Taking our Lumps

We had seven for a somewhat comfortable beatdown at the Sink this morning. Here’s what we did:

– Standing stretches (left, right, center)
– 10 Windmills (IC)
– 10 Imperial Walkers (IC)
– 10 Low Slow Squats (IC)
Mosey to front of school

– 10 Bent Over Rows (IC)
– 10 Overhead Press (IC)
– 10 American Hammers (IC)
– 10 Squats (IC)
– 10 Thrusters (IC)
Mosey the short loop

– 10 Lunges (each leg)
– 10 Upright Row
– 10 Manmakers
– 10 Plank Pulls (each side)
– 10 Sit-ups
Mosey the long loop

– 10 Curls
– 10 Ranger Merkins (bag on back)
– 10 Alternating Shoulder Taps (bag on back)
– 10 Press Ups
Long Mosey to COT

– Sitting stretches (left out, right out, butterfly)
– 10 Ab Mat Sit-ups

As men, we take our LUMPS. Work piles up. The honey-do list grows. Sometimes it can be daunting. But, we train for this. We don’t BOAST about how we’re handling the CRAP life throws at us. Instead, we face the challenges head-on with our heads high. We keep going, showing resilience and grit, even when things aren’t going our way. You may not think people notice what you do, but we do. We see the work you are doing to get better and your effort will make you stronger – ready for the next thing life hurls at you. Keep going, brother. You’re built for this.

TClap |

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