cards and call them out. Complete overhead presses in the amount of cards you gathered
MARY: No need
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 4th of July convergence
COT: Boomer and his family, those still sick and suffering from addictions

TClap |

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