Check Ya Neck

WARMUP: (all IC) – SSH, 5 x Lt. Dan (10 count), Moroccan NC, 4 Lt. Dan, Imp.Walkers, 3 Lt. Dan, Neck Stretches, 2 Lt. Dan, Planck-Jack w/ Merkin (4 count), 1 Lt. Dan

OYO – 20 BB situps

THE THANG: ON THE GRASS (4 cones – ~20-yards distance): Fireman’s Drags down… return with Wheelbarrow walk/hop… switch (3 reps each partner)
Flutter presses w/ KB till 6 is up
“Double-Backed Beasts” (AKA Wrestler Sit-ups) 30 Dora
Partner Bent-over Rows 30 Dora … Recover

Rack KB & walk to PARKING LOT STATION.. Reps were cut to accommodate Time
30 KB Swings, 10 Bicep curls, 4 Weighted Knee-tucks, 8 KB Halos each Side
Indian Run Around Lot

MARY: Dirty Dogs (21 count) and Oma-Plata Hip Thrusters (5 each side)

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Sweaty Barry this Thursday, Dad’s & 2.0’s next Saturday, Yaeger + Tortoise & Hare later in summer.

COT: Prayers for Sprocket’s impending Grandson, Time Machines’ travel to Auburn, Praises for those participating in Outreach efforts

TClap |

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