Going Off Campus

Nine booters and one runner did the hard thing this morning. 92% humidity and a real feel of 76 degrees added a little extra suck to the fun this morning. Here’s what we did.

– 10 Imperial Walkers (IC)
– 10 Moroccan Night Clubs (IC)
– 10 SSHs (IC)
– 10 Seal Jacks (IC)
Mosey to Dunkin side lot

– Bear Crawl
– Crawl Bear
– Crab Walk
– Walk Crab
– Bunny Hop
– Broad Jump

In between exercises, run to the other end of the lot
– 10 Burpees
– 9 LBCs (IC)
– 8 Merkins (IC)
– 7 American Hammers (IC)
– 6 Makhtar Ndiayes (IC)
– 5 Boxcutters (IC)
– 6 Sphinx Merkins (IC)
– 7 Flutters (IC)
– 8 Tempo Merkins (IC)
– 9 Freddies (IC)
– 10 Big Boys (IC)
Mosey to Oakcrest Prep

– 20 Squats
– Nur
– 20 Narrow Squats
– Karaoke
– 20 Calf Raises
– Run
– 20 Lunges
– Karaoke
Mosey to Express Oil

– 14 Irkins (IC)
– 10 Dips (IC)
– 8 Derkins (IC)
– People’s Chair (10 Count)
– 10 Dirty Hookups (IC)
Mosey to Rita’s

– 10 Dips (IC)
– 10 Irkins (IC)
Mosey to COT lot

In between exercises, run to the other end of the lot
– 10 Burpees
– 9 LBCs (IC)
– 8 Merkins (IC)
– 7 American Hammers (IC)
– 6 Makhtar Ndiayes (IC)
– 5 Boxcutters (IC)
– 6 Sphinx Merkins (IC)
– 7 Flutters (IC)
– 8 Tempo Merkins (IC)
– 9 Freddies (IC)
– 10 Big Boys (IC)

Circle the lot and return shopping carts
Total Miles: 1.85

Find some time this weekend to give a little to someone else. We make time for things that matter to us, so give some of that time to someone you love. Maybe spend a few minutes listening to your wife about her week. Maybe find time to play that game your kids have been asking to play with you. Maybe help your neighbor in their yard. Whatever it is, just do it – not for the recognition, but because you care. I promise it will make your day a little brighter.


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